nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 9 Yoona's Internship

Chapter 9 Yoona's Internship Life ([-])
Several people came to a small restaurant near the hospital together. Jing Hao saw a middle-aged woman who was wiping the table in the store. Her originally calm face was like a lake surface blown by the breeze, and the corner of her mouth was curved like a crescent moon. Perfect, showing a mouthful of white teeth, "How is Amoni's health recently? I will bring my students to you for a meal."

The aunt turned around and saw that it was Jing Hao, with a happy smile on her face: "Hey Yigu, it's Jing Hao boy, I haven't seen you for a long time, oh, these are your new students Right. Huh? This is it?" Auntie looked at Lin Yuner, her eyes showing distressed application: "You are Shi Bi, ai Yigu, Amoni can still remember it now, what a poor child. "

As he said that, he took Yun'er's hand and glanced at Jing Hao: "Shi Bi, are you studying with him now?"

Lin Yuner nodded: "Yes, Armony."

"You follow him and study hard. If he dares to bully you, you can come to Amoni, and Amoni will beat him up for you. Did you hear that, kid Jinghao?"

Jing Hao looked at his aunt, smiled bitterly, and nodded, "You can rest assured when you know about Armony." Li Yanxi on the side also nodded desperately, and said to her aunt, "Oh, I will help Yuner Oni is watching, Armoni, let's order first."

When the aunt heard this, she patted Li Yanxi's head kindly: "You little greedy cat, you are still so greedy. That Jinghao boy, Amoni is going to cook for you first." The aunt also ordered Jin Zhiyuan. Nodded, smiled, and went in to cook.

Li Yanxi pulled the two girls, found a private room skillfully, opened the door and walked in: "Ms. Jing Hao always eats at Amoni's, and the dishes he ordered are the same every time. Now Amoni doesn't use it." Ask him if he knows what to eat."

Jing Hao looked at Lin Yuner with a confused expression and said, "Amoni used to watch dramas a lot, but now I don't have much time to follow dramas. The Shibi she was talking about should also be the drama you filmed very early, right? Actor Lin ?”

Lin Yuner nodded lightly, "Well, that's still my first play." Then she smiled lightly and thought of some things about her debut. "But at that time, the people in the crew took good care of me." Then he glanced at Jing Hao: "It's not like some people who gave me a set of medical license exam questions."

Jing Hao's originally calm face couldn't help but the corners of his mouth twitched, and then he coughed and said to several people: "We will study together in the next week, everyone. To be honest, it is also my first time to be a consultant for the crew. , I have no experience, but I will try my best to help you two answer questions, Li Yanxi, you usually like to watch dramas so much, and you should take your two sisters to study when I am out of the doctor or undergoing surgery, you understand .”

Li Yanxi nodded vigorously a few times, and agreed.Jing Hao picked up the tea kettle on the side and poured a cup of tea for several people. "If you come here, please be safe. After drinking this glass of wine, let's work hard together during this time, everyone." Several people quickly took the tea, clinked glasses together, and drank it down.

In the next few days, Jing Hao took the two actors to learn preliminary and more detailed information about consultation, physical examination, and some emergency first aid. The two of them also had a preliminary understanding of doctors, enough to cope with it Details of the crew were filmed.At the same time, after a week of study, the two of them had a deeper relationship with Li Yanxi, and the same with Jing Hao.

On the last day, Jing Hao called the two of them to the front, and to them, Jing Hao said sincerely: "The two of you have really worked hard during this time, I am really relieved and happy to have such a rare relationship with you. I have the opportunity to work together." Jing Hao then handed over two books to the two of them: "This is my experience of what you have learned and compiled, and it also contains some knowledge that you may use in daily life. A little bit of my heart, I hope you don’t dislike it.”

The two of them solemnly took the book from Jing Hao with both hands, and bowed deeply. "We'll take a closer look." Then he opened the bag he brought every day and carefully put it in.

Jing Hao said to the two of them again: "The two of you can have a vacation today. I think what you have learned now is enough for filming. If I want to go to the countryside for a doctor's visit today, I won't send you two. If the two of you are now, you can go back and rest."

Lin Yuner glanced at Jing Hao, and asked seriously: "Excuse me, maybe, Teacher Jing Hao, are you going to the orphanage today?" Jing Hao's originally calm face showed a trace of doubt: "Yes, but Yuner Xi, how do you know?"

Lin Yuner said seriously at this time: "Sister Li Yanxi mentioned to me, Teacher Jing Hao, that you take care of children with congenital diseases every year. Not only me, but also sister Zhiyuan knew about it."

Jin Zhiyuan also nodded to Jing Hao with a serious face: "Yes." Then she followed Lin Yuner and looked at each other, and said, "If possible, we both hope to do our part, Mr. Jing Hao, Can you take the two of us with you?"

Jing Hao looked at the two, with a moved expression on his face, and bowed deeply to the two: "Thank you very much. You are really kind, and with your help, I believe the children will be very happy too. happy."

The two quickly helped Jing Hao up, "It's nothing, Teacher Jing Hao, this is what we should do."

Lin Yuner took out her mobile phone and dialed the manager's number: "Ouba, sister Zhiyuan and I will go out to study with Teacher Jing Hao for a few days. If there is anything to do these days, just wait until I come back." Jin Zhiyuan He also took out his phone and communicated with his manager for a while, both of them nodded to Jing Hao, indicating that it was okay.

Jing Hao took a packed suitcase and took the two of them on the departure bus.

After more than two hours of driving, several people finally arrived at their destination.Several people looked forward, and what caught their eyes was a building that looked old. When they walked to the front of the building, although the building looked very old, it felt extraordinarily warm, and they entered the gate.In the small courtyard downstairs, an old man was leading a few children to enjoy the shade under the tree, and several older children were leading a few younger siblings to learn how to walk in the courtyard.

With the suitcase in his hand, Jing Hao led the two of them to a quick trot, and walked up to the old man: "Grandma Li, I am Jing Hao, and I brought my students to see the children."

Hearing Jing Hao's voice, the old man turned around in surprise, and when he saw Jing Hao, a happy smile appeared on his wrinkled face: "It's Xiao Hao, it's good to be here, it's good to be here!" Glancing at the two people beside Jing Hao, he quickly wiped his trouser legs vigorously, and held the hands of the two: "These two girls are really kind-hearted. We live in such a difficult environment. They are all willing to come." The children in the yard and under the tree also gathered around at this time, and the happiness on their immature faces reflected the sunshine shining in the courtyard at this time. The picture looks warm and beautiful.

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(End of this chapter)

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