The big man is on the run

Chapter 161 Go straight to Shan Yuting

Chapter 161 Go straight to Shan Yuting

The Saibei Desert is filled with wind and sand.

Liu Yi led the army on horseback and walked in this barren desert, the snorting of the horses came and went one after another.

"Old King."


Wang Yue was wrapped in a face scarf, his face was full of vicissitudes and loneliness.

Sometimes, Liu Yi is still very envious of people with stories like Lao Wang. He was a hero in his youth and traveled all over the world in his middle age.

Unlike myself, a handsome word can last a lifetime.

Liu Yi's mood today is very subtle, and this subtlety probably stems from a trivial matter.

This trivial matter was brought by a strong wind. Liu Yi looked at the yellow sand flying all over the sky and the fluffy grass in it, and he suddenly thought of a line of poetry, "Let the flakes go out of Hansai, and the geese go back to Hutian". It's nothing, it's probably just a sentimental feeling. These are very personal feelings and it is difficult to share them with others.

But what made him feel a little bit at a loss was that after racking his brains for a long time, he only remembered that there was another famous sentence "the desert is solitary, the long river sets in the sun".

But what about the other four sentences?I can't remember anything, it seems so far away in the last century.

All of a sudden, in the windy and sandy sky, Liu Yi's thoughts were confused, and suddenly he felt a little cold in his body, as if he had lost something.

The past, or the future, is getting farther and farther away from him.

In the busy government affairs and battles, it was difficult for him to have time to think about these things, because when he was busy, he couldn't care less about thinking about it.

But right now, he was marching to the north of Saibei, intending to go straight to Xianbei Shanyuting. Along the way, the farther he was from the Han land, the more Liu Yi's thoughts became like flying kites, and he began to lose control.

Before he knew it, there were calluses on his hands from holding a sword, and there were deformed indentations on the inside of his legs from riding a horse. Before he knew it, he had been in this world for a year.

Liu Yi sighed softly, and said with emotion: "The road ahead is reckless, and people don't care about looking back."

"Good poem!" Old Wang didn't care if it was good or not, he said it first.

"Let's just say it casually, this is a fart poem, don't flatter me."

"Hey, medium!"

Wang Yue turned his head to look at Liu Yi, and asked curiously: "Well, Your Majesty, what are you calling me for?"

Liu Yi pondered for a moment, and said simply: "I just remembered it, but now I forget it."

Wang Yue didn't take it seriously, nodded, and suddenly said: "Your Majesty."

"Ah?" Liu Yi looked at Wang Yue with some doubts.

Wang Yue's black and chapped face had a rare "shyness", and he asked: "Your Majesty, I think the sentence just now that Zheng Peng goes out of Hansai, and the wild goose enters Hu Tian is very artistic. That... When will Your Majesty show mercy? Can you write a song for me too?"

What to write?Zhao Keman, Hu Ying, Wu hook, frost and snow, still look at each other with white blades and blood, never Gu Xun at the festival of death?

Liu Yi thought about it for a long time, and always felt that it was a bit inappropriate, so he said, "I will write it for you when I go back to Chang'an, but I can't think of anything suitable now."

"Come on, don't worry." Pharaoh bared his big yellow teeth and laughed happily.

Huangfu Li interjected at this time: "Your Majesty, there are still four hundred miles to go to Danhan Mountain. Don't be in a hurry. Why don't you take a rest?"

Liu Yi hesitated for a moment, but still rejected the proposal.

"Speed ​​up, Higurashi will rest again, and Budugen can't be let go."

The dust storm is over, now there is no time to delay.

Danhanshan, Bu Dugen fled back to Shan Yuting in embarrassment with the remnants of the defeated general.

Under Loufan City, he was surrounded by Liu Yi, Zhang Yan, and Qubei. If Bu Dugen and his men hadn't risked their lives to break out of the siege, and ran so fast, he might have followed in the footsteps of his brother Fu Luohan and was captured by Liu Yi. Killed with one shot.

"Shan Yu, it really doesn't work. Contact Kirby in Shanggu County to send troops to help me."

