nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 76 The so-called world is difficult to "urine"

Chapter 76 The so-called world is difficult to "urine"

Jin Zhiyuan has been in a bad mood recently. In the crew, although others don't pay much attention to Jing Hao and Lin Yuner, she knows the inside story.

She likes Jing Hao herself, and pays close attention to everything about him.Although she didn't know why the relationship between Jing Hao and Lin Yun'er was so delicate before, but after a day, they suddenly became a little ambiguous.

At the beginning, she thought that the two of them were still secretly in love with each other, silently paying attention to each other's situation.But after watching slowly for a while, she found that the feeling between the two of them was very wrong.

In the previous Jing Hao, although his gaze would always be vaguely focused on Lin Yun'er during the shooting breaks, his gaze was restrained.

If you don't pay close attention to him, it's hard to see the difference in his eyes towards Lin Yuner.

But since a certain day, she found that Jing Hao's gaze towards Lin Yun'er was suddenly no longer so restrained.His eyes are extremely calm no matter who he looks at, but whenever they move to Lin Yuner, they become so gentle.

Although he knew that he had no feelings for him all the time, after feeling this change, Jin Zhiyuan's heart was still gouged out fiercely by an invisible knife.

And Lin Yuner used to occasionally sneak a glance at Jing Hao as if she didn't care. After Jin Zhiyuan knew that Jing Hao liked Lin Yuner, she paid more attention to this O'Neil, and then naturally discovered this too.

But also from a certain day, Lin Yuner looked at Jing Hao more and more, and every time she looked at him, her eyes were full of love that couldn't be concealed, and there was always a trace of love at the corner of her mouth. smile.

Although Jin Zhiyuan has never been in a relationship, she has seen many friends and boyfriends together since she was a child.She was sure that was the appearance of a happy little woman.

Although she may cover up well, it is difficult for a woman to cover up when she encounters feelings.

She didn't know why the two of them suddenly progressed so quickly. She seemed to have lost without knowing anything.

Although I like Jing Hao very much, feelings are not a matter of wishful thinking. No matter how much I care about him, no matter how deep my feelings for him are, things like feelings are always no match for two hearts that are close to each other. .

Thinking of this, Jin Zhiyuan slowly closed her eyes and waved her hands weakly.

Is this relationship that I haven't started yet going to die halfway now?I care about it, but there's nothing I can do.

What's more, now that the "love" between Lin Yoona and Lee Seung Gi has also been announced to be over, there is even less room for him to redeem it.

She casually picked up a magazine from the tea table in front of her, wanting to read the magazine to ease her restless mood.

And the magazine she picked up happened to be a photography magazine.Although Jin Zhiyuan herself doesn't have much time for photography, she still loves photography in private, because her father loves this hobby very much, so under the influence of her father since childhood, she also likes this profession very much.

She thought about the day, and it seems that recently, it is an international photography competition?
Jin Zhiyuan unconsciously held the magazine and muttered: I don't know which master's work will be on the altar this time?
She flipped through the photography magazine casually, looked at some of the works on it, and suddenly found the works of a photographer named "Albert", which seemed to fit her point of view.

She suddenly became interested. You must know that now she doesn't know how to deal with her emotions. Finally, there is something in front of her that can divert her attention, and she will never let it go.

So she quickly put the magazine on the magazine, and her two tender little feet, without socks, lightly stepped on the white floor, and walked briskly to the study.

She jumped onto the chair in three or two steps, and found a comfortable position on the chair with her round buttocks without a trace of fat, and then put her two restless little feet on the stool, like her usual The appearance of a goddess outside was completely different, and she sat down with her legs crossed.

If anyone can see this scene, their mouths will be opened wide in surprise.Because she has always been a goddess-like girl on TV, she is also very beautiful, with smooth skin, and she pays great attention to her appearance in front of people.

The image of this little girl at home, who occasionally buckles her feet, is completely different from a person.

Jin Zhiyuan, who was sitting cross-legged on a chair, looked at the computer in front of her with great interest, and tapped on the power button of the main computer with her green fingers without hesitation.

Soon, the black screen of the computer in front of him lit up.

After waiting for the computer to fully start up, Jin Zhiyuan couldn't wait to open naver, and searched for the name "Albert" on it.

After seeing a lot of Alberts in the search results, she felt a little numb for a while, and looked at the screen in front of her cutely, and looked a little cute for a while.

How could there be so many people named Albert?

But after being blinded for a while, the smart girl seemed to remember something again. She snapped her fingers playfully around her temple with her right hand, and stretched her hands to the keyboard again, crackling on it. A few more taps.

After looking at the screen, she found that she had added the word "photographer" before the word "Albert".

Looking at the entries that flashed on the computer at this time, she seemed very satisfied with her wit, looked at the screen, and smiled sweetly.

My wife is still very smart, hehehehe~~~~o(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓
Then she manipulated the mouse, and casually clicked on the entry on the top.

"Albert, the photographer of Huaguo, born Wang Taika, is a documentary..."

After reading the introduction for a while, Jin Zhiyuan lost interest and stopped looking down at the introduction of this person named "Wang Taika", but turned to his works, admiring them one by one.

After looking at the polar night starlight in front of her and many pictures of landscapes in various places around the world, she said "wow", her mouth opened wide, and she stared at the shocking pictures on the screen in a daze.

For a moment, she was fascinated by those extremely magnificent and brilliant natural masterpieces.

After looking at some of his works for a while, she was still a little unsatisfied, but she still hadn't forgotten the recent photo contest.So she reluctantly turned off the photography works of the photographer with a strange name, and turned to search for the entries of this year.

Her eyes scanned the screen line by line, and many masters such as "Tim Walker", "Elad Lassry" and "Wolfgang Tillmans" also voted for their entries.

But when she looked at those lists, she suddenly noticed a very familiar name: "Albert"? ? ?
Isn't this the photographer I was looking at just now?
So she smiled in surprise and a little surprised, and clicked on his entry, but when she saw the photo that popped up, the smile on the corner of her mouth froze for a while.

In the picture on the screen, a couple who can feel their love for each other from the screen are cuddling each other, lying on a bench against the afterglow of the evening.

Although the picture is very heart-warming, but at this moment, Jin Zhiyuan's heart is as cold as if it has fallen into an ice cellar.

What she saw on the screen was the face she was extremely familiar with, the person she loved so much.

As the saying goes, it is difficult to "pee" in the world, she never thought of it, how could it be such a coincidence!

 Today's favorite song: カタオモイ——Aimer
  After reading today's chapter, you should understand some of my previous plots somewhat. Many of the previous plots were not written casually. You will know after reading it slowly.

  Then continue to ask for tickets as usual~~~
(End of this chapter)

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