The big man is on the run

Chapter 119 Chang'an

Chapter 119 Chang'an
On the Weishui, the boat is cold.

"Xiao Zhi, you said earlier that it was Meng Da's idea to take the opportunity to eradicate local powerful forces in the name of eliminating banditry?" Liu Yi asked calmly, looking at the sparkling Weishui.

On the way back to Chang'an, although it is against the current, the speed is not too slow.

The reason why he returned to Chang'an but not Luoyang, and the matter has not been arguing for a long time, is actually very simple. Zhu Jun, who recovered from his illness, stood up to support Liu Yi.

Therefore, the ministers who advocated winning the hearts of the people in the Central Plains also shut up, and the court returned to Chang'an, it was as simple as that.

On this point, Meng Da was wrong.

And now there are faint rumors among the government and the opposition that the Hongnong Yang family will be suppressed by the emperor across the river and demolished bridges, and Hussar general Zhu Jun will be promoted to Taiwei, replacing Yang Biao and ranking first among the three princes.

Liu Yi scoffed at such rumors.

What kind of rumor could a political idiot come up with?The Hongnong Yang family never left him, gave him so much support, and just put down the Li Guo chaos, how could Liu Yi cross the river and demolish the bridge? This is not demolishing the bridge, but demolishing his own basic foundation.

However, it is true that Yang Biao's position needs to be changed. Liu Yi intends to promote Yang Taiwei again.

The suggestion of pulling one faction against another faction is good, and it suits Liu Yi's wishes.

It's not that the gentry fight the tyrants, but that they pull some obedient tyrants and beat the other disobedient tyrants. The gentry will not move for the time being.

"Exactly." Fazheng nodded and said, "Meng Da believes that now that the situation in Guanzhong has stabilized, we should take the opportunity to eradicate those local powerful forces that do not obey the imperial court's orders, all the powerful forces that want to occupy the territory, and the mountain Thieves and refugee leaders can all be included in this bandit suppression operation."

"Well, what Meng Da said is not wrong. This time, Meng Da proposed the idea of ​​destroying local powerful forces. I think it is very good. Moreover, we really need to reduce the strength of some of those local forces."

Liu Yi nodded and said, "Leave this matter to you to take care of it. In my name, I ordered three generals, Xu Huang, Gan Ning, and Tai Shici, to lead the army to eradicate bandits. Let their newly promoted generals be dyed red. How to plan the specific marching route, who are the main targets to be eliminated, you investigate these and make a plan, and then show me."

"No." Fazheng took the order.

"However, you still have to be careful. The power of local tyrants is deeply rooted. Although the imperial court has gained a firm foothold, it is still far from completely controlling Guanzhong. I heard that some tycoons in Longyou have hooked up with Ma Teng recently. Ma Teng Fufeng still has some influence in his hometown, so it may not be so easy for us to completely wipe out these local tyrants."

"Your Majesty, don't worry. Although Ma Teng's strength in the Longshan area is very strong, he is not overshadowing the sky with one hand. I have long heard that Ma Teng and Han Sui have a good relationship, and even became brothers. Now Ma Teng Occupying the east and west of Longshan, Han Sui's strength is relatively weak, and Han Sui's strength is relatively weak, and the two will definitely have conflicts over time, and Han Sui will find a way to seize the territory of Longxi." Fazheng said.

This point coincides with Jia Xu's judgment.

"Well, Xiaozhi is right. If Ma Teng really wanted to deal with us, he would have done it long ago. There is no need to wait for Li Jue to be defeated. But now he has not made any moves, which is enough to prove that he is not sure or You don't have the courage to fight against the imperial court. It is up to you to attack the local tyrants, but remember, don't act rashly for the Longyou tyrants who are under Ma Teng's actual control, but if they really attack our bandit suppression troops, Then you don't have to be polite."

Liu Yi ordered, this is actually not to fire the first shot first, the court, the most important thing is two words, face.

Now the powerful gentry in Guanzhong are all in awe of the imperial court. At this time, they must leave an impression on everyone that Liu Yi is a benevolent monarch who loves the people like a son, and a magnanimous son of heaven.

Therefore, it is necessary to use the name of suppressing bandits to suppress and eradicate local tyrants who disobey the court, instead of directly fighting with open flames.

If the imperial court acts forcefully against the local tyrants, it will not only chill the hearts of the gentry, but also make the local tyrants suspicious. In this way, it will easily arouse the resistance of the local tyrants.

Such emotions gradually accumulate, and as long as they accumulate to a certain extent, the local tyrants are bound to counterattack, and it will be a catastrophe.

"I would like to follow His Majesty's instructions." Fazheng clapped his hands in response.


Liu Yi put down the "Xiangru Ji" that he had been holding all the time, and suddenly called Fazheng.


