nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 71 Li Yanxi's Tangle

Chapter 71 Li Yanxi's Tangle
Today is August [-]th, the day when Girls' Generation's official comeback album "lion heart" is released, a day for all the sones to revel together.

Countless sones all over the world are paying attention to the eight people who are returning at this time. Although many people have a part in their eyes, they are still disappointed that they can no longer appear as a complete body, but everyone is still looking forward to it.

At this time, in Li Yanxi's Huaguo fan group, a group of fans were also discussing in full swing.

"A meatball of fraternity": "Xiao Yanxi, the legs are back, will you go to the scene then?"

"Little Yanxi": "Of course, Yoona O'Neill has already given me a share of the audience tickets for each of their singing stages."

"Smoking rice": "?????"

"God Machine": "!!!!!!"

"Meng Yunmu": "You are so familiar with Yuner now? Can you help me get a copy of Yuner's autographed posters?"

"Young Master An": "Yun'er, my wife!"

"Lin Yuner's male relative" @"安少": "An Shao is in the department! Climb for me!"

"I don't know the night": "Just give me a signed Polaroid."

"Dazzling morning light": "+1+1"

. . . . . .

After arguing with the "cubs" in the group for a while, Li Yanxi suddenly started to say something serious in the group again.

"Stop making trouble, stop making trouble, talk about business."

"A philanthropic meatball": "What's wrong?"

Li Yanxi hesitated for a while, biting her lower lip with her teeth, and her two eyebrows that were originally very beautiful were brought together at this time, and after struggling for a few breaths, she slowly tapped the keyboard again:

"That's right, I don't know how to say it... Just when I was looking for Yuner O'Neil to get tickets..."

" feels a little weird..."

"Lin Yuner's father": "How do you say it?"

"That's right. Originally, the two of us didn't talk about Yuner O'Neill's side, but just talked about my own feelings. I think there was still a feeling of friends between the two of us before."

"Dazzling morning light": "Isn't that a good thing? What's wrong?"

A little pink rose quietly on Li Yanxi's cheek, she bit her lip, and continued typing on the keyboard with a little shame:
"Just... When I saw Yoona Oni this time... I felt... the way she looked at me and the way she talked to me..."

"Hunan Pu Youtian": "What's the matter?"

Li Yanxi struggled for a second, and finally gritted her teeth and sent out the sentence that had already been typed.

After those words were sent out, the group suddenly fell silent for a few seconds, and then frantically swiped the screen.




Looking at the screen, I realized that the sentence she sent was "I think the way she looks at me is very similar to how a sister-in-law looks at a sister-in-law..."

After sending that sentence, Li Yanxi no longer had the courage to read the replies from her friends in the group, so after she finished sending that sentence, she quickly and decisively closed the chat software, leaving only countless people in the group Confused people eating melons.

After turning off the computer, Li Yanxi looked at the black screen of the computer, and couldn't help being dazed for a while.

Unknowingly, her thoughts went back to the day when she met Lin Yun'er.

It was a sunny afternoon, and my own teacher Jing Hao didn't go to the film crew that day, because there was an operation that required him to perform that day, so he stayed in the hospital after communicating with the director.

I have known Mr. Jing Hao and got along for a long time, especially, I have been secretly in love with him for several years now.

I still remember that it should be in a sophomore class. Professor Li Zhongwan brought an assistant, who is now Jing Hao, and introduced him to all the students as a teaching assistant, and informed everyone that in the future The course will be taught by Mr. Jing Hao.

When I first saw him, I was attracted by his handsome appearance. At that time, he was dressed very plainly, just a simple plaid shirt with a pair of clean jeans.But his attire did not affect his out-of-this-world temperament in the slightest, especially in a classroom that was not too big or small, how many classmates were stunned by his handsome and cruel face.

Li Yanxi can still remember the sounds of her best friend who was sitting next to her swallowing her saliva the first time she saw Jing Hao.It can be said that Jing Hao at that time gave all the female students a huge impact, so much so that many male students felt a little jealous of him.

After Li Zhongwan introduced him to his classmates, everyone was a high-achieving student after all. Even the female students who were very envious of Jing Hao felt very sorry for the fact that Professor Li Zhongwan let Jing Hao be their teacher. Decision, with some doubts.

Obviously, everyone was worried, because after all, Li Zhongwan was a well-known ace professor in the school. If Jing Hao was compared with him, it would be difficult for everyone to feel at ease.

But soon, this voice of doubt disappeared. Not only was Jing Hao's explanation of their courses not weaker than that of Professor Li Zhongwan, but because he was a young man, when he was teaching, he would also explain the contents of the textbook. Some ways to deal with it come up with some ideas of my own.

This way of thinking was not taught to them by all the teachers before, so it had a huge impact on them.In addition to sighing, everyone has to admit that this way of thinking of putting forward one's own ideas and combining them with the latest achievements in reality is really helpful to one's own learning.

Since then, many female classmates, including myself, have secretly expressed their love for him.There are even many courageous students, including some senior sisters, female students from other departments in the school, and even many people from other schools, including Seoul National University, have confessed to him, but without exception, they were all rejected. .

Li Yanxi has seen many such examples, so that feeling can only be quietly hidden in her heart.Later, after studying with Professor Li Zhongwan and becoming his junior sister, I deeply buried this emotion in the deepest place in my heart.

He knew very well that if he confessed, he would definitely be rejected, because he only regarded himself as a lively and lovely little junior sister, and he only had the pure love that a senior brother would have for a senior junior sister.But if he doesn't confess his love all the time, he and himself will always be as close as ever. Although they can only be junior sisters, it's much better than the situation where two people are always embarrassed by each other.

Because of such feelings, although Li Yanxi usually looks carefree and heartless, she is very sensitive to many things, especially everything about Jing Hao.

And during that period of time, she clearly felt that Jing Hao was different from before.

When he was at work, he never looked at his mobile phone all the time, but in the recent period, he controlled his mobile phone every day, and from time to time, there would be a doting smile on his cheek that was difficult for others to detect.

There were many, many things that were wrong about him, which made a possibility appear in her heart:
Brother Jing Hao, is he in love?

And when Lin Yun'er found herself, this feeling was magnified countless times!
 Today's Heartbeat Song: Secret Story of the Swan (Fantasy Fairy Tale) - IZONE
  Then, according to the usual practice, ask for a wave of votes in everyone's hands.

  Thank you to everyone who continues to pay attention to this book
(End of this chapter)

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