nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 92 The dinner after the live broadcast

Chapter 92 The dinner after the live broadcast
"Yun'er, what are you thinking about holding the phone all the time?" In the lounge backstage, the third sister Li Shungui looked at Lin Yuner who was holding the phone all the time, sitting there alone in a daze, and asked her.

Lin Yuner regained her thoughts and noticed her sister beside her, so she forced a smile: "Ani, it's nothing."

As a teammate who has been with Lin Yuner for so long, Lee Soon Kyu knew that there must be something in her heart when he saw her appearance.But since she didn't mean to say it, as a sister herself, it's better not to participate too much,

In my own words, I just need to make her bold mood better.

"Yun'er, after today's stage is over, do you want to go out for a drink with us?"

"Drinking?" Lin Yun'er murmured.

"Yeah, don't you think it's been a long time since we went out to drink together? Especially since Shapa has a boyfriend, we have fewer chances to go out together."

Lin Yun'er glanced at the phone with a little confusion, and it was a text message that Jing Hao had just sent. "You don't have to worry about me. I'll just take some medicine at home. After you finish the stage today, you must get together. Don't worry about me."

Lin Yun'er pursed her lips unconsciously, her whole body was in a very entangled state.

Finally, after thinking for a while, she finally opened her mouth: "Okay, but let's talk about it first, Ernie. I have to go back earlier."

Lee Soon Kyu agreed, "Okok, as long as you come."

They didn't wait too long in the lounge, and soon, the staff notified them that they were going to go on stage.A few people were doing as usual, all of them put their hands together, cheered up for themselves together, shouted "fighting", and got ready to go on stage.

After the host gave a powerful commentary, it was their return to the stage.

Many fans in the audience today, looking at the outstanding sisters as always, although they feel that there is one person missing, they are not used to it.But watching them still perform at the same level and have high-quality songs, everyone had an idea in their hearts: the fog in the music world is back!

Everyone can foresee that this new album "lion heart" will definitely achieve very good results.Anyone who has watched this stage will be overwhelmed by the hot dance and excellent vocal of the girls.

Everyone is looking forward to what kind of results this Lion Heart will achieve.Everyone knew that this song would definitely explode, but what everyone was discussing was how many No. [-] this song would win in the end, and how many No. [-] it would win consecutively.

After the live broadcast ended, several people simply changed back to their clothes in the background, and followed the nanny car to a restaurant for dinner.As Li Shungui and Lin Yuner said, this dinner is really a rare one for a few people.In the past, there were always some members who couldn't attend because of one thing or another.

This time, it happened to be the end of the live broadcast, and several people more or less put down what they were doing, thinking about getting together with the sisters.

At the dining table, while waiting for the food, it was Lin Yun'er who started the conversation first.

She looked around, then leaned over to Kim Taeyeon, and asked the captain in a low voice: "Oni. I heard that the company decided to let you solo? When is it?"

When Taeyeon heard the word "solo", although she was very careful, she still couldn't help smiling.She tried her best to control her expression, and said to her second youngest with a non-smiling smile: "It should be October. This time the song has also been recorded, and now I just need to record it. A follow-up album is in production."

The "stupid" Pani on the side responded in a timely manner: "As expected of our daedae, we are about to release a solo so soon."

Cui Youdu, who was outspoken, suddenly thought of a question, so she said directly to the sisters present: "Ah! We just released an album, and then tts also has an album, and Taeyeon also has an album! Isn't the awards stage at the end of this year our own Hit yourself?"

At first, no one thought about this problem, but after hearing her thoughts, everyone felt that this might not be the case, and even such a situation might happen.

Several people started to boo at Kim Taeyeon. Although Kim Taeyeon had been holding back, she still unavoidably "screamed".

Kim Taeyeon endured the pushing and shoving of the two people around her, and finally let out the famous "big mom laugh" again in front of everyone.

"Oh hahahahahaha, stop teasing me. Ah! Xiaoxian!...don't touch me!"

Xu Xian, who was mentioned by Kim Taeyeon, also suppressed a smile at this time, and said to Kim Taeyeon: "Unnie, I'm afraid this year will really be the situation of Kim Taeyeon vs TTS vs Girls' Generation. I don't know how you feel?"

As she spoke, she picked up the tissue box from the dining table and handed it to Kim Taeyeon's mouth, wanting to practice Kim Taeyeon's "Award Acceptance Speech".

"Come on, let's ask our grand prize winner to give her acceptance speech."

Kim Taeyeon dodged the tissue box that was handed to her mouth several times, but she still couldn't dodge it in the end, so she had no choice but to speak her acceptance speech to the "microphone" in front of her.

"Thanks to my teammates... My solo can win this award, I am really very happy. Thanks to my parents, my company, and my teammates..."

In the end, Taeyeon finally couldn't help it anymore, and laughed with a "puh!", covering her stomach with her hands, and kept making aunt laughs.

At this time, the waiter outside the door was carrying the freshly prepared meal, which was about to be delivered to the private room.However, as soon as I arrived at the door, I heard the "rampant" aunt laughing inside, and I felt a little bad all over.

The waiter beat himself several times before finally knocking on the door cautiously, swallowing a mouthful of saliva in his throat, and after getting the password allowed in the private room, he opened the door nervously and walked away staggeringly. Come in, carefully put the dishes on the table.

After completing this "heavy" task, the waiter seemed to be fleeing for his life, and "escaped" out of this creepy room in three steps at a time.

Seeing the performance of the waiter, Pani couldn't help being stunned for a while, then turned around belatedly, and said to Kim Taeyeon woodenly: "Daedae, did you scare him? Look at him That startled look..."

Kim Taeyeon blushed, and forced out a word to the "stupid" Pani at this time: "Yeah!"

Looking at the lively scene at this time, everyone in the private room seemed to feel the sisterhood between everyone when they first debuted, but at this time, they did not know when, one of them was missing.

 Today's Heartbeat Song: You and Me - Minah

  Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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