The big man is on the run

Chapter 3 1 knife down, 4 splashes of yellow and white

Chapter 3 One knife down, yellow and white splashed everywhere

Liu Yi grasped the handle of the knife tightly and drew out the ring head knife. Almost subconsciously, he turned around and put the knife on Xiao Xiaoxiao's neck, and then strangled his mandible with the other hand.

Due to the height difference of more than half a head, Liu Yi had to use all his strength to resist the small school.

What I want to say here is that it's not that Liu Yi doesn't want to put the knife in a more convenient position.

Instead, Xiaoxiao was wearing armor full of iron armor leaves. Except for the neck, other deadly parts were tightly protected.

Xiaoxiao is also a ruthless person who was killed on the battlefield. Although the knife fell into the hands of the emperor for some reason, he didn't panic. Instead, he put his hands on his waist and smiled coldly.

"Why, is the emperor going to kill someone with his own hands?"

This small school seemed to be predictable, the always cowardly emperor didn't have the courage to kill with his own hands.

At this time, both of them turned their backs to the captain and soldiers behind him. Liu Yi forced him to turn around slowly. Go to report to the superior.

"Captain Xu, you didn't come up to grab the knife, but backed away, what do you mean?"

Xiaoxiao is not stupid, after thinking for a while, he asked the majestic captain in front of him with a bad expression.

"How can swords and soldiers be added to the emperor? How to deal with the matter, I will make arrangements when General Li Xian comes later." The captain surnamed Xu was not afraid, and answered with his head raised.


As time passed by, Liu Yi's hand holding the ring head knife was trembling uncontrollably. On the one hand, it was because the body was pampered and young, and his strength was really weak.On the other hand, the Huan Shou Dao of the Han Dynasty is really heavy, especially when it is held horizontally all the time.

"Your Majesty is tired, why don't you let go?"

The reason why Liu Yi has not used the knife is not because he has never killed anyone in a society ruled by law.

It's because the little school can be killed at any time, but Liu Yi felt something was wrong. He realized that the little school's attitude was probably not the reason he said, and there might be other people behind it. Now Liu Yi The person behind needs to be brought out.

Therefore, it is not yet possible to kill this small school with one knife.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Liu Yi looked at the Xiliang soldiers around him, and he only said, "Anyone who has the guts to come to me!"

The Xiliang soldiers distanced themselves awkwardly. Seeing this, the small school was also very angry. Regardless of the knife on his neck, he started yelling loudly again.

"Then what did you do, Your Majesty? When Duke Dong was here, he treated you, King Chenliu, well. Your Majesty was promoted to the throne by Mr. Dong. If King Hongnong is not dead, how could it be His Majesty's turn to be emperor? Mr. Dong was taken over by Lu Bu." After the betrayal of the lord was murdered, isn’t it you, Your Majesty, who wanted to drive us Liangzhou people to extinction? In this fate, we have a home and can’t go back, and your Majesty has a home and can’t go back, isn’t it retribution?”

The little school asked several times, but Liu Yi didn't care at all.

In his heart, these things have nothing to do with him, and it doesn't make any sense to argue with this low-level officer.

However, what surprised Liu Yi secretly was that the surrounding Xiliang soldiers all pricked up their ears and listened seriously, and some of them seemed to agree very much.

This made Liu Yi quite puzzled. His memory of Dong Zhuo's death was somewhat incomplete.

In other words, before the emperor, who lived in the deep palace, was in charge of the government by Wang Yun, it caused Li Jue and Guo Si's military disaster, and he didn't know much about it.

But at this time, there was a muffled sound of beagle leaves at the gate of the courtyard. Surrounded by his own soldiers, it was Li Xie's nephew Li Xian who heard about what happened here and rushed over in person.

By the way, Li Xian is not a reasonable person. He led the soldiers to take the emperor from the palace to Nanwu that day. He is a pure stinky mound, and he has no loyalty to the emperor and patriotism.

"Your Majesty, please change your place to live and relax, what's wrong?"

Li Xian put a thick-backed machete that looked like a guillotine on his shoulder, and asked carelessly.

"The direction behind you is Weiyang Palace?"

