The big man is on the run

Chapter 43 "Famous General" Xia Yu

Chapter 43 "Famous General" Xia Yu

"According to reliable sources, there are traitors in the army."

In the big tent, there are only Liu Yi, Fa Zheng, and Zhong Yao.

"Who is the traitor?"

"I don't know, I only know that there is, and the status is not low, but who it is, the person who disclosed this information to me is not clear."

The expressions of the two were different, Fazheng was relieved soon, and Zhong Yao started to meditate instead.

Fazheng was relieved because he was good at military strategy and conspiracies, but not good at manipulating people's minds. He quickly realized that he didn't need to do anything about this matter, as long as he gave his own point of view to help the emperor Analysis will do.

Zhong Yao, on the other hand, was seriously thinking about where the traitor might have originated.

Besides, since Liu Yi, according to the agreement between the two of them, really completed the arduous political task of "going out to the East", which seemed almost impossible for Zhong Yao to complete in a short period of time, Zhong Yao was really convinced.

He threw away the set of "Cao Cao's reliable theory" and sincerely advised Liu Yi.

What even surprised Liu Yi the most was that Zhong Yao wrote a letter to his friend Xun You who was fleeing disaster in Jingzhou some time ago before the army set off, asking him to serve in the court!
This is Xun You!
No matter how ignorant Liu Yi is, he still knows that this person who proposed to flood Xiapi to capture Lv Bu alive, Guan Du to attack Yan Liang to kill Wen Chou, and accept Xu You to burn Wuchao is a real existence who can be the mastermind.

The Yingchuan gentry divided their bets, and it is possible that Xun You was invited to come.

Of course, it's one thing to write a letter, and it's another thing to be able to come in the end. Liu Yi is not only happy about Xun You who may come, but also Zhong Yao's attitude.

In fact, Zhong Yao's change of attitude is just a microcosm of many people around Liu Yi.

Just like that phrase of poisonous chicken soup - as long as you are strong enough, the whole world will make way for you.

Liu Yi has one of the biggest advantages, his position is high enough, so that as long as he is a little stronger, this little bit will be infinitely magnified by his authority as the Son of Heaven.

Since time travel, he has done enough to make the people around him feel that the emperor can stand up to protect everyone, not just they need to make efforts to protect the emperor.

"Hu Miao?"

Zhong Yao hesitated for a moment. He is smart and careful, and he is best at vertical and horizontal skills. The first thing he thought of was to serve Hu Miao.

Not only that, but he also thought of the last time the emperor asked Huangfu Li to gallop to Shan County and called Zhang Ji to break the situation.

The follower arranged by the emperor, that is, Shi A, Wang Yue's apprentice, didn't make a move at all, and Zhong Yao was a little suspicious of the strangeness.

It was no secret that Hu Miao belonged to Li Jue.

And Li Jue, who sat on the mountain and watched the tigers fight, asked Hu Miao to leak the news to Guo Si. This logic is very reasonable.

Maybe the Son of Heaven has a hidden stake around Hu Miao?

"It's not just that." Liu Yi answered leisurely.

Zhong Yao said the second answer in his heart: "Zong Ji."

"Shizhong Zhongji is a loyal minister who participated in the killing of Dong Zhuo, but he has always been friends with Yang Ding. Maybe he accidentally leaked some secret to Yang Ding, and Yang Ding informed Guo Si again."

The words were very euphemistic, but the meaning behind Zhong Yao's words was also very clear. In this time of war and chaos, no one can be trusted.

"Yang Ding is not reliable."

Fazheng, who had been silent for a long time, was shocked when he opened his mouth.

"Zhang Ji was brought in by us to break the game. He has ambitions but no ability, but he will not get mixed up with Li Jue and Guo Si."

"Yang Feng can't be said to be loyal, but he has no choice. He was born as a remnant of the Yellow Turban, and he had an enmity with Niu Fu when he was in Hedong. Now he hates Li Jue, who took him as his wing. He has no other choice but to be with His Majesty. The rest of the Xiliang generals will not tolerate him."

"Dong Cheng is now a relative, and his family background is also a relative. Even if he has any thoughts about His Majesty, Dong Cheng is the most reliable person right now."

"Only Yang Ding is unreliable. He was forced to stand in line during the banquet. There are traitors among the generals. He is the most suspected."

"Not only that." Liu Yi said in a deep voice, "Don't forget how Wu Xi made a confession before he died."

Zhong Yao and Fazheng looked at each other, startled.

Wu Xi took six hundred nights and did not take them in. Braving the heavy rain at dusk, he accurately passed through the gaps between the various ministries of the Xinfeng camp, and made a surprise attack.

Without the accurate information provided by the senior officials of the South Route Army, how could Yebushou do this?
As for the traitor, at least he must know the level of the camp's defense map!

If one of the four army leaders is a traitor, then the most likely one is indeed Yang Ding.

But if you guess wrong, the consequences will be much more serious than the consequences of playing Three Kingdoms to kill Yang Xiu and carry away his teammate Zhong Yao.

