The big man is on the run

Chapter 1 "Prison Department" Imprisoned Emperor

Chapter 1 "Prison Department" Imprisoned Emperor

In the summer of the second year of Xingping in the Eastern Han Dynasty (195), it was in Nanwu, Chang'an.

"Got it~ got it~"

The humming of cicadas is like a rhythmic bell, waking up the girl who fell asleep leaning against the edge of the bed in the thatched cottage.

The dappled sunlight projected through the shaded tree shadows made it difficult for the girl with a baby-faced face to open her eyelids.

There was still some redness around her eyes, and she looked rather haggard.

A warm midsummer breeze blew through the window lattice, but it made her shiver for no reason.

"Oops, Your Majesty"

The fat baby girl is called Dong Wan, the daughter of Xiliang Army Dong Cheng.

Now, as a nobleman, he was taken captive by Li Jue to Nanwu, where he was imprisoned in the same courtyard as the emperor.

Regardless of the somewhat deformed fan under her wrist, she hastily stretched out her hand to touch the forehead of a man about fourteen or fifteen years old on the bed.

It was hot to start with.

The man opened his shirt, his chest heaved and heaved, and he was babbling, obviously he was a little confused due to fever.


There was a soft knock on the door hinge, and a tall woman with a frosty face walked in.

Her thin lips were tightly pressed together, obviously her heart was not at peace.

"Sister, what do people outside say?" Dong Wan asked hastily.

"How can there be any explanation." Fu Shou frowned slightly, sighed softly and said, "I didn't even open the door, and no one answered after calling for a while."

The two women looked at the man on the bed, obviously very worried about his condition.

Seeing the man's lips moving, Fu Shou hurriedly leaned over to put his ear on the emperor's lips.

The man's consciousness is not clear, as if he is about to wake up in the chaotic void, but the instinctive memory reaction cannot be faked.

His mind, fusing memories, told him he needed sugar.And his body tells him he needs water.

Sugar...moisture...the man instinctively exhaled the most common sugary drink he could get in his day-to-day life.


"Your Majesty, isn't it thirsty? Yes, it must be thirsty to drink after burning like this."

"My sister Fu, where is the water!" Dong Wan stamped her feet anxiously.

It was midsummer, but the three imprisoned had not drank water for a day.

The Xiliang soldiers outside didn't know what they were doing, and the little water left was also used to chemical medicine.

Nothing could be heard outside except the faint sounds of hacking and shouting.

Obviously Li Jue and Guo Si were fighting fiercely, and they couldn't care about the emperor's side for a while.

The man on the bed was still raving, his lips were already white with thirst.


Dong Wan, who had a round face, didn't know why, but Fu Shou, who was tall and cold, picked up the candlestick as if he had made up his mind.

"Sister, what are you doing?" Dong Wan's lovely face showed a puzzled expression.

Fu Shou didn't answer, but rolled up his sleeves, revealing a white arm like jade.

The sharp corner of the candlestick cut her arm almost instantly.

Tick-tock bright red blood was sent down the arm to the mouth of the emperor.

As if drinking nectar and jade dew, the man unconsciously and greedily sucked blood, and his dry and pale lips gradually turned red.

Dong Wan was taken aback by the fright, her round and tender face trembled like jelly, and it took a long time to recover.

Dong Wan quickly tore off the cloth strips from the skirt to bandage Fushou's wound, but at this time Fushou's face had turned pale.

The man added water, and his condition seemed to be better.

At least he stopped talking nonsense, and Fu fell asleep again.

In fact, it is the body that meets certain hydration requirements.

But the sugar needed for brain memory fusion is still lacking.

Seeing Fushou resting on the side of the couch weakly, Dong Wan dared not be lazy anymore.

She held a bamboo bone silk fan, and mechanically fanned it like a beckoning cat to cool down the man.

After an unknown amount of time, the man seemed to start talking nonsense again, but when Dong Wan approached to listen, her face turned red shyly.

"milk tea."

Recalling Sister Fu's "feat", Dong Wan's expression was tangled.

After a while, Dong Wan just crouched in front of the man with a flushed face, trying to untie her shirt.

At this moment, the girl's little head suddenly short-circuited, and she wanted to see if she had...

While the man was in a groggy state, he felt more and more difficult to breathe, just like a drowning person. He was so depressed that he finally coughed a few times, and opened his eyes suddenly!


Dong Wan was taken aback, this scream also woke up Fu Gui who was resting.

"What are you doing?" Fu Shou looked at Dong Wan, who was in disheveled clothes, with a frosty face and asked.

The emperor is already like this, is he still in the mood to do that?

Dong Wan wanted to explain something, but in the end she timidly wrapped her shirt tightly.

Sister Fu Yu slanted her bun on one side with her movements, and she didn't care about the scattered black hair at this moment. Seeing the man woke up, she hurriedly saluted.

"Your Majesty, are you feeling better?"

