Chapter 221
By the Yishui River, the snow is as fine as a cow's hair.

More than [-] soldiers, auxiliary soldiers, and civilian husbands formed an unstoppable black torrent, rolling over the frozen Yishui.

However, shortly after the officers and soldiers crossed Yishui, Xiaoxue gradually stopped.

The thick gray and black clouds in the sky also dissipated. First, a beam of light was transmitted down, and then, the snow gathered and the clouds dispersed, and the sky was bright.


On the ice layer, war horses neighed and were slowly crossing the river led by soldiers, usually in a group of three, two of which carried a full set of soldier armor and armored riding horses, under the action of the load, Leaves white marks on the snow.

——The iron horse treads on the glacier.

A branch of officers and soldiers crossed Yishui, and then lined up neatly in several rows on the river bank in units of Shiwu, spread out word by word, and then countless such troops were layered on top of each other until they formed a dense and huge army array.

To the north of the army, a continuous fortress stood erect, and the walls of the camp were full of archers, each holding a bow and arrow, always on guard.

Yuan Shao stood on the wall of the camp, looking at the officers and soldiers who had already crossed the river from a distance, feeling uneasy in his heart, but he still forced himself to remain calm.

He knew that the officers and soldiers were coming aggressively this time, and they were not just here to take the initiative to attack, but they were probably fighting with their backs, leaving no way for him to retreat.

Similarly, he must win this battle!
"Finally, you are all generals who have fought old battles. The array has been arranged. In a real fight, 10,000+ people will be mixed together. The battlefield will spread out for more than ten miles. At that time, no one will care about anyone else. , All you have to do is fight with one breath, I hope you can hold on to this breath!"

On the wall of the camp, beside Yuan Shao.

Qu Yi, Zhang He, Gao Lan, Lu Xiang, Jiang Qi, Sui Yuanjin, Han Juzi, Zhao Rui, Ma Yan, Zhang Nan... Famous and unknown, almost all the generals under Yuan Shao's command are here.

All the generals agreed almost unanimously.

"Order, the whole army sets out to the south!"

Yuan Shao gritted his teeth, his voice was trembling, but he was still firm.


The generals responded with a bang, and under the leadership of Qu Yi, Zhang Yun, and Gao Lan, they were divided into three groups, left, middle, and right, to face the enemy, just like the official army.

"Without my imperial decree, on the battlefield, anyone who retreats and crosses the river without authorization will be executed!"

Listening to Liu Yi's words, it was clear that there was no way out after a desperate fight, and all the generals under the dragon's banner couldn't help but stand in awe.

At this time Liu Yi was also dressed neatly, riding a horse with helmet and armor standing under the dragon banners fluttering in the wind, seeing the expressions of the generals, he twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled.

"Yesterday, it was the Taiwei who talked about the military strategy with you. How to conduct this battle is the Taiwei's business. Today, before the battle, I will tell you the rules of rewards and punishments. After talking about punishments, let's talk about rewards."

The tense atmosphere finally relaxed a little, Liu Yi said seriously.

"Emperor Taizu Gao had Han Xin, Fan Kui, Xia Houying, Zhou Bo, and Guan Ying. Emperor Guangwu had 28 Yuntai generals such as Cen Peng, Feng Yi, and Deng Yu. At that time, if this battle is won, I want to build the Lingyun Pavilion to show the heroic achievements and leave a name for future generations, and you should work hard."

"As for the things that should be won, the two prefectures of Jizhou and Youzhou will re-divide the land. Except for the private plots of farmers and the land for the establishment of government soldiers, the rest of the land will seal off four thousand households and ten thousand households. Hou, hereditary will not be replaced, and he will rest with the country."

As soon as this remark came out, the generals were in an uproar.

The glory and wealth in front of the body, and the fragrance of the ages after death, the rewards offered by the emperor are high. Somewhat surprising.

"As for the rewards, distribution of land, and pensions for officers and soldiers of all ranks in the army, this battle will triple the previous standard."

"If the guest troops from the states and counties are unwilling to take the land, they can also exchange money and silk to return home."

". Having said so much, I didn't open my chest to show you my sincerity. I think it's almost the same." There was a smile in Liu Yi's words, but his face was very calm, and he just continued: "One last thing, I am standing here in this battle, whoever retreats from my position, whoever I personally draw my sword to behead, don't blame me for not being sympathetic, can you understand?"

Thousands of Tiefutu soldiers were heavily armored, and even though their horses were not armored, they neighed proudly.

In this situation, the generals didn't understand Liu Yi's determination, even Yan Xing and other generals who were most determined to preserve their strength also agreed loudly.

The generals dispersed to lead the army one after another. At this time, Yuan Shao's army in the north also poured out. He was at the rear of the Chinese army, next to Liu Yi by the Yishui River, and only Hu Che'er, Wang Yue and other personal guards were left beside him. .

Looking at the densely packed army in front of him, with countless weapons and armor, Liu Yi was in a daze.

"Old King."

"Your Majesty, I am here."

"Hu Cheer."

"His Majesty."

"When I met you in Guanzhong back then, one was Hu Benlang who came to save me, and the other was a small school who grabbed food by the side of the road. Now that the situation is changing, he has become a hero who helped the Han Dynasty. You say that the times make heroes. , or do heroes make the times?"

Without waiting for the two to answer, Liu Yi asked again: "In other words, whether I can be considered a hero, what do you two think?"

Hu Che'er and Wang Yue looked at each other and nodded in unison.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Liu Yi couldn't stop laughing, but he just stopped laughing and murmured in a low voice.

"The word hero, I don't know how many heroic souls are behind it."

Liu Yi sighed.

"I don't know how many good boys will die in this battle."

"Although Yuan Shao has many soldiers, it is not invulnerable. As long as the soldiers work together, they will definitely be able to break through." Hu Che'er comforted him clumsily.

"Your Majesty. These are all of His Majesty's soldiers and horses. They will surely defeat Yuan Shao. If Yuan Shao is defeated, the world will be safe." Wang Yue pondered for a moment and said in a low voice.

Liu Yi laughed when he heard this.

"I think so too. This battle is the key. If Yuan Shao can be defeated completely, the general situation of the world will be settled. That's why I will mobilize all the soldiers and horses under my command to the front line of Yishui to make a decisive victory. "

Hu Che'er and Wang Yue looked at each other, and their hearts were shocked.

"This battle. What really matters is the rise and fall of the world!"


Suddenly, a messenger galloped into the army and knelt down in front of Liu Yi.

"Your Majesty, Yuan Shao's army has arrived twenty miles away."

Hearing the messenger's report, Liu Yi's face flashed a look of solemnity, and he looked up into the distance with deep eyes.

At this time, the generals of the government and army had already lined up on the open plain by the river, facing Yuan Shao's army far away.

Yuan Shao's army stopped at a distance of twenty li.

Yuan Shao was also riding a tall horse, looking at the direction of the officers and soldiers from a distance, looking at the dark army, a stern smile appeared on Yuan Shao's face, and he shouted: "Order, the whole army moves forward."

Following Yuan Shao's order, the [-] soldiers of Yuan's army moved forward in unison, and the sound of mighty footsteps resounded through the sky.

Two huge armies moved slowly towards each other, with flags fluttering on both sides, and a murderous aura quickly spread.

(End of this chapter)

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