Seeing the suddenly excited and mysterious Liu Yi, Fazheng was a little dazed. Liu Yi seemed to have changed from the state of discussion in a second.

"The queen is happy, I'm going to be a grandpa (father)."


Before Liu Yi returned to Chang'an from Weibei, Xu Huang, Gan Ning, and Tai Shici had already led their troops into various places in Guanzhong, and began to launch a fierce attack on the bandits who were ravaging the area.

It is really fighting against bandits and maintaining local law and order. At least at the beginning.

Although the imperial court occupies a lot of land in Guanzhong in name, Qinchuan is eight hundred miles away, but in fact it is all on paper.

There is a lot of abandoned land and a lot of land that has been forcibly occupied. The former Liu Yi unceremoniously took it back to the Han family, and then rented it to the peasants who gradually ran out of the mountains after the war. ", because farmers are weak when facing local tyrants, and the emperor's land is tyrannical and dare not touch it. If the peasants' land is exchanged, do you believe that there are ten thousand ways to steal it?

For renting land, the annual rent of the imperial court is only a small amount of food, so little that it is almost symbolic.In addition, Liu Yi also stipulated that supporting facilities should be prepared, such as seeds and farm tools. In addition, the garrison troops who had retired from the army also began to build water conservancy facilities in various places.

There is no way, the autumn harvest is over, and I can only do this in winter, otherwise I will be idle.

Although the bandits under the command of the King of the Mountain are all "brave and good at fighting", they are just a group of mobs with no real military discipline at all. They only know about killing and plundering, and they are not popular among the people at all.

The imperial army, on the other hand, was completely reduced in dimensionality. It's not that they were well-trained, but that the imperial army had experienced even more tragic wars. After defeating the Xiliang army and then attacking the bandits, it was simply like defeating the big boss before attacking the bandits. Turn back and push Novice Village.

Soon, the imperial army broke through the lairs of several bandits, and severely frightened the bandits in Guanzhong.

The subordinates of these bandits originally thought that in troubled times, their boss had already grasped the local power, but they did not expect that in just half a year, the so-called bandit bosses were beaten and fled.

The bandits surrendered one after another. These people obeyed because they had seen the strength of the Han army. However, Liu Yi's army did not stop attacking them, but destroyed all their lairs. Liu Yi's army was wiped out under the iron hooves.

The bandits with minor crimes were incorporated into the Tuntian Army on the spot. Well, the minimum is basically that the crimes are relatively minor, and there are basically no innocent people.

In other words, in troubled times, everyone is guilty.

To live is sin in itself.

In this way, the actual sphere of influence of the imperial court expanded again.

On the third day of October, His Majesty the Supreme Han Emperor finally returned to his loyal city of Chang'an.

Along the way, Liu Yi carefully looked at this magnificent ancient capital.

The huge and majestic city wall stood in front of me like this, and the top of the city wall was full of soldiers, all fully armed and ready to fight.

In the city gate opening in front of the city wall, there is a wide road, and beside the road are rows of buildings, which are composed of small houses, which are now somewhat dilapidated.

It's only been a few months.

But in any case, this is the capital of the Han Dynasty.

Such a palace, such a city wall, when you are really in it, the feeling of your own insignificance that arises in your heart is hard for anyone to resist.

This is also the essence of royal architecture, and the majesty of the emperor cannot be violated.

When Liu Yi's team had just passed through these buildings, a group of soldiers walked out of the buildings. They were wearing armor and carrying long knives.

Seeing Liu Yi, he hurriedly saluted and said, "Long live."

Immediately, Liu Yi waved his hand to signal that they don't need to be polite, flung his cloak and got off the horse.

He looked at the mottled palace wall in front of him, and a feeling of emotion rose in his heart.

——This is his country.

Feeling emotional in Liu Yi's heart, he involuntarily raised his feet and walked towards the majestic palace behind him. He walked very slowly, his eyes swept over these buildings, and he recalled the glorious history of his ancestors in his mind.

At that time, the Han Dynasty was in its heyday, and the country was prosperous and the people were peaceful.

It's a pity that the father of this body, Emperor Ling of Han, Liu Hong, is a fatuous and senseless emperor. This is also the tragedy of the great man.

"Bring a pen and ink."

Liu Yi ordered the guards behind him.

The guards at the side hurried to fetch pens and inks.

Liu Yi picked up the brush and swiped it with the ink on it. The brush is like a dragon and a snake.

Three feet of loess buried the battle armor, who should send the nine family letters?
Rafting across the Wei, the wind and the waves are cold, and the general's horse neighs under the city.

The hometown is full of peaches and plums again, and Gaotang hesitates to go to the government office.

Children don't like meeting each other, they still laugh and fight.

(End of this chapter)

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