nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 87 Call Me Auntie Gu

Chapter 87 Call Me Auntie Gu

"Although I had a high opinion of you before you came, but now it seems that my high opinion of you is more like an underestimation of you."

The woman deeply felt Jing Hao's keen insight and his extraordinary reasoning ability in her heart.The young man in front of her had continuously refreshed her impression of him during the short meeting with her, so that no matter how surprising he was, she would no longer be surprised.

"Papa papa papa." The woman opposite stretched out her hands and applauded Jing Hao with a smile on her face.

"To be honest, you are the first young man I admire so much. Even I have to admit that you are really outstanding."

After puffing for a while, the woman withdrew her slender hands, and the expression on her face returned to a serious expression. She looked directly into Jing Hao's eyes, and said word by word:

"That's right, just like your bold and very accurate guess, I am indeed Lin Yun'er's mother."

"And Lin Yun'er is indeed my biological daughter."

Although I have guessed this answer, I am even very sure of this answer.But when Jing Hao heard such a clear answer from the woman, he still couldn't help but feel a sense of astonishment in his heart.

He thought that the woman in front of him would avoid talking about it, but he didn't expect her to be so frank.

Perhaps feeling his surprise from Jing Hao's expression, the woman blinked at Jing Hao with a teasing look, as if she was "revenge" for her little embarrassment in front of Jing Hao just now.

Although Jing Hao's performance in front of her just now was beyond her expectations, she was also very satisfied.But his meticulous logic just now and his perfect state in the face of his own pressure, in contrast, her "shocked" performance did make her feel that she had lost the "authority" of her elders in front of this junior ".

Seeing Jing Hao's expression at this time, she rolled her eyes naturally, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly, which was not easy to be noticed, and said to him in a "provocative" tone:

"What's the matter? Do you think I'm the kind of person who dare not admit it?"

Jing Hao's expression was a little awkward at this time, and he said to the woman with a wry smile: "Ani, although this answer is very unexpected, I really admire your frankness, Auntie."

"Especially for me now, it's just the first time I've met you. If it were me, it's hard for me to say whether I can be as honest as you."

The woman's behavior in front of Jing Hao at this time, if people who are familiar with her character see it, many people will be dumbfounded.

Because she is showing a little bit of "playing tricks" with small emotions, which is obviously only shown in front of people she trusts very much.

In the eyes of outsiders, she has always acted like a very strong woman, and the people who can see her acting like this are people who are very familiar with her.

And she didn't notice this, but the feeling in each other's hearts between the two of them at this time was much more harmonious than when they first met.

Suddenly, Jing Hao stood up slowly from the chair, first took a careful look at his appearance, then stood straight opposite the woman, regained his composure from the woman's surprised expression, and bent over with standard etiquette. Get down.

"Hello, Auntie. I'm Jing Hao. It's the first time we meet. Please take care of me."

The woman looked at his standard [-]-degree bend and didn't make a sound, while Jing Hao kept bending over without hearing the woman's reaction.

After almost maintaining this state for a minute, the woman slowly said, "In what capacity are you greeting me?"

Jing Hao still maintained his posture meticulously, and said without raising his head: "Although I don't know if you recognize my identity, I am indeed with your daughter now. Now that you have revealed your identity to me, then I must greet you formally in front of you."

"I can't guarantee whether Yun'er and I will always be together in the future, but at least, right now, at this very moment, I am her boyfriend."

The woman looked at Jing Hao for a while, and finally said something that made Jing Hao ecstatic: "It's rare for you to have such a heart, so now I accept your identity, son-in-law Jing."

When Jing Hao heard the name "Jing's son-in-law", he was taken aback for a moment, raised his head immediately, and said to the woman with a blank expression, "Huh?"

The woman looked at his naive look at this time, and finally showed the behavior that a young man of this age should have. She gave him an annoyed look, and the unintentional amorous look was very much like when Lin Yuner was fighting with him. look.

"What, you don't want to?"

"No, no, no, I am willing, I really am willing!" Perhaps Jing Hao was so surprised by this answer that he became incoherent in a rare moment.

"Now you are not officially together, so now, my surname is Gu and my name is Minyan. You should call me Auntie Gu first."

"Aunt Gu."


Judging from Gu Minyan's series of attention and silent support for Lin Yuner, she must have some difficulties for leaving Lin Yuner when she was young.

After all, she was born in the Ju family of LG Electronics. It is said that every family has hard-to-recite scriptures, let alone such a prominent family of the Ju family, there must be many things that hinder her, otherwise she treats Lin Yuner so well After many years of silent support, how can you be willing to leave when your daughter is very young?

In particular, Jing Hao learned from many aspects that there are many grievances between some LG furniture and Samsung Li's.

A large part of the overlapping fields of the two companies is in the electronic field. The two companies fought each other for a long time a long time ago, and it was not until later that they gradually changed from a state of fierce competition to a state of cooperation.

The current two families, Samsung and LG Electronics, are actually more like cooperation in competition. The two parties first cooperate and develop in various major directions, and then compete with each other in many projects.

Although they won't make any moves to make the other party feel uncomfortable, they are still secretly comparing each other in private, hoping that they are stronger than the other party.

Although the overall strength of LG Electronics is still much lower than that of Samsung, it is still in the peninsula's chaebol field and can be firmly ranked among the top five companies. The effect of not opening.

Gu Benmoo is the soul of the LG Group. It can be said that without him, there would be no LG.He is to LG what Li Bingzhe is to Samsung.Although he was not the founder of LG, he was the one who developed LG into what people later call the famous LG.

Thanks to the hard work of Gu Benmoo's father and grandfather, LG has actually grown in the peninsula. By the 80s, it had designed many industries such as chemistry, communication, energy, electronics, finance and insurance, and machinery manufacturing.But when the peninsula market is about to open to the outside world, it is Gu Benmao who really made LG go to the world.

It was when he carried out reforms that he uttered the phrase that was cited as a classic in the business world, "LG is not a peninsula multinational company, it is a global company, but its headquarters happens to be in the peninsula Seoul."

As for Gu Minyan, who is in such a huge family, she has many embarrassing things, I am afraid that it is difficult for everyone to empathize.

Even Jing Hao, who was standing opposite her at this time, couldn't fully feel her difficulties.

 Heartbeat Song of the Day: Heathens——Twenty One Pilots
  ask for a ticket~~~
(End of this chapter)

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