Chapter 148

"Supervisor, Zhu Jun has moved!"

Ju Shou frowned slightly, signaling to continue.

"Zhu Jun sent [-] paces out of Jie County and headed straight for Pubandu."

"Where is the lord's army now, can it flank our troops back and forth?"

"I'm afraid not." Tian Feng glanced at the map and shook his head.

"Why?" Jushou asked.

"The lord is too far away, and Zhu Jun is not far away from Xie County. If the lord's army speeds up, Zhu Jun will definitely retreat back to Xie County...even, Zhu Jun's move may not necessarily be for the sake of Pu. Sakado."

Tian Feng's analysis made Jushou fall into silence. After a while, Jushou said slowly: "Zhu Jun's goal should be to relieve the pressure on Pubandu by sending troops. His goal is not to defend Pubandu, but to We are stalling for time! We just need to intercept Zhu Jun's troops outside Puban City."

Although Zhu Jun's method is a bit risky, it is also the most effective method. As long as he sends troops to threaten Jushou's flank, even if he does not fight Jushou, it can be regarded as giving Xu Huang time to breathe and allow him to persist longer.

"But, what is the goal of Zhu Jun's attack this time? Could it be to make Pu Bandu hold on for a while longer?"

"It's not clear, but judging from the distribution of troops in Puban City, it doesn't seem like it's going to stick to the end."

Jushou was also a little puzzled. Whether Zhu Jun came to rescue Pubandu or not, it would not have any impact on the entire battle situation in Hedong.After all, Puban City has water gates and ferries, and if they cannot hold it, the defenders can retreat through waterways. That is to say, Puban City is not a desperate place, and Zhu Jun does not need to send troops to rescue people.On the contrary, if he insists on coming, if he fails to clear the siege, he may be besieged by Yuan Shao's main force in the wild, leading to a complete collapse of the battle situation.

In other words, this kind of choice should not happen to Zhu Jun who has experienced many battles.

This is clearly a move where the benefits far outweigh the risks.

Ju Shou began to ponder, what was the reason for Zhu Jun's abnormal behavior.

Could it be that, in order to fight with Puban's defenders, they attacked him from both inside and outside?Annihilate him under Puban City?

Jushou denied his own idea again, it was impossible, it might take some time for him to take down Puban in the siege, but if it was a field battle, it would be very difficult for Zhu Jun to wipe him out with the same force, after all, siege and field battle were two different things .

"Otherwise, tell the lord to go to Jie County and take advantage of the situation?"

Tian Feng's question made Ju Shou smile bitterly.

"If the lord really intends to divert to Jie County, he is not the lord."


Tian Feng was taken aback by Jushou's words, and then Tian Feng's face became embarrassed, he could only smile wryly.

My lord knows that Yuan Shao definitely wants to continue southward from Puban to Fenglingdu. What he wants is to encircle and wipe out the entire range of the officers and troops in Hedong County, not an empty city.

"I'm talking too much!"

Jushou was surprised by Tian Feng's actions, and quickly said: "Don't blame yourself, in fact, I am talking too much. That's all, you and I don't have to do this, and we have done our duty by coping with the situation in front of us."

"Supervisor, Superviser!" Tian Feng just wanted to say something, when he heard a panic shout from the side.

Ju Shou frowned, a trace of doubt arose in his heart, but he didn't ask any more questions, and went out of the big tent to find out what happened.

After failing to attack Puban City for the first time, Ju Shou was not in a hurry, and set up camp where he was, preparing to attack again after a rest. After all, they had a large number of people, and their previous preparations were somewhat insufficient.

But now the wall of sheep and horses under the city has been knocked down, and the trench has been filled in. The attack again must be much smoother than before.

After leaving the tent, it was a group of people, a school captain ran over in a panic, and said hastily when he saw Jushou.

"Reporting to the Supervising Army, my subordinates and General Jiao Touch were ordered to inspect the hills southeast of Pubandu. I didn't expect to be attacked by Pound's troops. Now General Jiao Touch is blocked there, and I sent my subordinates back to ask the Supervising Army for support. !"

"What! How could this happen!"

Ju Shou was taken aback, and managed to maintain his composure. This was related to the safety of the army. Fortunately, it was discovered early. If the army was in the midst of a fierce attack on the city, it would be dangerous if the hidden cavalry attacked him!
"We didn't know that this kind of thing would happen, but, but...!" The captain was also very anxious, but he didn't know what to do.

