nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 73 The Morning Sheep

Chapter 73 The Morning Sheep
Before dawn, Kim Taeyeon jogged out with headphones on.

Under the dark sky, the huge city is still lit with dotted lights.

The brilliant and shining streets, like the criss-crossing comet trails, have the same dazzling brilliance, but also have different clear boundaries.

The street lamps on the street downstairs were still so bright, and the light shone white on the ground, but the road conditions seemed much deserted, and the surrounding area was quiet.

Only occasionally, accompanied by the sound of approaching cars gradually reverberating, a few red lights from the rear of the car will flash across the street in front of you. You don’t need to think about it, you know, it’s either coming home late, or getting up earlier than yourself people.

Compared with the hustle and bustle of the day, SH at this time feels a little bustling. Of course, this is just an illusion. Although the lights have dimmed, they have not been extinguished after all.

Standing on the Han River Bridge, Taeyeon looked at the thick fog on the river in the distance through the railing. It was so vast that she couldn't see anything, so she couldn't help squinting her eyes.

Kim Taeyeon has been very irritable recently, maybe it's because the recent comeback has brought her a bit of pressure, or maybe it's because of some reason she doesn't know, there always seems to be a cloud of uneasiness shrouded in her heart.

For some reason, she has become particularly irritable recently.Before her debut, she liked to stand on the Han River Bridge to encourage herself, but this habit, after two years of her debut, and after the group's momentum skyrocketed, she has not come here to express her feelings for a long time.

That was a habit she developed when she was a trainee.

During the period of trainees, the company's selection of girl groups was always based on performance, and at that time, she often worried about the fate of herself and several of her familiar sisters.

But her personality is very meaty, she is not the kind of personality who is willing to share her heart with others. Pisces people are naturally sensitive, and they are naturally able to understand people's hearts, but this sensitivity makes them more willing to share their own feelings. Some of the unhappy things are hidden in my heart.

I still remember that when it was Heihai, she also came here. At that time, she was full of pressure, and she didn’t want to make her teammates worry about her because of her emotions. , after all, I am the captain of the group and the oldest in the group.

At that time, like today, she came here before dawn, shouted at the Han River Bridge, expressed her emotions, and wrote on the railing on the bridge. Some little embarrassing words.

Her hand stroked back and forth on the railing, thinking of herself at that time, she couldn't help but looked at the distant river and smiled idiotically.

Now she is no longer worried about the development of the group, but now she is no happier than she was at that time.

Especially the last two years.

She has more or less experienced a lot of unforgettable things. Although the current self has stood farther than the goal she set before her debut, but at this moment, besides continuing to move forward, she seems to be There are no more goals.

Speaking of which, after this comeback, I will make my solo debut.

Thinking of this, Taeyeon's lips curled up a little bit, but there was only a little bit.

Being able to make a solo debut is the goal I have been chasing, but when this happened, I was not as excited as I imagined.

Especially recently, I always feel as if something bad is about to happen, especially last week, that feeling has never been stronger.

If he didn't know that his elder brother was by his parents' side, and had also called himself, he would have thought that something had happened to his parents.

It wasn't until the last few days that this feeling gradually diminished, but I still felt that something was blocking me, and I was still a little depressed.

She closed her eyes, felt the wind brought by the passing cars on the road behind her, and listened to the rhythm of the city that was still running behind her.

At this time, the sky is not yet bright, and the city has already started to run non-stop.

Sometimes, she always felt that the city was like a huge submarine.

Even if the light is gone and it dives into the deep seabed, it still does not stop working, and the internal "parts" are still playing their respective roles.

Big cities have the rules of survival in big cities. No matter how late you work, someone will always be later than you. No matter how early you wake up, the world is still one step ahead of you.

When the concept of time begins to blur, there is not much difference between day and night.

Just like my "hardworking part", I have been busy with my work recently.

Thinking of this, Taeyeon couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth in self-mockery, and finally took a deep breath of cold air, turned around and went to wash.

After waiting for more than an hour, when she took off her earphones panting on a section of greenway and looked back at the white belly slowly revealing in the sky, a vague smile appeared on her lips again.

The "submarine" began to surface.

After returning to the dormitory, he saw that the dormitory was still dark and quiet, and there was no surprise on his face.

He didn't turn on the light either, but walked slowly into the darkness, and with his body's memory and a bit of visual adaptation, he found the refrigerator's location accurately.

There were still a few members sleeping in the dormitory. Kim Taeyeon carefully took out a can of Coke from the refrigerator, and with a sound of "bia", she opened the Coke in her hand with trepidation.

He brought the Coke to his mouth, took a big gulp down it, and then closed the refrigerator door in satisfaction, walked to the sofa with the newly opened Coke, and lay down while drinking.

Taeyeon was sitting on the sofa, casually sipping the Coke in her hand, while counting the doors of the dormitory.

Soon Kyu, Pani, Yuri. . . emmm. . .

Speaking of which, it seems like Yooner hasn't been back to the dormitory for a long time.The last time was more than two weeks ago.

I heard from that girl that she has already successfully got together with that one, and I don't know where the two of them have progressed.

Kim Taeyeon couldn't help laughing when she thought of that one.

Speaking of which, that doctor, no, he should be called brother-in-law now, and he is really a bit wooden. I don’t know if such a lively Yooner will be punished because of his straight man when he is with him. I have a headache.

She could already imagine the scene of Yun'er having a headache because of Jing Hao, and accidentally laughed out loud.

Yuner's eyebrows should move towards the middle, raised like an inverted horoscope, and her cheeks are bulging like buns.Even when he is angry, the child's expression is very cute.

When I think of this, I feel as if the two of them are performing in front of my eyes, and even the sense of the picture comes out.

 Today's favorite song: You (=1)——BOL4
  As usual, ask for votes~~~
(End of this chapter)

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