nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 82 It feels so good

Chapter 82 It feels so good
In fact, Jing Hao had already decided to meet this unknown person the moment he received that text message on his mobile phone.At this time, when he received the note from the co-pilot, his heartbeat in his chest seemed to intensify suddenly, and he paused his gaze.

This man is more dangerous than he imagined!
Although nothing was done, but two reminders were simply sent, but this kind of unnoticed method really makes people shudder.

Thinking about the meeting place again, the wording of LG Electronics has already implicitly implied the identity of the inviter, who must be from the LG family.

Although he didn't know what he had to do with LG, Jing Hao really didn't want to be stared at by such a behemoth.After all, this is on the peninsula, and regardless of whether the other party's intentions are good or bad, there must be no sloppy in front of them.

After all, the other party is a chaebol, and it is still firmly in the top five families in the peninsula. Although it may not be that such a small person as myself can attract the attention of the other party's entire family, the other party must also be in a relatively important position in LG.

Otherwise, the meeting place would not be in LG's headquarters building.

Although LG is considered to be the cleanest and cleanest family among these chaebol families in the peninsula, it is a chaebol after all.

However, although Jing Hao cared a little bit, he didn't feel any fear of this meeting.

Because the other party notified him to go, it meant that he had something to discuss with him, and these two notification methods were just a means for the other party to show off his strength.

I have stayed in the peninsula for a long time. Although a chaebol like LG is not like other houses, it is definitely not a good stubble.Since he didn't directly threaten or punish him, it means that he must have something that the other party cares about.

So here comes the question, what is in your hand that will make the other party care?
Is it his own medical skills?Don't make trouble, although Jing Hao can be regarded as a very good doctor among all the doctors in Yonsei University School of Medicine, but in their eyes, he really doesn't necessarily care about such a small person like himself.

If you want, it's just a matter of saying a few more words if you ask your teacher to do the operation.

So, is it because of my identity?

Although I am a doctor from Huaguo, there are so many people in Huaguo on the peninsula, how could the other party be afraid of something because of my status?In particular, my own family is just an ordinary working-class family. Both parents rely on civil servants and careers to make a living, so they don't care about anything because of this.

In the end, there is only one possibility left.

Could it be his girlfriend?

Jing Hao's car, which was driving steadily, stopped suddenly on the road. Under the rapid braking, the tires rubbed against the ground violently and made a loud noise. The car behind the car also stepped on the brakes, and the driver behind pulled away. He opened the car window, stuck his head out of the car window, and cursed loudly at him.

And all of this, when Jing Hao's mind was blank, there was no reaction.

After his brain finally came to his senses, Jing Hao silently apologized to the rear in his heart, then released the accelerator and continued to drive towards home.

While on the road, Jing Hao had more thoughts about this speculation in his heart.

First of all, the other party must have something to do with his girlfriend, and this guess, Jing Hao is more or less certain in his heart.

Secondly, from the perspective that my girlfriend will appear in the current drama, this guess is more or less confirmed.

This assumption doesn't mean that what happened to my girlfriend by them, after all, Lin Yuner's tutor still has her identity, the possibility of finding someone else to hide the rules is basically zero.

From the perspective of Lin Yuner's tutor, after Jing Hao fell in love with her, he felt Lin Yuner's excellent tutor more or less through the Internet and his usual time with her.

With Lin Yuner's usual attitude towards people and her perfect posture in front of the public, the family she was born in was destined not to be a common people's family.In addition, after so many years, everyone else in their group has basically been pulled out of their family background, but only her family, the public's understanding is almost the least among the nine people.

Especially Cui Xiuying in the company, the status of being from a chaebol family is known to the public.

Then let’s talk about the mysterious person who invited me to meet. Since it is clear that the other person is from LG, judging from LG’s usual style of doing things and some of the family’s reviews, the people in their family will not appear to play with women. The kind of star, with a strong nouveau riche demeanor.

And what if Lin Yuner's family is related to the LG family?
Thinking of this possibility, the fog that shrouded Jing Hao's heart seemed to be partly lifted at last.

It seems that no matter how you think about it, the other party's family is very likely to have something to do with the identity of your girlfriend.

Then this invitation is even more necessary!

In Jing Hao's fast thoughts, the car arrived at the downstairs of his and Lin Yuner's house unconsciously.Jing Hao parked the car in the parking space unhurriedly, then got out of the car and walked into the gate downstairs.

After taking the elevator, he and Lin Yuner arrived at the floor very quickly.After getting out of the elevator, he habitually walked to his home.

After changing into his home clothes, he was walking to the coffee table in front of the living room, picking up a water glass to drink, when he suddenly noticed a note on the coffee table in front of him.

He picked up the note: "Mr. Wuli, change your clothes, pack up and come to my house. I came home first today. I didn't see you for the first time. I feel a little disappointed. You are only allowed to go home." After seeing this note, come to my house and give me a loving hug~~~"

Seeing this note, Jing Hao couldn't help laughing, thinking about his girlfriend's cute expression when she wrote this note, he couldn't help feeling warm in his heart.

Suddenly, I feel that every time I go home, I can see such a cute and clingy girlfriend, which is really a very happy thing.

However, before I can really be qualified to be with her, I still have to solve these difficult problems before me.

With a doting smile, Jing Hao read the note several times again, finally put down the note reluctantly, shook his head with a smile on his face, and walked to the door of Lin Yuner's house.

"Ding dong ding dong." Jing Hao tapped the doorbell lightly.

Soon, Jing Hao, who was standing outside the door, heard footsteps running towards the door.

"Who is it~~~"

"it's me."

"who are you?"

"Jing Hao."

Who knew that she would not open the door, and asked the door playfully in a little boy's voice: "Who is Jing Hao?"

When Jing Hao heard this, he also somewhat reacted, so he answered cooperatively, "It's our Yoon'er's boyfriend!"

As soon as the voice fell, the door was opened. As the door opened outwards, a delicate face that made Jing Hao lose his mind for a moment suddenly appeared in front of him. Following Jing Hao's slightly lost expression, an exquisite face After the door opened, the body couldn't wait to rush into Jing Hao's warm embrace.

Lin Yuner buried her in his arms, closed her eyes, and after the blush on her ears faded slowly, she took a deep breath on him.

It's such a good feeling!

The two whispered to each other in their hearts.


Dividing line

PS: I would like to recommend a book to everyone here, which is a new book opened by a friend of mine.The author is considered a local tyrant. You can often see him on the fan list of many books. His book is called "Peninsula Zhien Gradually Full Moon". It has only ten chapters and has not signed a contract. It is a seedling. You can click it collect.

Then you should be able to guess from the title of the book, yes, the heroine is IU.At least for now, it should be a single heroine, but the possibility of adding a heroine in the future is not ruled out. If you like IU, you can bookmark it.

hy To be honest, the current results can only be laughed at. The authors who are still insisting on writing hy can really say that they are generating electricity for love. Those who really want to make money by writing books are basically transformed up.I hope everyone can support the seedlings who are still updating, and give the newcomers who are going to write hy some courage to open the book.

 Today's favorite song: Do it like this——P1Harmony
  Then I still ask for votes~~~
  By the way, I would like to remind everyone, don’t forget to bookmark the recommended new books~~~

(End of this chapter)

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