nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 90 Mysterious Letter

Chapter 90 Mysterious Letter
In Lin Yun'er's house, on the coffee table in front of the sofa, a letter sent anonymously was lying quietly on it.On the sofa, it was Lin Yuner who had just returned home.

When Lin Yuner received this letter, she was in a bad mood.You know, apart from myself, Jing Hao, my sister, my father, and at most one agent, Ouba, who knows about my house, not even my sisters in my team know about it.

When I bought this house, I didn't tell others, because I wanted to keep a low profile and didn't want many people to know.

When she received this letter, Lin Yuner eagerly asked the staff who sent the letter, wanting to know who sent the letter, but the staff didn't know anything, just told her that the person who wrote the letter was not To disclose any information, just give him a lot of money and let him deliver the letter.

Lin Yuner carefully inquired about it for a while, and after knowing that the sender did not reveal the identity of the recipient, but only gave the staff an address, and didn't even write any information on the envelope, she fainted. Let go of some.

Fortunately, I was still wearing a mask when I first got home, and the staff did not recognize me from my mask, which is a blessing in misfortune.

However, someone actually sent an anonymous letter to me!This weird feeling is really kind, and it makes people feel a little hairy.

Lin Yuner thought for a long time on the sofa, but she couldn't guess who would send this letter.She had been worried for a long time with ups and downs in her heart, and she wanted to inform Jing Hao of this matter, and wanted to rely on her little boyfriend to seek some comfort and find the sense of security that only belonged to her.

Whenever I think of him in my mind, my mood will unknowingly change for the better.Just thinking about him for a while, Lin Yun'er felt much more at ease.

"If he is by my side now, he will definitely handle this matter properly." Lin Yun'er sat quietly on the sofa, her two smooth little feet were unconsciously hanging on the floor, swinging back and forth, the scene was inexplicable There is a little cuteness.

"Do you want to open it and take a look? Or, after he comes back, let him watch it with me?" Lin Yuner murmured a few words, took out her phone, and hovered on the phone screen, the number on Jing Hao's number With an onion finger, he hesitated.

"Forget it, let me see for myself first. It's better not to embarrass him about this kind of thing."

"He should be busy in the hospital now, so don't disturb his work. If there is any problem, we can talk about it after he comes back."

After fighting between heaven and man in her mind for a while, Lin Yun'er finally stopped being entangled, and she decided to find out what the content of this letter was by herself.

So Lin Yuner after thinking about it, although she still felt a little scared in her heart, she still took a few breaths, patted her chest lightly with her small hand, encouraged herself, and then plucked up her courage, finally He reached out to the unopened letter.

She picked up the letter, picked up a wallpaper knife that she had prepared earlier from the coffee table, then carefully cut the seal along the seal of the letter, and took out the letter from inside.

At this time, she was still hiding a bit of fluke in her heart, thinking that there was a possibility that the sender just gave the wrong address and didn't really know her information.

She handed the letter paper she just took out to the palm of her hand, and slowly unfolded it, revealing the contents inside.But when she saw the contents inside, a frightened expression appeared on her face.

In the new beginning, the address for her is to clarify her identity!Her back straightened up instantly from the position of leaning against the back of the sofa, and she felt goosebumps all over her body.

After closing her eyes and giving herself a few breaths, she mustered up the courage to continue watching.

"When you received this letter, you must have been very surprised." When she read the first sentence here, Lin Yuner complained silently in her heart, this is more than just surprise, it is simply shock!
The second sentence that follows: "Writing this letter to you, I don't have any bad thoughts for you, but I just want to say hello to you first."

When she saw this, Lin Yuner breathed a sigh of relief, no matter what she wanted to say, at least the person who wrote the letter should not have too much malice so far.

"Maybe it's a little early to find you now, but I think it's still necessary to say hello to you. Because of that woman, the two of us will have a lot of intersections soon. I hope this hasty Greeting, it won't burden you too much."

Lin Yuner's attention was attracted by "that woman" mentioned in the letter.Who is the person who wrote the letter?And who is "that woman" this person is talking about?Is it someone you know?Is it your teammates?Or his own sister?

At the very least, what I have said so far is really a bit cloudy, and I can't figure out what's going on.

"When you see this, you must have a lot of questions in your heart. But at this moment, I will not tell you who I am, and who is the "that woman" I am talking about. I still know her very well Yes, if she finds out that we have contact, that woman will not hesitate to start a war with me."

"And my purpose is to form an alliance with her, not to turn against her, so please forgive me for that."

"Then the thing you've been bothering about recently should be coming to an end soon. This letter can be regarded as an advance notice, so you don't have to worry about the scandal."

"But I still have to remind you first, although this matter can still be resolved very well, and it should end well, but it should still cause some harm to you."

"That's all I can say, and it would be bad to say too much. Finally, I hope you will say something about Changhong in the future, and strive to be promoted to a Chungmuro-level actor."

The final signature of the letter is "an enthusiastic member of the public who does not want to be named."

Lin Yun'er went back and forth again, and read the letter very carefully several times, but in the end she still failed to get some clues about the person who sent the letter and "that woman" mentioned in the letter.

But from the news that the letter writer said that his scandal can be properly resolved, there should be a high probability that there is no problem.

After all, people who know about their identity, address, and their own scandals must have a lot of background, and they will not be ordinary people.

This kind of person, especially if he said that he would have contact with him in the future, then this person should not lie to him before the official meeting.

So, for the time being, I shouldn't have to worry about this scandal, and I don't need to worry about how to solve it.

The only doubt should be, what is the harm mentioned in the letter to me, and what kind of harm will I receive?
Who will this injury come from?

All of this is like a cloud of fog, shrouding Lin Yuner's bewildered heart, unable to calm down for a long time.

 Today's heartbeat song: island——youha
  Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket~~~
  The next step is to slowly start to enter the main line, and all the stories will basically be resolved in the main line.

  Then let me inform you that tomorrow will be the 29th of the twelfth lunar month. The humble Xiaojiang wants to take a day off. Readers, father and mother, understand~~~
  Then in the new year, I hope that everyone who is reading this book will become more and more handsome men and more beautiful women. I also wish you all the best in the new year, and those who have already worked They can advance step by step, and even those who are still studying can get very high grades in the final homework.

  Finally, thank you to everyone who has been reading this book, voted for recommendation votes, monthly tickets, and everyone who has given rewards, love you~~~
(End of this chapter)

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