Chapter 234
"This this."

Jia Xu held the silk book in his hand, just looked at it briefly, and was so shocked that he almost fell to the ground.

Even Jia Xu, a poisonous man who is used to strong winds and waves and has experienced countless conspiracies, could not be calm when facing this scroll.

"Yizhou Mu Liuzhang, Jingzhou Mu Liubiao, Yangzhou Mu Liuyou, and Xuzhou Mu Liubei jointly signed a petition to request the imperial court to restore the rule over the four states, and have sent the household registration maps, maps, and garrison maps of each state to Chang'an."

"In this way, isn't it... isn't it."


Liu Yi let out a long breath of relief.

"Mr. Wen He should know these four people. They don't have any intention of fighting against the imperial court. They are just watching on the fence. Once the general trend is in place, these things will be a matter of course."

"Liu Zhang is weak, he has no ambitions and wants to enjoy himself. He is kind and has an old relationship with me. He is the shepherd of Yizhou. He is the most sad when facing those subjects who set him up and roast him. Before that, he could not control the Dongzhou faction. I have been asking for my help all the time. It is also my intention to send Yan Yan's Bajun soldiers out of Sichuan."

"Liu Biao is getting old, and he has only a few years to live. Now Liu Jingsheng thinks about two things. The first is his own name after his death, and the second is the glory and wealth of his children and grandchildren."

"Before Liu Yao went to Yangzhou, he still had some ambitions. Now that he is beaten like this by Sun Ce, he has been waiting for the court to save him for a long time. In addition, he has always been loyal to the court, even in the most difficult time for the court. When Jue Guo Si brought chaos to the court, his people were all loyal, so there was nothing to talk about."

"As for Liu Bei, as long as I am still alive, he will be a loyal minister of the Han Dynasty."

Liu Yi said lightly: "Before the decisive battle, I promised them four princes who could not be hereditary, so now it's not just Yongzhou, Liangzhou, Sili Xiaowei Department (Guanzhong), Bingzhou, Jizhou, and Youzhou. When the imperial court digests Jizhou and Youzhou, it can directly connect Yizhou, Jingzhou, and Yuzhang County in Yangzhou."

Jia Xu thought for a while, not only talking to himself, but also trying to figure out the current situation.

"That is to say, Yuan Shao is now the turtle in the urn. After capturing and killing Yuan Shao, he has not clearly expressed his obedience to the power of the court, leaving Lu Bu in Huainan, Sun Ce in Jiangdong, Yuan Tan in Qingzhou, and Cao Cao in Yanzhou."

"Actually, there's only one."

Liu Yi's fingers tapped on the hilt of the sword at his waist.

"Unless Yuan Tan surrenders himself, I will take Qingzhou. As for Lu Wenhou, he will be a loyal minister when the imperial army goes all the way east along the Yangtze River. After all, Lu Wenhou killed both Dong Zhuo and Yuan Shu in a row. You are a country thief, and you have made great contributions to the great man. I will not treat meritorious ministers badly, and I will make this clear to him. Sun Ce, now it is only a land of three counties, and the hearts of the people have not yet been attached. This is how things in the world are. , what can he do?"

Jia Xu understood what Liu Yi meant, and looking around the world, the only one who could stand against the imperial court was Cao Cao who was located in the hinterland of the Central Plains.

"Cao Cao?"

Liu Yi looked into the distance calmly.

"I will give him a chance. I heard that when he was young, his ambition was to be the general who conquered the west of the Han Dynasty. He will have no regrets if he engraves the tomb of Marquis Cao, the general who conquered the west of the Han Dynasty, on his tombstone. General Zhengxi Give it to him, Wanhu Houzhen can also give it to him, it depends on how he chooses, if he insists on fighting to the end, then this dead end, he can just let him go."

In the fourth year of Jian'an, Zhu Jun, the Taiwei of the imperial court, held the festival and took over Yizhou, Jingzhou, and Yuzhang counties of Yangzhou.

When the naval forces from Yizhou and Jingzhou arrived in Huainan, Lu Bu surrendered without hesitation. In return, Lu Bu won the title of Marquis of Wanhu (county-level) and the title of Jiuqing, realizing his childhood dream. When the county official ranks in the Jiuqing, Lu relies on nothing but the heads of his foster father and in-laws.

Sun Ce originally planned to wait and see, but when he looked around, he saw the sea to the east, Liu Bei to the north, Liu Yao to the west, and Lü Bu to the northwest. The surroundings were already surrounded by court territory, so he lost the ability and mood to struggle.

Liu Bei, who had been guarding Xuzhou for several years, finally ushered in late reinforcements and supplies.

Liu Bei was very happy, and even felt a sense of relief.

