The big man is on the run

Chapter 179 Yizhou Trends

Chapter 179 Yizhou Trends
The news of Zhang Luju Hanzhong's surrender to the imperial court spread at an explosive speed in the thirteen states of the world.

This was the most important political event after the Siege of the White Horse, which officially reflected the support of the people of the world.

This is bad news like a bolt from the blue, whether it is for Yuan Shu, who is starting to go downhill, or Yuan Shao, who is not injured and is still in full swing.

Of course, based on Hanzhong's extremely special terrain and management model, the handover of Zhang Lu's forces and the imperial court is undoubtedly a long and gradual process, and it will definitely not be accomplished overnight.

The two parties agreed to divide it into several steps.

The first is the population who entered Hanzhong to escape the war, and migrated on the basis of respecting their wishes.

The second is the entry of administrative officials in batches and the transfer of grassroots governance work.

In the end, the army changed defense, and the imperial army entered Hanzhong.

However, this is still a stone that stirs up waves.

The first wave is the nearest Ma Teng.

Ma Teng thought over and over in Longxi, and communicated repeatedly with the court, and finally got the official position of "Wei Wei", one of the nine ministers. After handing over the army to Ma Dai, he moved to Chang'an with his family of hundreds of people.

The Ma family formed a situation where Ma Chao was in Hedong, Ma Teng was in Guanzhong, and Ma Dai was in Longxi, and started a comprehensive cooperation with the imperial court.

Although the Ma family still maintains an independent armed force and territory, its intention of de-warlordization and smooth landing is undoubtedly gradually achieved.

The second wave is Han Sui.

As a veteran rebel leader, Han Sui would not have no trust at all if he had any trust in the imperial court.

Therefore, it is impossible for Han Sui and Ma Teng to do that, but Han Sui still fully expressed his goodwill to the court. The most important point is to open the Fanghan Racecourse to the court.

For Liu Yi, who is vigorously promoting the construction of field cavalry groups, this is undoubtedly a timely help.

After all, in a field battle, grassland horses are far inferior to Xiliang horses, and the largest racecourse in Xiliang is in the hands of Jincheng Han Sui.

If the official army wanted to confront Yuan Shao's army head-on on the plain, it was essential to develop cavalry, especially heavy cavalry, that is, armored cavalry.

What the heavy cavalry lacks most is a good horse that is one in a thousand.

As for the third wave, it was Liu Zhang.

His attitude wavered.

Yizhou Chengdu, Yizhou Mufu Mansion.

"Everyone, now that Zhang Lu is attached to the imperial court, how should Yizhou treat me and what good strategies do I have? Let me tell you all about it." Liu Zhang sat in the center of the hall and saw that the hall was full of people, including Huang Quan and Xu Jing. , Zhang Song, Pang Xi and others.

Pang Xi was the first to stand up. He married his daughter to Liu Zhang's eldest son, Liu Xun. They were relatives of his son and daughter, so they were highly trusted by Liu Zhang.

"My lord, now that Zhang Lu has returned to the court, and the officials in Hanzhong are changing, the court is gradually taking over Hanzhong. If the court soldiers and horses approach Baishui Pass and Jianmen Pass (Jianmen Pass), my lord will not take precautions. I'm afraid it will hurt me Yizhou's impact will be immeasurable."

Huang Quan said unhappily: "Isn't Yizhou the territory of the Han Dynasty? Aren't all of you Han officials here?"

Pang Xi frowned slightly after hearing Huang Quan's words.

His identity is not just as simple as Liu Zhang's son and daughter in-laws. In fact, the causal relationship should be reversed, because he is Pang Xi, so Liu Zhang wants to marry him as his son and daughter in-laws.

To give a simple example, we can know how the leader of the Dongzhou faction covered the sky with one hand in Yizhou.

One year before Liu Yi's crossing, after Ma Teng's army supported by Liu Yan failed to attack Chang'an, it was Pang Xi who set the bridge and rescued Liu Yan's sons from Chang'an to Yizhou.

Therefore, Pang Xi is the real powerful faction in Yizhou.

Now that Dongzhou faction is mentioned, we have to talk about the origin of this faction.

Like the Yanzhou faction favored by Yuan Shao, when Liu Yan was Yizhou shepherd, in order to establish his own local forces, he promoted Dongzhou scholars and established Dongzhou soldiers to support his ambition to separate Yizhou and even proclaim himself emperor.

However, Liu Yan's local actions in Yizhou caused strong conflicts between the Dongzhou faction and the Yizhou scholars.He made great use of Dongzhou and foreign scholars, and killed local tyrants in vain, which aroused the dissatisfaction of Jia Long who welcomed him into Yizhou at the beginning, and together with Ren Qi, who was then the prefect of Qiang, raised troops against Liu Yan and suppressed him for Liu Yan.

