The big man is on the run

Chapter 13 Adding trouble to Cao Cao and promoting Liu Bei

Chapter 13 Adding trouble to Cao Cao and promoting Liu Bei

"A group of rebellious officials and thieves!"

Spring has passed, and even though the traffic is not smooth, what happened among the princes of the Kanto has spread to the capital of the Han Empire one after another.

Cao Cao, who was attached to Yuan Shao in the eyes of the world, sent troops to attack Dingtao. Because Wu Zi, the prefect of Jiyin, was holding on to the city, he failed to capture it. At this time, Lv Bu's reinforcements arrived. Cao Cao defeated Lv Bu's army and returned to Chenliu.

Like the Yang family of Hongnong, the Yuan family of Runan, which is the number one rebel in the eyes of the imperial court, has the same surname in the world, and it has really made a big move.

Of course it wasn't Skeleton King Yuan Shu who proclaimed himself emperor, that time hadn't come yet.

It was Yuan Shao who defeated Gongsun Zan by General Qu Yi, Liu He, Xian Yufu, and King Wuhuanqiao in the decisive Battle of Baoqiu.

Dai Commandery, Guangyang Commandery, Shanggu Commandery, and Youbeiping Commandery were acquired by Yuan Shao. Gongsun Zan, who had lost his main force, retreated to Yi Jing, built high walls and deep fortifications, and lay down completely. He no longer had the ability and confidence to contend for world hegemony.

For the great Han court in Chang'an, this could not be worse than bad news.

At this point in the second year of Xingping, what are Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Ce?

There is one and only one biggest enemy of the imperial court—the Yuan family in Runan.

In terms of law, the imperial court did not recognize Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu at all. Regarding the rule of their respective territories, these two people were defined as rebels by the imperial court at any level.

Suppressing Yuan has been the main direction of the Chang'an court's efforts in recent years.

Yuan Shao occupied Jizhou, Qingzhou and half of Bingzhou, and now Gongsun Zan's Youzhou has also become a dish, which seems to be all north of the Yellow River.

Yuan Shu's power was even more frightening. He reached Shouchun in the north and Jiujiang in the south. He held the fertile land of the Huaihe River and Huaihe River in his hands, and sent Sun Ce to attack Jiangdong.

What does the fall of Jiangdong mean to the Chang'an court?
It means that the only successful layout last year was announced in vain, the princes of the Kanto were completely out of control, and the Yuan family became bigger.

Leaving aside failed cases such as festival inspections, the success of the clan Liu Yao's airborne landing in Yangzhou was one of the few highlights of the Chang'an court's achievements last year.

Although Shouchun, the theoretical resident of the governor of Yangzhou, was occupied by Yuan Shu, at least half of Yangzhou was occupied, which gave the imperial court a little hope to contain the gangsters in the Kanto region.

—and now hope is gone.

So much so that the common private opinion of the court's "people of insight" is that with the current power of the Yuan family in Runan, as long as the two brothers continue to develop normally according to this trend, the Yuan family will definitely be able to replace the Han Dynasty and establish the next dynasty.

Of course, only Liu Yi didn't think so.

Although Yuan Shao defeated Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shu defeated Liu Yao, the situation in the world seems to be turning into Yuan brothers fighting for power in the Central Plains.

But Liu Yi knew that Cao Cao was not Yuan Shao's younger brother, Sun Ce would not obediently work for Yuan Shu, and Liu Bei was even more in the deep.

"Give Sun Ce the prefect of Lujiang, transfer Cao Cao, the prefect of Dongjun, to the prefect of Wei County, and add Xuzhou Mu to Liu Bei, the governor of Yuzhou."

"His Majesty."

Liu Yi looked at the hesitant Zhongchang Attendant Miao Si and smiled, waved his hand and said, "Go, talk to Taiwei Yang, and ask Zhu Gong (Zhu Jun) about his condition."

Huangmencheng Yang Xiu, who was following the emperor, twitched the corner of his mouth.

There are too many bad-hearted people this day.

First, Sun Ce is Yuan Shu's subordinate, and Yuan Shu, the pigeon master, has always regarded Sun Ce as a tool man. No, it is more appropriate to describe it as a donkey with a carrot on its head.Every time before the war, Yuan Shu promised Sun Ce that he would give you an official title after the battle, and that he would not accept his account if the territory was won. If he did this kind of thing a lot, Sun Ce probably wanted to turn against his mother for a long time.

The position of Lujiang prefect is precisely the result of Yuan Shu's dove again after Sun Ce defeated Lu Kang, the former prefect of Lujiang.

Now that the imperial court handed the prefect of Lujiang to Sun Ce, it is obvious that they are fighting.