Liu Xie, or Liu Yi, this traveler who didn't know whether he was lucky or unlucky, didn't answer the question of Fushou, the iceberg beauty, nor did he appreciate Dong Guiren's jelly-like round and tender face.

Instead, he closed his eyes and let the chaotic thoughts in his mind run wild.

In fact, Liu Yi's consciousness had already awakened earlier, but instead of taking over his body, he started memory fusion.

The fever is probably due to the overload of the brain caused by the fusion of consciousness. After all, this is only a 14-year-old body, which has not yet fully developed.

Liu Yi's head still hurts, and the most painful thing in his heart is an indescribable sense of alienation. Even though he read a lot of time-travel novels in his previous life, it still takes some time to get used to it when it's his turn.

But amid the apprehension, there was a sense of arrogance spontaneously.

In the chaotic times of the Three Kingdoms, this magnificent historical stage where heroes emerge in large numbers, why don't I try my best to show my strength?
Although, theoretically, this body is the most ridiculous clown on the stage of this era - Liu Xie, the last emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Not to mention, everyone regarded him as a puppet.

In another time and space, being established as emperor by Dong Zhuo, controlled by Wang Yun, robbed by Li Jue and Guo Si, and held hostage by Cao Cao to command the princes, there is no dignity at all that a person at the peak of power in theory should have.

Even if he survived, he couldn't even keep these two beauties beside him!
Liu Yi looked at the high-cold Yujie Fushou, then at the cute and mellow loli Dong Wan, and then thought about the ending of the two being strangled by the thief Cao, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, a bloody feeling Air oozes from the corner of his mouth.

Liu Yi wiped the corner of his mouth with his fingers, and the dried blood still remained on it.

He looked at Sister Fu Yu's snow-white arm wrapped with a silk belt, and he probably understood what was going on, so he couldn't help being a little moved.


Thinking that nodding or shaking hands would be bad, Liu Yi struggled to get up, wanting to bow to Sister Fu Yu according to the etiquette in memory, expressing his gratitude.

However, she was sideways avoided by Fu Yujie.

"Your Majesty is the son of heaven, and even more so, I am a minister of the country, and a concubine of the Yu family. How can your majesty salute to your concubine?" Fu Shou said with a pretty face that was a bit chilly.

Liu Yi nodded, he knew that the rules and customs of Han Dynasty were like this after merging his memory.

At that time, there was no modern concept of equality between men and women, and the hierarchy was very important.

So Liu Yi didn't force it, and sat back on the bed.

The three of them were speechless for a while, but in the quiet room at this time, the sound of shouting and killing came from a distance outside, which seemed particularly loud.

"Is there a war outside?"

"Right against duck." Dong Wan finally found a chance to speak, she pouted and said, "This lunatic Li Jue is leading Yang Feng to fight my grandfather, Guo Si, and Yang Ding, I really hope."

Dong Wan was stared at by Fu Shou, and immediately closed her mouth.

Obviously, Sister Fu Yu didn't want the emperor who had just woken up to think too much and affect his body.

"Your Majesty, it's time to drink the medicine."

Looking at the cloudy liquid in the bowl, which did not look like milk tea, Liu Yi asked curiously, "What is this?"

"It's piled up in the corner of the courtyard." Fu Shou hastily explained further: "The horse tooth alum is produced in Shimen, Wudu County, between Longxi and Hanzhong. It is blue and white in color, and it is said in the book that it can cure virtual fire."

Isn't that what alum is?
Liu Yi quickly waved his hand, saying that he was already well, so he didn't want to drink this stuff.

But he didn't expect that as soon as the words fell, the gurgling belly sound came to protest.

Liu Yi and the two women stared at each other. It was obvious that there was no food in this courtyard, and the leaders of the Xiliang Army were fighting outside. As long as they didn't run away, they probably wouldn't be able to take care of them for the time being.

If there is no good way, you can only continue to be hungry.

"Is this a loquat tree?" Liu Yi asked looking out the window.

Facing the question of the Son of Heaven, unlike Dong Wan who only knew how to "fight ducks and ducks", Sister Fu Yu came from a family and obviously knew better, she said softly.

"Since Sima Xiangru's "Shanglin Fu" said, 'Lu tangerines ripen in summer, yellow sweet oranges, loquats, persimmons, and Tingnai magnolias', people in Chang'an have cultivated a variety of loquats, which has become popular for 300 years."

After saying that, Sister Fu Yu seems to have realized something.

"It's early summer right now?"

"Duck to duck."

"What are you waiting for?"

Through the window, Liu Yi pointed to a loquat tree about three or four meters high in the courtyard.

"Do it yourself to have enough food and clothing. You can't just wait for someone to deliver the food. If you don't wait, you will starve to death."

After finishing speaking, Liu Yi got up from the bed first, and walked outside the house.

Sister Fu Yu and Dong Luoli looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

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(End of this chapter)

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