The big man is on the run

Chapter 106 Marriage = Marry a Xiongnu Princess

Chapter 106 Marriage = Marry a Xiongnu Princess
By the Luoshui River, Liu Yi is saying goodbye.

The reason for the farewell was that Li Jue was not affected by the Feixiong army, and the news of his preparation for a decisive battle had already come back.

The girls stood on the shore, very close to him, saying goodbye to Liu Yi.

"I wish His Majesty an early triumph!"

"Don't worry, I will bring my army back to pick up my sister-in-law in triumph, and then we can go back to Chang'an!"

Liu Yi smiled and said to Tang Li, the highest-ranking sister-in-law of the emperor.

"Your Majesty, you have to work hard. I have always believed that you are my hero, and you will definitely be able to defeat Li Jue, a bad guy!"

Dong Wan looked at Liu Yi affectionately and said.

"Do not worry!"

Liu Yi pinched her cheek.

"Your Majesty." Empress Fu hesitated to speak.

"Don't worry, I will definitely win!"

"No." Empress Fu shook her head, just looked into his eyes and said: "The war is dangerous. If there is an emergency, your majesty must remember to save yourself. At worst, we start all over again. No matter how bad it is, it can't be as bad as us The husband and wife went to prison that day."

Liu Yi was stunned when he heard the words, and after a long time, he smiled and said, "...I see."

After speaking, Liu Yi waved his sleeves, then quickly turned his head and set foot on the way back to the camp.

Looking at Liu Yi's back, Empress Fu burst into tears. She wiped her face with her hand and muttered to herself.

"I hope His Majesty can return safely."

"Sister Fu, don't cry, don't worry, our Majesty will return safely!" Dong Wan comforted.

Empress Fu nodded, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said, "I know, Your Majesty will definitely come back safely!"

Today, whether it is Liu Yi or them, "sure" appeared many times in their mouths. Perhaps, this is the only self-encouragement that can be done when facing the unknown without confidence.

The three women stood by the river like this, watching Liu Yi go away.

Liu Yi's back gradually turned into a black spot, and then disappeared from their sight.

"Sister Fu, we should go, the river is very cold, don't catch a cold."

The women and children crossed the pontoon bridge on the Luoshui River, and now only soldiers remained in the Weiqu Camp.

But Liu Yi, who returned to the camp not long after, received an unexpected and reasonable news.

"The Zuoxian King of the Southern Huns went to Bei and wanted to come to see me? He also said that he didn't want the rewards agreed before?"

Hearing Zuo Xianwang's request to go to the base, Liu Yi's eyebrows flashed with surprise.

"Laibei? Why did he suddenly change his mind? Didn't he say before that he would return to the Xihe County's Southern Huns garrison after the battle and received the agreed reward?" Fazheng also showed doubts on the side.

Yang Xiu, who was in charge of negotiating with Pu Leihai and Tuhetun, the envoys of the Southern Huns, told Liu Yi and Fazheng what happened in detail.

"Your Majesty, Pu Leihai and Tuhetun, the envoys of King Zuoxian who went to Beibei, did not mention this matter with his ministers before, so it is still calculated according to the original reward of 200 million yuan for sending troops (taken as 'reward' However, I boldly guessed that King Zuoxian changed his attitude today to Qubei. Is this change in attitude because he thinks His Majesty is more likely to win?

This may have something to do with Zuo Xianwang Qubei witnessing His Majesty's victory over the Feixiong Army. Only by explaining this way can he explain why he has such thoughts. Change, since King Zuoxian Qubei is willing to cooperate with us, I think this is a good thing!Qubei is the most ambitious nobleman among the Huns. As long as we can unite with Qubei, the benefits to us are self-evident, no matter in the future or now, but "

After Yang Xiu paused for a moment, he continued.

"However, the conditions for Laibei were very harsh. After the war, the court was required to appoint him as the Southern Xiongnu Shanyu in the name of the Xiongnu Zhonglang General! It was also required that the Xiongnu Zhonglang General not be able to interfere in the internal affairs of the Southern Huns. Responsible for coordinating the dispatch of troops and the handover of various affairs with the Dahan."

