The big man is on the run

Chapter 123 Shocked!vegetables that appear in winter

Chapter 123 Shocked!vegetables that appear in winter

In the first year of Jian'an, Chang'an Nanwu.

At this time, Nanwu was completely different from when Liu Yi was imprisoned, and was included in the scope of Huangzhuang. Today, there are not only farmers, but also many officials and soldiers around here.

"Have you heard? Today His Majesty is going to show a farm tool that has never appeared before."

"What farm tool?"

"Not just farm tools, but other things."

"It seems to say that it can save the effort of plowing the field and plant food in winter."

"Is this true or not?"

"I don't know, anyway, let's take a look today."

"If others say it, I may not believe it, but if His Majesty says it, I believe it. My family used the waterwheel last time. It works very well!"

"Of course, Your Majesty is a man of destiny, and this is also a revelation from heaven."

While the people were discussing, a carriage drove up here and stopped.

Fazheng walked down from the inside, followed by another person, and this person was Meng Da!
Meng Da has already been released, but since he voted for Li Jue, Liu Yi did not dare to use it with confidence, so he took it with him to observe for a period of time, and then decided to throw him into the Ministry of Punishment to be a cruel official, or go to the Ministry of Rites to be sent to death by the enemy princes messenger.

Hmm. If Meng Da survived tenaciously, it means that his life is very strong and can be used.

"Dali 掾."


Fazheng nodded, he was the person who was specifically assigned to be in charge of today's experiment in South Dock.

The soldier went forward and said, "Dali, Sima Zuocheng is ready, let your subordinates bring you a message."

"What words?"

"Today, Sima Zuocheng wants you to see whether these crops are suitable for planting in winter."

"Oh?" Fazheng's expression was a bit intriguing, "Brother Sima should not do things that are not sure, so you should have tried to use this thing for planting?"

"Well, it's like this. I just heard about it from the farmer in charge of the field over there, and someone saw it with his own eyes. Sima Zuocheng also told me about it, so that I must bring you a message."

"Okay! I see, let's go then."


"The rest, go back to watch!"


Immediately, the soldiers dispersed, and Fa Zheng took Meng Da and walked towards Nanwu with the soldier.

Soon, several people came to the small square in the middle of the South Dock.

Many people gathered in the small square that was purposely demolished, most of them were farmers, some low-level officials, and even merchants from surrounding villages. They also heard about the agricultural experiment that was going to be held today, and gathered in the Here, see what's going on.

It has to be said that no matter how oppressive the imperial government's policies are on business, as long as the war subsides, these nimble guys will sniff out every opportunity to earn copper coins.

This small square has a full area of ​​about [-] square meters, and it was formed by deliberately dismantling several courtyard walls. At the moment, the small square is surrounded by beard beds, and on the high platform in the center of the square, there is also a shed. It's where officials sit.

"Sima Zuocheng asked me to bring you a message, saying that if you are ready, go to the stage, and he will first explain to you the content of the 'agricultural experiment' that His Majesty said." Following the busy Jiang Jiong, he came to France Said in front of the front.

"it is good!"

Fazheng nodded, and then walked towards the high platform, Jiang Jiong also said goodbye and left.

Soon, Fazheng and Mengda came to the open space on the high platform.

"Take a rest first, Sima Zuocheng will be there in a while." The soldier said.

Fazheng didn't feel that Simazhi was deliberately neglecting him. In fact, although Fazheng was nominally the host of the ceremony sent by Liu Yi today, it was Simazhi who was busy with the ins and outs.

No way, among these people, Sima Zhi seems to have done farm work
Fazheng and Mengda stood in place and waited.

After a while, he saw several horses coming from the corridor in the distance.

The people on the horses looked like Tiger Benwei's bodyguards, and there seemed to be something dragging behind these horses.

"Drive! Drive!"

The horses quickly ran close and stopped on the high platform in front of Fazheng. Then the guards got off their horses, and a senior came to Fazheng and bowed in salute.

Fazheng looked at these people and said, "Okay, don't be so polite, hurry up and start right away."

The soldiers of the Huben Guard brought some things covered in black cloth and placed them directly under the high platform. There are several acres of farmland under the high platform, which were obviously reserved on purpose.

At this moment, a carriage drove into Nanwu. Coincidentally, it was stopped by some old scalpers. Fazheng knew that Dong Gui was in the carriage, but the cattle didn't know. The old scalper was slowly driven to the farmland in front of the high platform in the square, and the carriage behind him drove over.

"I knew it."

Fazheng looked at Liu Yi, who was surrounded by Dong Guiren, still appearing as his favorite bodyguard, and was in no mood to say anything else.

Liu Yi didn't make an official appearance, and now all the pressure is on Fazheng.

Soon, these people also went up to the high platform and sat down on the other side of the high platform.

Liu Yi kept talking about Dong Wan, making Dong Wan giggle.

Fazheng calmed down helplessly and cleared his throat.

The common people in the audience, farmers and merchants, officials and soldiers are all ready to watch.

Fazheng recalled some fresh words Liu Yi gave him, looked at the crowd and said, "It is our fate that you all come to watch the 'Agricultural Experiment' today. For the next 'Experiment Session', some people will be drawn to come up." Opportunity, I hope everyone can actively participate, we have so many experienced farmers in Dahan, and hope that everyone can make some contributions to Dahan's 'agricultural innovation'."

The so-called "agricultural experiment", "experimental link", and "agricultural innovation", none of these people could understand, but they understood what Fazheng meant. As for whether anyone volunteered to go up there... No easy to say.