In Shan Yuting's big tent, several of Bu Dugen's cronies knelt on the ground and begged.

During this trip to Yanmen, not only Yanmen has been taken into the bag by the Han army, but their gang is now depleted of people and money. The captives who were captured and those who fled were scattered, which can be described as a mess.

"But Kirby can, what if he wants to annex our tribe?"

His cronies looked at each other, shook their heads with a wry smile, more than half of Budugen's followers have already been lost, and they are not enough to fight against Kebi, even if Kebi who is in Shanggu County can survive this catastrophe , and it is impossible to defeat Kirby in the future and become the strongest tribe in central Xianbei again.

Bu Dugen probably understood his subordinate's thoughts and shook his head again and again.

"Chan Yu, do you really have the heart to watch your tribe perish?"

cried one of his confidants, weeping bitterly.

Bu Dugen bit his lips tightly and remained silent.

Ke Bineng is a ruthless character. As another major force in the central Xianbei, Ke Bineng has been entrenched in Shanggu County and Dai County of Youzhou all year round. He is constantly attacking Gongsun Zan and is also an important ally of Yuan Shao.

After all, the enemy of the enemy is the friend.

The enemies of Yuan Shao and Ke Bineng are both Gongsun Zan, so it is not surprising that both sides often attack Gongsun Zan from the west and south at the same time.

If Budugen really contacted Kirby to come to rescue him, no doubt, if Kirby could come here, his tribe would be broken by Kirby in an instant, and even if he wanted to regret it, it would be too late.

This time, it was his Budugen who made a mistake, and he accidentally followed the way of these Han people. Now he can only pray that after this big defeat, there will be another huge sandstorm across the vast desert. Han people who are not familiar with their places of life will not chase them anymore, otherwise
"Shan Yu."

At this moment, a close friend hurried in and reported: "Shan Yu, it's not good, the Han army's scouts were found in the south of Shan Yuting."


Budugen stood up vigorously, his face was pale, his body was trembling unceasingly, his fists were clenched tightly, as if he was trying his best to contain the anger in his heart.

"Chan Yu, what should we do?" One of Bu Dugen's men said in panic.

Before he finished speaking, there was already a noise outside, apparently the news had spread.

After the initial fear, Bu Dugen took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. What he needs to do now is to leave here quickly. If they encounter the main force of the Han army here, they will only have a dead end.

Not only did they have to leave here, but they also had to find a safe place to hide. Otherwise, once the Han army came after them, they would shoot through the head of Shanyu with an arrow, and Xianbei would not even be able to maintain the nominal unity. He also couldn't explain to his Xianbei ancestors.

"How unreasonable! It's too deceiving!"

These are the only two idioms Budugen has.

Just when Bu Dugen was furious and all his subordinates were worried that he would lose his mind and want to fight the Han people to the death, Bu Dugen yelled, "Withdraw!"

"Chan Yu, let's go to Baishan in the northeast."

When Bu Dugen heard this, he was stunned. He looked up at the subordinate in front of him. This subordinate was named Ni Kan. Although he was a Hun, he was the most loyal person under Bu Dugen's command in Shan Yuting. But now Ni Kan's eyes revealed a look of panic.

He knew that Nikan must be afraid of the Han army.

Seeing that Budugen didn't speak, Ni Kan explained in detail.

"Shan Yu, let's go to the northeast. There is a mountain range called Baishan. There are many caves in it. We can hide there for a while."

This cave was the hiding place of the Nikan tribe.

"No, if you want to go, you will also go to Shanggu County."

"But Shanyu, you. You are like this, can you send a big banner to Kebi? What we have to do now is to contact Shanyu immediately and influence the forces, such as the tribes in the east. In addition, Kebineng, we I think, when we have accumulated enough strength, we should have a chance to fight the Han army, and then, maybe we will be able to turn defeat into victory."

"Yes! Shan Yu, maybe we really have a chance."

When Bu Dugen heard this, he hesitated.

In the central Xianbei, Kirby could be his sworn enemy, their enemy, this is an indisputable fact.

