The big man is on the run

Chapter 28 Does Dong Zhuo Have Drinks Underground?

Chapter 28 Does Dong Zhuo Have Drinks Underground?

A sigh sounded from the depths of the hall.

Everyone watched as the Son of Heaven stood up and poured the wine in the cup onto the ground of the golden steps.

The wine rolled down the golden steps, and then soaked the Western Region carpet underneath.

Guo Si and Zhu Jun were separated, and the atmosphere of the banquet became extremely awkward for a moment.

Not only that, the faces of people with a little bit of cultural common sense became ugly.

Sprinkling wine on the ground is a sign of offering sacrifices.

this wine,

It's for the dead to drink!

A full house of living people, or a feast for the queen, is a happy event anyway, how could the emperor make such a move?


Liu Yi sighed deeply again.

Taiwei Yang Biao couldn't help asking: "Why is Your Majesty sighing?"

"I remembered that Grand Master Dong was also killed by Lu Bu in April, and two years have passed before he knew it."

"—I don't know if Grand Master Dong has any wine in the underground?"

"So, I really couldn't bear it, so I poured wine on the ground, hoping that Grand Master Dong would also be happy."

Hearing this, the generals in Xiliang suddenly changed their colors, and some even looked at the Habayashi and Huben soldiers standing outside and outside the palace.

I'm afraid that the emperor will throw a cup as a sign, and five hundred knives and axes will come out, chopping them into minced meat with random knives.

There was really no swordsman, only the emperor poured a glass of wine and walked down the golden steps.

"General Guo Si."

Liu Yi walked up to Guo Bang, held the wine cup in one hand, and patted the Eight-faced Han Sword hanging on his waist with the other.

"I wanted to learn from Yuan Benchu, let me tell you something. My sword is not bad."

"But after thinking about it, I think it's really boring."

Liu Yi held the wine cup in front of his belly with both hands, and asked with a smile: "Emperor Taizu Gao won the world by defeating Xiang Yu, and Emperor Guangwu won the world by defeating Wang Mang. The general feels that such heroes will give birth to children who can't hold a sword. Children and grandchildren?"

In Guo Bang's head, the thinking delay is a bit high now, so he can only shake his head numbly based on his instinct.

"That's it."

Liu Yi spilled the wine on the ground again, even splashing Guo Bang's boots.

"In the time of Xiping, the chaos is even more serious." Liu Yi sighed, and put the wine cup casually on the table by his side, "In the Heng Dynasty, the north is full of Qiuxu; Weitong is in the west, and the fireworks are cut off; Qi Fang Quan Zhao , Death is like a mess, so Shengmin consumes almost half of this glass of wine, and it is used to pay homage to our dead people."

"In the early years of Xiping, there were 5000 million people in the Han Empire, but now there are still 3000 million people left?"

"You don't know, I don't know, anyway, you don't have the heart to think about it, right?"

"When the underground master Dong was alive, he was busy fighting on the battlefield and fighting for power, and so was the underground master Yuan. They didn't think about these things when they were alive."

Liu Yi sat cross-legged on the carpet in the center of the hall, and Guo Bang, who was standing beside him, pressed his sword awkwardly, neither standing nor sitting.

"Today, the world is going to be amnesty. Before the amnesty of the world, we monarchs and ministers might as well talk about who can be pardoned and who can't. The history is like iron. After today's conclusion, the heinous people will never be forgiven again." There will be no pardon for crimes committed."

Tai Shiling, who was holding a brush, actually started to record, and the hall was so quiet that a needle could be heard.

Seeing Guo Bang's lips moving, Liu Yi smiled and said bluntly: "General Guo wants to say anything, just say it, and speak freely today."

"Your Majesty, Grand Master Dong is guilty. If he is heinous, then we are also heinous?"

The generals in Xiliang couldn't help pricking up their ears when they heard the words.

If the emperor is so determined, then even if it is against the destiny, they might work together to change the emperor.