"Your Majesty, this condition is a bit harsh." Fazheng said with a frown.

Yes, for a big man, this condition is indeed harsh.

Because of the position of "General of the Huns", his authority is not only the authority of this official position, but also a historical witness of the evolution of the relationship between the Han Dynasty and the Southern Huns.

Since Emperor Guangwu’s time, the southern Xiongnu was attached to it. For hundreds of years, the Han Dynasty managed to firmly control the political, economic, military, and cultural fields of the southern Xiongnu after the demise of the northern Xiongnu through various means such as division and disintegration.

What needs to be clear is that the Southern Huns are not allies for the Han Dynasty, but servant states.

King Zuoxian's request to go to the base is undoubtedly taking advantage of the fire to rob, which is even more valuable than the reward of 200 million yuan.

With the endorsement of the big man, he can justifiably use the name of the Southern Huns Shanyu to annex and win over the neutral Southern Huns tribes in Bingzhou, and attack the hostile tribes within the Southern Huns, and become famous.

This is the same as "holding the emperor to order the princes".

"The conditions for getting rid of humiliation are indeed very harsh, and I have considered this." Liu Yi knocked on the scabbard and said in a deep voice: "But you must know that my goal is not a Shan Yuting from Xihe County, It is the whole world! I want to pacify the world. In order to pacify the world, other things can be negotiated and compromised. To pacify the world, I am afraid of a Southern Huns? I know how to deal with the alien race, and I know it better than anyone else. If If this matter is done well, the strength of our army will increase once again if the Southern Huns will contribute sincerely. At that time, even in the face of Li Jue's full attack, we will have no fear!"

In Liu Yi's eyes, there was a strong color of self-confidence.

Xianbei, Xiongnu, Qianghu, and Wuhuan, he will not let the chaos of the Five Huns happen again, but the power of these alien races is not impossible to use.

These things, in the final analysis, still depend on one's own ability.

Wasn't it because of the infighting of the Han Dynasty that the Hu people had an opportunity to take advantage of the five chaos?

As long as you level the world by yourself, when the time comes, these barbarians will beat them one by one, how can there be any chaos?
As for Ping Tianxia, ​​the most important thing is to control Guanzhong first.

Liu Yi believed that with the soldiers and horses in his hands and the ambushes behind him, he would be able to completely defeat Li Jue. By then, he would be able to control the entire Guanzhong, and he would no longer have to be timid.

After working hard for so long, along the way, so much blood was stained on my body, the only difference is this last step.

In this step, Liu Yi did not allow any mistakes.

"I understand. I'm going to negotiate with Zuo Xianwang's envoy in detail, and try my best to resolve this matter satisfactorily." Yang Xiu understood.

Liu Yi discovered that Yang Xiu was not good at participating in military affairs, and his level of government affairs was average, but this little smart guy was good at diplomacy, and he could guess the other party's mind!

"Well! Just as I said just now, you should handle this matter yourself and don't pretend to be someone else."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"By the way, Qu Bei also said that he is willing to marry the big man's princess as Shan Yu after we finish this battle."

"Marriage?" This was Liu Yi's first reaction.

Liu Yi frowned, he didn't like this word very much.

Because this means that the clan women of the Han Dynasty will be forced to marry men of different races. From Liu Yi's point of view, this is not only a humiliation, but also a challenge to his dignity.

Of course, this is only out of his personal psychology. In fact, this kind of act of making love is a very normal means of political alliance in this world, and it represents the release of goodwill towards another political force.

"What do you think about this?"

Liu Yi looked at Fazheng and Yang Xiu and asked.

"Your Majesty, this matter needs to be discussed again. After all, getting married is a major matter. It is not only related to individuals, but more importantly, this matter is related to my big man's face."

While talking, Fazheng also looked at Liu Yi. After getting along for a long time, Fazheng probably guessed Liu Yi's state of mind.