Jushou glanced at Tian Feng beside him, Tian Feng took a step forward, and said to the captain: "Don't panic, just tell the story carefully!"


The school lieutenant stood up, sorted out his language, and narrated the incident in detail.

It turned out that when they were sent to the south just now, they wanted to cut off the reinforcements from the government army that might come from the direction of Fenglingdu. Who would have imagined that Pound led more than a thousand cavalry troops to suddenly appear in the hills and launch a surprise attack on them. Jiao Chu's troops were caught off guard, and most of them were scattered by Pound's troops, and the rest could only be forced to climb the hills, relying on the terrain to hold on.

Jiao Touch led several hundreds of people to launch several counterattacks against Pound's troops, but he was still at a disadvantage and was forced to retreat to the southeast. Pound's troops followed closely and followed closely.

At this moment, Jiao Chu, who had nowhere to go, was getting farther and farther away from Pu Bandu.

"So what are you thinking now, supervisor?" After Tian Feng listened, he turned to Jushou and asked.

Ju Shou shook his head slightly: "What is certain is that the main target of Pound's troops should be us, but we were discovered in advance by Jiao Chu, so we were forced to show up."

"The army of the supervising army is stationed at Puban Ferry. In fact, as long as Pang De's troops cannot break through the hilly area south of Puban Ferry, they will not be able to threaten us. There should be no problem with the safety of the army. Now it is just a question of how many people to send It is appropriate to go to rescue." Tian Feng then added.

Jushou nodded in agreement, but frowned: "The number of Pound's troops is much smaller than we imagined, but why did they choose the southeast instead of the southwest? Is there any fraud in it?"

Tian Feng shook his head: "No matter what, we must rush there as soon as possible, otherwise, once Pound's troops defeat Jiaozhu, our danger will increase."

"Well, how long do you think Puban City will take?"

"At least about three days!"

"Okay, I see." Ju Shou sighed softly.

"Supervisor, send reinforcements now, otherwise, Jiao Touch might not be able to hold on!" Tian Feng suggested.

The conversation between the two was actually only for a short while, and at this moment, everyone around them, looking at Jushou who was still thinking slowly, was in a hurry.

Jushou thought for a while and nodded, but he was thinking in his heart, should he keep more troops?

But Jushou finally gave up this idea, after all, he couldn't sit back and watch a general of Jiaochu's level be surrounded without saving him.

Ju Shou ordered all the troops to stop preparing for the attack and turn to defending on the spot. He sent Zhang Nan to lead 500 people to rescue Jiao Chu.

At the same time, Xu Huang in the city did not hesitate after receiving the report, and immediately summoned Ma Chao to discuss the matter.

"General Pound's troops have been exposed ahead of time, should we still proceed as planned?"

"It can't be done." Xu Huang's face was a little gloomy.

"General, it's not that I, Ma Chao, were timid to fight. Now there are only more than 1000 soldiers left in Puban City. The enemy's siege equipment is very complete. If we defend it, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to defend it. Now we are ready to evacuate here, otherwise If so, once the city is broken, there are not enough boats in Neidu to evacuate at the same time, then our troops can only wait to die!"

After Ma Chao's voice fell, the hall fell into silence.

"Do you think that if I want us to sit and wait for death?"

Xu Huang smiled bitterly and said, "Now we have no choice but to persevere."

"Why?" Ma Chao was taken aback, and couldn't help hesitating.

"If you don't retreat, are you still fighting for everything here? I, Ma Chao, am not afraid of death, but I don't want to die for no reason. Does the imperial court want to bury more than 1000 of us here?" Ma Chao's expression was very angry.

Xu Huang sighed, the matter has come to this point, Ma Chao has verified his loyalty, and he does not intend to hide it from Ma Chao anymore.

Therefore, Xu Huang took Liu Yi's plan and picked up what he could talk about, and told Ma Chao to listen.

After Ma Chao heard this, his face showed shock.


"That's right, the surprise attack on Yecheng from thousands of miles away is truly incredible."

"Since this is the case, I have also decided that even if I try my best, I will never allow Yuan Shaojun to take Puban City within three days!" Ma Chao said every word.

Xu Huang nodded: "Okay, I will be here to urge the soldiers to get ready."

Ma Chao bid farewell, turned and left the lobby.

When Ma Chao's back disappeared outside the gate, in the lobby, a look of determination suddenly appeared on Xu Huang's face.

"Your Majesty, I will not betray your trust! Even if you are outnumbered, I will persist until the last moment!"

 Chapter 3 is late
(End of this chapter)

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