However, he didn't want to fail, let alone die like this.

Thinking this way, he decided to go to Baishan according to Nikan's plan.

The tribes in the east are the only ones they can rely on now. Budugen's tribe suffered heavy losses in this battle. Now Budugen is a sick cat. Only by finding a stable foothold and recuperating for a while, He was able to recover a little from the blow.

Bu Dugen calmed down and walked out. At the same time, he sent someone to contact Ke Bineng in Shanggu County, trying to get him to fully cooperate with him.

He has already figured it out, after this time, he will definitely be like the old saying of the Han people, "No extreme peace comes", and then he will be able to dominate the grassland by virtue of the prestige of defeating the Han army, becoming the real master of Xianbei All the pastures and counties of the Han people were taken over, and then all his tribes were moved to Bingzhou. By then, this would be his hometown of Budugen.

At that time, he can develop in Bingzhou, expand his power, and then take the entire north as his own. At that time, he will be a real Xianbei hero.

Just as he was walking and imagining, there was a commotion outside the door, and one of his men ran in, knelt down on the ground in a hurry, and said in panic, "Shanyu, the cavalry of the Han army has caught up."

"Following up?"

Budugen was shocked when he heard the words, and was terrified. Why are the cavalry of the Han army so fast?Didn't you just discover the scouts?

"There is still a Han army, coming around from the west!"


In the dense forest at the foot of Danhan Mountain.

At this time, as the most suitable place for grazing in Daibei, the surrounding area of ​​Danhan Mountain is not a vast desert, but a scene of grasslands, mountains and forests interlaced.

The scouts of the Han army kept searching for Budugen's figure in the dense forest. Unfortunately, they searched the surrounding area for several miles, but still couldn't find any trace of Budugen.

"How could this be? Have they already escaped?"

Liu Yi frowned slightly, but the surprise attack launched by the sandstorm this time was very sudden. The other party probably didn't expect that the Han army could pass through the sandstorm and reach Danhan Mountain, so Budugen could run like that?

"Your Majesty, let's look for it again. If they don't go far, we can easily find them. After all, it is daytime now, and the remaining search area is not big. They must not dare to act rashly."

Wang Yue on the side suggested.

"Okay, keep looking!" Liu Yi didn't talk nonsense, waved his hand, and ordered.


Following Liu Yi's order, the Han army continued to search along the dense forest. They wanted to shrink their target as much as possible, shrink, and shrink again until Budugen was completely found out.

A search party led by a corporal.


A sharp arrow flew through the air and pierced directly into the chest of a Han soldier. Blood gushed out immediately and splashed all over his face.

The soldier fell to the ground, facing the roaring arrows from the forest, his companions dragged him back behind the big tree.

The corporal took out an arrow with a special mark in his quiver, bent his bow and set the arrow, and shot it into the sky.


The sound of arrows soared into the sky.

"Your Majesty, an abnormality has been found ahead."

"Surround! They're in that direction."

Seeing the cavalry of the Han army appear densely from the dense forest, the Xianbei cavalry who had nowhere to retreat turned their horses around one after another, turned around and scattered around. run away.

The cavalry of the Han army has been chasing after them, and because they are in all directions, they soon surrounded them.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Budugen's tribal cavalry put down their weapons and surrendered.

"Who is Shan Yu?" Liu Yi asked calmly, condescendingly on the horse.

He had already killed a Xianbei adult, and he wouldn't feel anything if he killed another Shanyu.

No one said a word.

At this moment, a person who looked slightly different from the surrounding Xianbei prisoners jumped out, pointed at a man in ordinary clothes and said.

"It's him!"

"Nikan, you!"

Just as Bu Dugen was about to speak angrily, Hu Che'er picked him up like a chicken, and hung him directly in front of Liu Yi.

Liu Yi didn't look at Bu Dugen, and waved his hand to signal Hu Che'er to take him away. Instead, he looked at Ni Kan with interest.

"Now we need an envoy to go to the Xianbei people in Shanggu County, do you think you can do it?"

(End of this chapter)

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