Just because it was hard to say, the witty Meng Da had already given Fazheng an idea. If no one came up, let a few soldiers pretend to go up.

Because of this incident, Fazheng has been tense for several days and has not had a good rest. Basically, he has thought of every idea.

That's why he felt a little helpless when he saw Liu Yi throwing his hands away from the shopkeeper.

When everyone heard what Fazheng said, they were a little surprised in their hearts, because some of them came from other places, and they didn't know who Fazheng was, but they knew that the person presiding over the ceremony was definitely not an ordinary person.

Just when the scene was about to fall into silence, and Fazheng was about to die in embarrassment, a voice suddenly came.

"This Shangguan is right. Our great man is full of outstanding people and talents. If we can contribute to the great man, I believe that even if His Majesty is here today, he will definitely praise us. If there is a need, I am willing to go up! "

A "melon-eating crowd" suddenly yelled.

"Yeah, I'd like to go too!"

"That's right, I hope that we can also participate in this 'agricultural experiment' and do our best for the big man."

The mood at the scene gradually heated up.




Hearing the words of the people below, a smile appeared on Fazheng's face.

He thought to himself: "Hmph! Meng Da is quite sensible in arranging these guys. As long as I don't mess up this time, His Majesty will definitely praise me then."

"Okay, I promise you, let's start now."

After saying that, Fazheng waved his hand on the stage, and at the same time, a hut shrouded in black cloth below also revealed its true colors.

At this time, the square was already crowded with common people, and after seeing the true face of this hut, they all let out bursts of exclamation.

"Oh my god! It's such a rare beauty, the surroundings are gray and green, and here is the greenery."

"Yes! This is like a fairyland."

"I have never seen such a beautiful place. Green vegetables can grow in winter. It is amazing and beautiful."

"Shangguan, is this the 'agricultural experiment' you mentioned?"

Fazheng nodded amidst the noisy discussion and replied: "Yes, it is this 'agricultural experiment'. I hope that today I can bring you good news. The common people can witness Dahan's 'agricultural development' together."

This group is eager.

Some businessmen and officials even realized the value of this thing in an instant!
Vegetables that can grow even in winter!

Perhaps this is still something that cannot be consumed by ordinary people, but it is undoubtedly a treasure that can be sold at a very high price for many dignitaries in Chang'an City.

Who wouldn't want to eat fresh and delicious vegetables in Chang'an in winter?

In fact, in the Western Han Dynasty, the Taiguan Garden in the imperial palace had mastered the technology of using "greenhouses" to cultivate off-season vegetables in winter. They built airtight "greenhouses" and used "Yunhuo" (a The method of burning without flame) to increase the indoor temperature, and cultivated the earliest "greenhouse vegetables" including leeks.

However, in the eyes of ministers, the "greenhouse" does not conform to the laws of nature. Not only is the cost extremely high, but the disorder of the seasons will lead to political disorder, which will have serious consequences for the country.The minister Zhao Xinchen once advised Emperor Han and Yuan: "The faithful believe that this is an untimely thing, which is harmful to people, and should not be offered as offerings, and its illegal food. Let's play it all and save tens of millions of years."


Liu Yi's greenhouse technology does not use expensive "Yunhuo", but uses two methods of burning fire in the cellar to heat up, and hot spring water to heat up.

The latter method has achieved large-scale water diversion and heating in the Huaqing Pool north of the Lishan Tombstone Group, and planted off-season vegetables.

In this way, the cost is reduced to the point where even wealthy families can afford it. Anyway, other crops cannot be planted in winter. The appearance of these fresh vegetables will undoubtedly greatly improve the happiness of the people.

As for what goes against the laws of heaven?
Fart, I am the son of destiny is the law of heaven!

Anyway, at this juncture, no one dares to stop Liu Yi, who has great military prestige and unimpeded government orders, especially for such insignificant matters.

At this time, Liu Yi was also looking at these people with Dong Wan. He liked the enthusiasm of these people, and he also believed that as long as these people participated, this agricultural experiment would definitely achieve good results.

Well, the queen is pregnant, so she didn't come.

"Your Majesty, can you really spot the 'control group' you mentioned at a glance?"

"Really, you can take a look later." Liu Yi said with a smile.

After Sima Zhi came to the stage to talk about the greenhouse, and proposed that Huangzhuang recruit farmers to plant and take care of vegetables in winter, and also welcome merchants to buy vegetables and sell them to various places in Guanzhong to promote commodity circulation, the people in the audience greeted another wave. cheer.

Now that the local banditry has gradually subsided, the basic order of commodity circulation has been restored. At least, along the Wei River, there is no problem with the circulation of commodities on both sides of the river. It is precisely because of this that the Guanzhong side has a bit of vitality. .

Otherwise, in times of war, no matter how much profit, if you encounter robbers or rebels, you will be robbed of everything. How can there be merchants who dare to sell goods?
It's much better now. Although there are tax cards along the way, the tax rate is not too high, and no powerful landowner dares to set up a tax card privately. The more aggressive tyrants have been cleaned up by the government and army in the name of suppressing bandits.

As for whether merchants will sell vegetables at multiple times after they buy them, that’s not the case. Let’s not talk about peer competition and the objective problem of users’ purchasing power. Let’s just say that Liu Yi’s move is only to promote the circulation of commodities in Guanzhong. Even if he uses people from Huangzhuang to transport vegetables of this size to the Sanfu area of ​​Guanzhong, it will not cost much.

It's nothing more than testing the waters to see if the trade routes in the Western Regions can be opened up in the future, and the Liangma-Shu Brocade trade line can be formed.

(End of this chapter)

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