Hearing this, Liu Yi nodded. This matter is indeed a bit tricky.

Yang Xiu thought he had guessed Liu Yi's intentions, so he thought about it and suddenly said something.

"Your Majesty, why don't you marry a princess from the Southern Huns?"


Hearing Yang Xiu's words, both Liu Yi and Fazheng were stunned.

"Yang Xiu, what do you mean?" Liu Yi glared at Yang Xiu in displeasure. Just after seeing off his wife and sister-in-law, you asked me to marry the princess of the Xiongnu.

What a clever little ghost you are!Look how smart you are!
"Reporting to Your Majesty, I think that this time is just right after the war. Your Majesty has accepted the princess of the Southern Huns, and then sent an envoy to the Xiongnu Zhonglang to welcome her. Many things are easy to do in this atmosphere. The two sides are mutually beneficial. Well, in this way, the big man can also get more benefits from the Southern Huns, not only that, this form can also avoid the troubles caused by the marriage."

Yang Xiu explained.

After listening to Yang Xiu's analysis, Liu Yi was silent for a while, feeling that Yang Xiu's words were not completely unreasonable...

However, Liu Yi was not interested in the princess of the Southern Huns. After all, there were so many important matters now that he really didn't care about the love of his children, and accepting other women would only increase his troubles.

"Yang Xiu, this matter still needs to be carefully considered. You can't make a hasty decision. Let me think about it first. After I think clearly, I will make a decision. You should talk to the envoy of the Southern Huns first." Liu Yi waved his hand and said.

"Follow the order!" Yang Xiu exited the room in response.

After Yang Xiu left, Fazheng said to Liu Yi.

"Your Majesty, after thinking about it, I think what Yang Xiu said is not unreasonable. This is an opportunity to intervene in Bingzhou. I and Mr. Wen He have different views. I think that Bingzhou is more important than Longxi, and Yuan Shao is more important than Ma. Teng Hansui absolutely must not let Bingzhou fall into the hands of Yuan Shao, but should be controlled by His Majesty. If His Majesty can marry the princess of the Southern Huns, it can be regarded as an attitude towards the Southern Huns. But it’s not a good choice!”

After listening to Fazheng's words, Liu Yi fell into deep thought. He naturally knew that Yang Xiu was right, but what was a princess of the Southern Huns to him?Political marriage?Benefit exchange?

The thinking of modern people left in his mind still made Liu Yi feel a little hesitant.

Of course, another reason is that I have never met and I don’t know beauty and ugliness.
"Fazheng, what do you mean, let me accept the princess of the Southern Huns?"

"Your Majesty is wise! How about this? Let's have a brief contact with the Zuoxian King of the Southern Huns to see what they want to do. If the other party wants to use us to deal with other Southern Huns tribes, then we can also make false claims Let's hit Li Jue first. If the other party wants to take refuge in him sincerely, then we can also bring him under His Majesty's control. In short, let's talk about it first. In this way, no matter what the result is, it won't be too embarrassing. What does His Majesty think?"

Hearing Fazheng's suggestion, Liu Yi nodded. He also meant the same thing. After all, it was a matter of the face of the big man, and there was no room for carelessness.

"Okay, since that's the case, go and tell Yang Xiu to get in touch with them and find out their reality. If possible, get this done as soon as possible."

"Yes, Your Majesty! I'm going to find Yang Xiu now!"

Fazheng turned to leave, but was stopped by Liu Yi.

"By the way, how is Mr. Zhu's recovery?"

Hearing Liu Yi's question, Fazheng pondered for a moment.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Zhu didn't dare to get out of bed and move around now. He has to rest for a while, and with some medicine, he should be able to recover."

"Hmm! That's good!"

Liu Yi breathed a sigh of relief, presumably Zhu Jun knew the news that he had defeated the Feixiong army, and when he was in a better mood, his condition would also improve.

 There is another chapter that is being coded later. In addition, some of the quotation marks at the back are copied and pasted from the mobile phone and cannot be recognized on the computer. "" are all recognized as "". .

(End of this chapter)

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