"So what?" Li Xian looked extremely impatient, and said simply: "I brought someone to burn it, so as not to take advantage of Guo Si, the horse thief."

"Like what this little school said, your house was burned down by you, and some of them couldn't go back. Is this my retribution?"

"Your Majesty must know." Li Xian continued to sneer, but his words were straightforward, "What retribution is not retribution, Your Majesty is just a bird in a cage. In troubled times, whoever has a knife can manipulate him. Now that I have a knife, Your Majesty has to At my mercy!"

"I don't have a knife in my hand?!"

Liu Yi yelled sharply, but now his hands stopped shaking.

"Your Majesty has only one knife, we have many."

"I understand."

The little school's whole body was full of hairs, and the moment he finished speaking, he shrank his neck furiously. At the same time, he bent his elbow with one hand and tried to block Liu Yi's ring-shou knife with his iron armguard with the other hand.

His elbow hit Liu Yi, who was already weak, staggering.

However, Liu Yi resisted the pain and tore off his pocket with his backhand.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Yi clenched the handle of the knife with both hands, and slashed directly at the back of the head regardless of the neck!
The dull sound of bones breaking echoed in the courtyard.

Then there was a "puff", and the yellow and white dripped all over the ground.

Xiaoxiao's Adam's apple twitched slightly, but in the end he didn't say anything, and fell heavily on the ground, the dust scattered loudly.

"I have a knife, and it is enough to kill this one person!"

The arrogant general of the Xiliang army was stunned when he saw the bloody hands, who dared to provoke the murderous emperor with a single word of disagreement.

And the two girls behind Liu Yi hugged him even more tightly.

Liu Yi looked at the expressions of the people around him and suddenly laughed.

He seems to have found the law of survival in troubled times.

As dusk approaches, the last blood-red afterglow of the setting sun is reflected on the yellow mud courtyard wall of Nanwu, which looks very poignant and beautiful.

"Da da" footsteps sounded, and the patrolling Xiliang soldiers gradually moved away. In the end, Li Xian didn't do anything to him, but replaced the guard officer, and cut down the loquat tree as if venting his anger.

After all, the Son of Heaven is the biggest bargaining chip in his uncle's hand to compete with Guo Bang, who is holding all the officials hostage.

Liu Yi walked around the half-cut loquat tree, walked to the courtyard gate that had been completely sealed from the outside, sat down on the steps, leaned against the wooden gate and looked up at the sky.

"Why did you help me today?" Liu Yi asked abruptly through the door, and the rustling of nail leaves came from behind the door.

"You put the small school's ring head knife in my hand."

"I have studied and worked as a small official in the county in the early years. Later, when Hedong was captured, I had no choice but to follow Baibo. I know the reason why the master humiliates the minister to death. Your Majesty is the Son of Heaven. If you can do something, you will always do it."

"Other than that?"

"If there is something unbearable to say, it's better to have a knife in hand than to be unarmed." The captain outside the door seemed to adjust his back-to-back posture, and then said again: "Besides, Xu and that little school also have many friends." There is discord."

"Is that because you are afraid that I will be humiliated, and you have the intention of killing someone with a knife?"

"Yes." The answer outside the door was straightforward. "What Your Majesty has done today has a bit of the arrogance of a great ancestor who killed a white snake."

"What kind of arrogance is it? It's just a caged bird killing people in anger. I'm actually...terrified in my heart. Not to mention that time, my hands are still shaking."

"Your Majesty is good at the hands of women in the deep palace, not to mention shooting birds, maybe you haven't even killed a chicken?"

Without waiting for Liu Yi's words, Captain Xu outside the door continued: "So it's not your Majesty's fault that you can't kill people, and since your Majesty dared to swipe down the knife and behead the thief's dog's head, it's enough to kill one person with a knife." Words. The courage in it is no less than that of Emperor Taizu Gao who cut the white snake."

"After this experience, I know that in this world, it is true that the knife handle is in your own hands." Liu Yi was silent for a moment, and then asked with a smile: "Xu Duwei is very eloquent, what's his name? Is there a sign?"

"The name is Huang, the word is Gongming."

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(End of this chapter)

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