In other words, this is the way things are in the world, and all ambitious people are promoted step by step by their own hearts and bound interest groups because of the intensified troubled times.

And with the two national thieves, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, who were hanged as targets, the world-sensational dispute between the two Yuans ushered in its own end in a paradoxical way.

As a result, Cao Cao in Yanzhou and Yuan Tan in Qingzhou in the Central Plains became the only two remaining forces in the thirteen states of the Han Dynasty that did not accept the rule of the imperial court.

According to Liu Yi's instructions, Zhu Jun was not in a hurry to mobilize troops and horses to attack the Central Plains, but stayed in Xiangyang temporarily to let the administrative power of the imperial court take over the local administration of Yizhou, Jingzhou, and Yangzhou.

On April 29th in the fourth year of Jian'an, Liu Yi led his army to slaughter Wuhuan and Goguryeo all the way. The Liaodong Gongsun family, who was frightened to face the court's sharp soldiers, expressed their willingness to completely accept the court's rule.

Let's say, the class teacher returned to the army through the Liaoxi Corridor.

Waking up in the middle of the night, Liu Yi wanted to see the sunrise by the sea with his own eyes, so he called Wang Yue and Hu Che'er and asked them to find Fa Zheng, Yang Xiu, Wang Can, Sima Zhi and other attendants.

It doesn't matter whether people are asleep or not, they force people to come once, "Huaimin has not slept yet".

Everyone rode out of the camp and walked slowly towards the sea.

The sky is not yet bright, and there is not even a little morning light. The waning moon is shrouded in white and gray clouds. Only through a few occasional glimpses can the moonlight come to the world.

On a small seaside hill named "Jieshi", a group of wild birds, or seabirds, who could endure the cold, were startled "fluttering".


Liu Yi let out a breath, and it immediately turned into a white mist in the cold air.

Seeing that the Son of Heaven was also extremely sleepy, but insisted on dragging himself to wait for a few people to watch the sunrise, Yang Xiu was half helpless, half really sleepy, and yawned a lot.

"Dezu, let's look back?"


Following the direction of Fazheng's finger, Yang Xiu turned his head to look at the sea level. He was stuck in the middle of the yawn, but he narrowed his eyes uncomfortably.

However. Nothing was seen.

Yang Xiu glanced at Fazheng resentfully, wanted to yawn but couldn't do it no matter what.

Wang Can and Sima Zhi were talking quietly at the side, as if they wanted to write a poem about this situation, but they couldn't think of a good one for a while.

Wang Yue and Hu Che'er squatted on the ground with great interest to watch the worms moving on the top of the mountain together. Lao Wang is from Youzhou and is used to seeing the sea. As for Hu Che'er, he was only new for a while before he was attracted by the worms. .

Liu Yi looked at a few people, and a smile inadvertently appeared on the corner of his mouth.

A round of red sun quietly crossed the sea level, and it was full of radiance in an instant.

Everyone looked at the magnificent scene of the sun piercing the darkness on the sea, and couldn't help being all crazy. For a while, even Hu Che'er forgot to look at the bugs.

From the foot of the mountain, Habayashiro came galloping up the mountain and handed Liu Yi a scroll of silk.

Everyone had no time to take care of it, Liu Yi opened it and looked at it silently, Sima Zhi cast a searching look just now.

"Cao Mengde has surrendered."

Fazheng was slightly taken aback, and wanted to say something, but was stopped by Liu Yi.

Liu Yi only said: "Old Wang, I want to write a poem, please ask me, the sword master, to carve it on a stone for me, will you agree?"


Lao Wang happily pulled out the sword from his waist without any hesitation, just like he did in Nanwu back then.

"On April 29th in the fourth year of Jian'an, Liting swept the caves, wiped out Wuhuan and Goguryeo, and returned the army to this point, facing Jieshi in the east, looking at the sea, the red sun is rising, and the morning sun is in sight. Hearing that the first emperor asked for immortals here, his heart ached. If you feel something, write a poem and remember it.”

"The cold wind begged for Xiantai immediately,

The chaotic dragon snake is the saddest.

Who told history in 400 years,
The earth, mountains and rivers come across the sea.

The boy raised his hand to the sky and asked,
Where are Shengmin and Qin?
Contemptuously looking at the horizontal sword swallowing the eight wildernesses,
I have a strong talent in the sky! "

(End of the book)

 Thank you for reading, because the results did not meet expectations, and the return ratio between labor and income is really relatively low. After finishing the third volume, this book will come to an end.As for the future, it is really difficult for me to write some more serious historical hegemony articles without golden fingers. I will plan to write some light-hearted and funny fairy-tale fantasy articles in the future, and try some new paths .Thank you again for reading, and I sincerely appreciate it!
(End of this chapter)

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