"Of course Grand Master Dong is guilty, and he is indeed heinous." Liu Yi looked at the tense Guo Bang, and said in a straight voice: "But today, the Kwantung Kwantung is separated, and Li Shu has no place to stand, is it all the crime of Grand Master Dong?!"

The Taiwei Yang Biao, the head of the three princes, opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything in the end.

Including many ministers, because a very sensitive political issue is involved here.

——The present day belongs to Dong Zhuoli.

Dong Zhuo could be guilty, and he was indeed guilty. Let alone moving the capital and killing the people, just poisoning the young emperor and the queen mother are heinous crimes.

In fact, it was precisely because of the court's determination of Dong Zhuo's death that the fearful generals of Xiliang, such as Li Jue and Guo Si, were afraid of being politically liquidated, so they simply led troops into Chang'an directly.

But if it is so qualitative, it will inevitably lead to the rebellion of Xiliang generals.

"The chaos in the world began when Dong Zhuo entered Luo without an edict and the eunuch forced He Jin to be killed. Could it be that Dong Zhuo's crime is not the fault of the Kwantung heroes now?"

Guard Sun Rui ignored Guo Bang's glaring eyes, and said loudly with his head raised.

Conspiring with Wang Yun to assassinate Dong is one of Shi Sunrui's greatest political assets, and it is also the reason why the courtiers believe that he will definitely be promoted to Sangong in the future.

Denying Dong Zhuo's crimes is tantamount to denying his political life, and of course Shi Sun Rui will speak out.

And the big banquet made this scene, not only the officials were frightened, but even the generals in Xiliang were also in shock.

"General Li Jue!"

Hearing the emperor's call, Li Jue bowed out of nowhere and said, "The minister is here."

After paying the salute, Li Jue realized that he seemed a little nervous.

"You are Grand Master Dong's confidant, were you there when Fei Xiong's army entered Luo?"


"Grandmaster Dong entered Luo without an order. Who ordered him? Luoyang had no internal response. I don't believe that as a frontier general at that time, he dared to send troops into Luo."

Li Jue said without hesitation: "Teacher Yuan Kui instructed, Sili Colonel Yuan Shao proposed, General He Jin agreed."

"well said!"

Liu Yi looked coldly at the Xiliang generals and all the officials in the palace, except for Zhu Jun, Yang Biao and a few others, all of them bowed their heads and did not dare to look directly.

"Since everyone thinks that the current world is collapsing, the Kanto is separated, and the Kansai is in a mess, it started with Dong Zhuo and He Jin, then let me ask you, do Yuan Kai and Yuan Shao, the Yuan family in Runan who planned all this, also have to bear the responsibility? The same guilt as Dong Zhuo?"

No one said a word, because most of them are witnesses and accomplices.

"As it is!"

Only Shi Sun Rui was not afraid. He dared to plan to assassinate Dong two years ago, so naturally he would not be afraid of anything now.

"Okay, Dong Zhuo's involvement in Luo and He Jin's chaos, so that the world is in chaos today, is the crime of Dong Zhuo, He Jin, and Yuan's conspiracy. Tai Shi Ling, write it down!"

"That's Dong Zhuo's other serious crime."

Liu Yi simply didn't even call Grand Master Dong, he looked at the civil servants and generals with different expressions, and asked loudly.

"My elder brother, Shaodi, has been virtuous since he came to the throne. Dong Zhuo used his ministers to abolish establishments, and even killed the young emperor and the queen mother. Who planned such a big event with him? I don't believe it. Dong Zhuo has just entered Luo, and no one supports him. Dare to do such a major event that changes the world!"

The delicate emperor's sister-in-law Tang Ji recalled the sad things, and couldn't help sobbing softly while hugging the raccoon slave.

Lieutenant Yang Biao listened to Tang Ji's cry very close, his face turned green and pale, and finally he gritted his teeth and came out, bowed his head with his crown lifted.

"It was the former Grand Tutor Yuan Kui who conspired with him, and I know it, so I'm guilty of death."

(End of this chapter)

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