It's not that Liu Yi can't kill the commander and seize the army and annex his troops now.

But there is no sufficient evidence. After the completion, the remaining three military leaders will all be in danger, for fear that the emperor will kill him and seize military power.

At that time, it is possible to collectively turn to Li Guo.

If this matter is not handled well, it may even lead to the disintegration of the South Route Army.

Moreover, there are traitors in the South Route Army, the most powerful evidence is that.

The army of the South Road marched with hundreds of officials' families and countless fleeing people. They could only travel more than 30 miles a day. From Xinfeng (now Lintong) to Zhengxian (now Huaxian), it took three days to walk 100 miles!
And in these three days, Guo Si, who clearly had [-] cavalry and [-] infantry, and whose marching speed was far faster than that of the South Army, marched on the north bank of the Weishui River without haste!

The elite troops massacred and captured by Liu Yi did not take back at night, which seemed to have no effect on Guo Si.

This is incredible.

Everyone knows that Tie Hanhan Guo Si's revenge never lasts overnight.

It is extremely abnormal for him to be so calm after having turned against the court and made such a fuss.

Even after taking control of the Jingqiao bridgehead, Guo Bang was not in a hurry to cross the river, let alone sent any information to the court.

Threats, name-calling, demands, nothing.

Apart from Guo Bang and his internal agents launching a bigger plan, Zhong Yao couldn't think of any other possibility.

And this larger and deadlier plan is undoubtedly chilling.

Like the sword of Damocles hanging over his head!

Liu Yi and the others don't know when this sword will fall.

At this time, the only thing you can rely on is the soldiers in your hands.

"Your Majesty, I don't know how many soldiers have been recruited to train refugees and recruit veterans from the south bank of the Wei River?"

"More than thirteen hundred."

Liu Yi responded cautiously: "More than 600 veterans of the Northern Army can recover their combat effectiveness with a little training. The remaining 700 are young and strong refugees. It is okay to wave flags or dig earth to build camps, but it may not be possible to fight in front of the battle."

"Including the Habayashi and Huben guards of the imperial army, there are more than 1000 available Chinese soldiers."


"What is the armor rate?"

"Half is always there." Fazheng continued, "General Xia Yu has been reactivated to be a military trainer."

Zhong Yao nodded, and said casually: "Xia Yu was the Sima of the Qiang Guard camp of the famous general Duan Jiong in his early years, and he was the prefect of Beidi County in Liangzhou in the third year of Xiping, and he often repelled Xianbei's raids."

"and many more."

Liu Yi frowned, and asked: "Xia Yu is a military training officer, which means Zhu Huanqi. I don't know him very well. But since he was the prefect of a county 20 years ago and had side meritorious service, it stands to reason how can he now?" Are they all governors of a state? Did they fall into the trap of the party and were dismissed?"

Xia Yu, go to prison?
Is the name too unlucky?
"Your Majesty, it's a long story."

Zhong Yao patiently explained Liu Yi's doubts: "Xia Yu was unlucky twice in a row. The first time was 18 years ago, when Xiping broke the Xianbei Zhonglang General Tian Yan in the sixth year of Xiping. The servant Wang Fu urged Emperor Ling to go to war against Xianbei. The Han army attacked from three directions."

"Xia Yu sent troops from Gaoliu County, defeated Xianbei Zhonglang General Tian Yan sent troops from Yunzhong County, Xiongnu Zhonglang General Zang Min and Southern Huns Shanyu Tuteruo Shizhu then Shanyu sent troops from Yanmen County to attack Xianbei in three ways. Come back defeated."

"This campaign even revealed that the eunuch Zhao Bao was the elder brother of the servant Zhao Zhong. Afterwards, Zang Min, Xia Yu, and Tian Yan were dismissed from office and nobility and were exempted from becoming ordinary people."

It sounds like it's quite unlucky, and my great future has been dragged down by my colleagues.

Liu Yifu asked again, "What about the second time?"

"11 years ago, the first year of Zhongping."

What Zhong Yao said was a little helpless: "Han Sui stirred up the Qiang and Hu bandits in Longyou, and the imperial court reactivated Xia Yu and appointed him as the captain of the Qiang guard. The battle failed and no reinforcements came. He was besieged by the rebel Qiang in the livestock officer. He was released by Han Sui, and it is said that he surrendered quietly. Back in Chang'an, Xia Yu escaped with his life by bribing his servants and was not beheaded by the court."

After listening to Xia Yu's experience, Liu Yi fell into deep thought.

This person has been in the army for more than thirty years, started his career with Duan Jiong, and served as the commander-in-chief of a large army. Although he was unlucky, his life has always been in a trajectory of ups and downs.

But it is reasonable to say that Xia Yu, the only remaining famous man like Xia Yu, will train soldiers, and there are still more than 1000 soldiers, which is simply inferior.

But why, Liu Yi always felt that something was wrong?
"His Majesty!"

Liu Yi didn't stay at Zheng County Official Temple, the guards opened the tent and barged in with an anxious expression on his face.

"—The Chinese army has mutinied!"

(End of this chapter)

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