Liu Yan is different from Liu Zhang, who is weak and honest, he is serious about building the emperor's chariot in Yizhou and planning to become the emperor, and he has a heart of disobedience, while Pang Xi is Liu Yan's loyal minister, and Zhao Wei is an assistant Liu Zhang inherited the hero of Yizhou Mu.

Seeing that Huang Quan spoke too bluntly, which made Pang Xi angry, Zhang Song hurriedly stood up to smooth things over.

Zhang Song said: "Now that the imperial court is fighting with Yuan Shao, you don't have to think so much. Although Zhang Lu has joined the imperial court, the imperial court will not have the energy to completely digest Hanzhong for a while, let alone have any influence on Yizhou. What impact. Of course, we still have to be cautious when it comes to such a big issue of right and wrong, and we have to let the lord have an answer."

Liu Zhang sat at the top and didn't dare to speak. He was originally a cowardly character, and Pang Xi was too strong. Even if Zhang Song gave him a handle, he still dared not speak with trembling lips.

Originally, it was never Liu Zhang's turn to be the shepherd of Yizhou, and Liu Yan never trained him in the direction of being a master.

In the fifth year of Zhongping (188), Liu Yan proposed to Emperor Han Ling to set up the prefectural animal husbandry chief to manage the military and political power in various regions. Shu.Liu Zhang later served as the captain of Fengche, and was sent by the imperial court to order Liu Yan, who left him and never returned to the imperial court.

In the first year of Xingping, that is, the year before Liu Yi crossed, Liu Fan conspired with Ma Teng to attack Li Jue in Chang'an. After the leak, Liu Fan and Liu Dan were killed together, while Liu Zhang was spared.Because of the pain of the death of his son and the fire in Mianzhu City, Liu Yan had to move to Chengdu, where he died of gangrene.

Therefore, Liu Zhang, who has been in Chang'an for many years, has the emperor in his heart, and he has no idea of ​​becoming the emperor himself. What he thinks is to protect Yizhou for the emperor, so that he can live a life of prosperity and wealth, and it's over.

But sitting in this position, one is doomed to be involuntary.

Liu Zhang may not have ambitions, but the people under him have them, not only have them, but they will support him to do so.

After all, the power struggle between the central and local governments is eternal.

Except for the loyal ministers who are loyal to the Han Dynasty and the officials who have no ambitions in Yizhou, both the Yizhou faction and the Dongzhou faction are essentially centered on safeguarding the interests of the Yizhou group, and they are naturally resistant and vigilant. The imperial court intervened in Yizhou.

Xu Jing couldn't sit still any longer and stood up to speak.

Like his brother "Jiansheng" Xu Shao, Xu Jing is famous for his "Yuedan Ping" to criticize people. But Jing ran to Yizhou to hang out.

The reason why they didn't go to Jingzhou may be that the celebrity circle in Jingzhou is more competitive.

"After all, it's hard to say. We are now in a precarious situation. The imperial court has not sent troops into Hanzhong, Zhang Lu's threat has not been lifted, and the Nanman riots from time to time. If we offend the imperial court again, I am afraid we will be unable to eat and walk around."

Xu Jing patiently persuaded: "My lord, I think we should choose to stand on the court's side and give a sincere letter of congratulations to the court. If we express our attitude at this time, I think the emperor will take care of us and not Will take the initiative to threaten the safety of Yizhou."

"I agree with Mr. Wenxiu's opinion."

As soon as Xu Jing finished speaking, he heard Huang Quan beside him agreeing. Huang Quan's words aroused Pang Xi's dissatisfaction. This Huang Quan didn't know what was going on, and he always refuted his own opinions.

But for some unknown reason, Pang Xi didn't say a word, and a trace of cruelty flashed quietly in his eyes.

"My lord, I think we in Yizhou only need to maintain the status quo. Of course we can't offend the imperial court, but it's better to wait for the general situation of the world to be clear before making any plans." Huang Quan continued.

Liu Zhang pondered slightly and nodded. The analysis of Zhang Song, Huang Quan, Xu Jing and others is not unreasonable.

"Then, do as you say."

Liu Zhang nodded and said, "Since you all feel that you should show favor to the court, the only thing we need to do now is to send envoys to Chang'an. Who wants to go?"

Zhang Song stood up without hesitation, turned around, and bowed down.

And another assistant officer, Xiang Yu, also stood up.

Liu Zhang praised: "Then you two go to Chang'an, and Ziqiao will be the envoy."

After the two received their orders, Liu Zhang immediately ordered: "Come here, pass on the order and order the garrisons near Hanzhong to evacuate to Xiaojianshu (Jianmenguan), so as not to be misunderstood by the court."

Then everyone left, Pang Xi hesitated a little, but also left without saying a word.

Seeing Pang Xi's appearance, Huang Quan frowned, stopped in the shadows for a moment, and then turned back to Liu Zhang.

(End of this chapter)

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