Second, Cao Cao, the prefect of Dongjun, transferred to the prefect of Weijun. Where is Dongjun?Yanzhou, Cao Cao's actual control area.Where is Wei Jun?The heartland of Jizhou, where Yecheng is located.

What is Cao Cao's status now?Yuan Shao's upright little brother, the prefect of Dongjun, was played by Yuan Shao.

When Lu Bu stole his family last year, Cao Cao had only two counties left in Yanzhou. It wasn't for Cheng Yu's dissuasion that his whole family almost went to Yecheng to join Yuan Shao.

Sealing Yuan Shao's heartland to Cao Cao, this plastic brother is afraid that it will be broken into pieces, and Yuan Shao will definitely feel unhappy, even if this matter has nothing to do with Cao Cao.

Third, Liu Bei, the governor of Yuzhou, added Xuzhou Mu. Liu Bei's governor of Yuzhou was played by Xuzhou Mu (Dong Zhuofeng) Tao Qian. Now Liu Bei has just inherited more than half of Tao Qian's Xuzhou, and local forces are generally dissatisfied.

Xuzhou Mu, who gave Liu Bei a serious reputation, made him justifiable, but it also meant that Liu Bei might become the target of the surrounding princes.

In particular, Cao Cao, who actually controlled Yanzhou, is still in the state of Yanzhou Mu supported by the local gentry, not officially recognized by the court.You, Liu Bei, are already the Xuzhou shepherd recognized by the imperial court, so you don't worry about being few but about unevenness.

Of course, these are just small tricks to sow discord, and Liu Yi, the fire leader, is using it to buy time for himself.

Let the princes of the Kanto region fight more fiercely, and it would be better to play Xianglai.

You ask why the advantages of Liu Bei and Sun Ce's appointments outweigh the disadvantages, but when it comes to Cao Cao, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages?

The conscience of heaven and earth, Liu Yi in the previous life is really not Cao Hei, Cao Cao slaughtered Xuzhou and so on, but just like the farmer in "I Really Have a Cow", when you become the one in "Take the Emperor to make the princes" "Emperor", the butt will help you decide the head.

Especially when Liu Yi hugged Sister Fu Yu and Dong Luoli every night, when Liu Yi remembered that Cao Cao would kill these two beauties and then imprison himself, this feeling became even more unpleasant.

Therefore, it is appropriate to create a little obstacle for Boss Cao, Liu Yi thinks this is a trivial matter within his capabilities.

Don't thank me, Cao Mengde, prefect of Weijun.

In the eyes of Yang Xiu, who is good at brainstorming, the Son of Heaven seems to have become an inscrutable strategist at this time.

This kind of hard work that makes five Kanto princes feel uncomfortable at the same time, no one with a bad stomach can think of it?
"Your Majesty, it's time to return to the palace."


After a busy day, it was already evening.

The sunset fell into Zhaozhao Xingye, and slowly fell into the clouds in the west. The last ray of purple light in the sky was about to disappear, and twilight would soon fall on the earth.

In the heartfelt farewell of the peasants, the emperor's car drove back to the palace along the official road.

Wang Yue, the personal bodyguard, also serves as the emperor's coachman.

Besides, this old man Wang really doesn't have the air of a so-called "sword master". Holding the reins, the old Wang carries a two-handed epee with a broken sword box on his back, and the official tiger uniform on his body is loose.

In Wang Yue's words, it is not as comfortable as my sheepskin jacket.

"Old King."


"There are no more silkworms here, and the two nobles have weaved some brocade." Liu Yi raised the curtain and said indifferently: "I will ask the eunuch to bring you two, and you will also cut two decent middle clothes. Your official robe His sackcloth is all black, and it looks so disrespectful, and if people see it, can they say that I can't afford to support officials?"

"I didn't take myself as an official either." Old man Wang replied, muttering in a low voice.

Old man Wang babbled a few words, but his stooped back straightened up, as if he was afraid of embarrassing the emperor.

Not to mention whether these things that can be classified as "small favors and small favors" have any effect.

Liu Yi is not stingy with people like old man Wang Yuewang who can save his life at a critical moment. Whether it is material rewards or spiritual care, he has basically achieved the ultimate.

Looking down on the little people around him, "beating the emperor three punches and walking away" is a good end.

If it really happened that "he beheaded the emperor and left", with whom would he reason with Liu Yi?
However, since the Mandate of Heaven was manifested on the spot in the Han Dynasty, people in this era who generally believed in the Mandate of Heaven of ghosts and gods visibly became awe of Liu Yi from the bottom of their hearts.

No matter if they were palace servants, ministers, bodyguards, or the domineering and domineering Xiliang army leaders, when they saw Liu Yi, there was no lack of awe in their eyes.

It can only be said that feudal superstition is really useful sometimes!
(End of this chapter)

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