Chapter 52 Tell a joke
"Hussar, I can't stand it anymore!"

Dong Cheng's personal guard cried sadly, and all the ministers looked sideways.

The form is obvious, and Dong Cheng really can't stand it anymore.

The trenches of the camp were filled, the outer walls were breached and pushed down, and the inner trenches were also filled. Now there are only a few earth hills in the outer strongholds that are still fighting fiercely.

Under the three-foot-high banner with the words "Hussar General Zhu", several generals in armor were waiting for Zhu Jun's reinforcement order.

"Pass down our military order, Yang Fengbu dispatched 800 people to support from the west flank of the city wall."

Zhu Jun stroked the texture of the city bricks lightly, and ordered.

After a while, the orderly waved the flag vigorously, and different flags represented different orders from the general.

At this time, the Baibo infantry, wearing leather armor or even no armor at all, began to split from the formation and slowly surged towards the northeast.


The impassioned war drums sounded, and the shirtless man slammed the drumsticks in his hands on the thick cowhide drum. His muscles bulged, and he beat faster and faster. Sweat dripped down like money, and fell to pieces on the drum surface. crack.

The battle roar sounded, and the infantry of Guo Si's army held a man-high scull shield covered with cowhide and moved forward boldly. There were bowmen and crossbowmen in the formation, and with every sound of footsteps, the ground rumbled like thunder.

Behind the attacking infantry, more than two thousand archers held their ground.

Experienced archers can roughly measure the distance of an arrow just by visual inspection. Under the protection of the front row of shield soldiers, they insert their quiver into the soil, bend their bows at 45 degrees, and draw out arrows The arrow pointed directly at the sky.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Arrows rained down, and the arrow feathers of the archer's step bow covered the sky and the sun in the camp. The archers all used longbows, and their arm strength was also the strongest among the soldiers.

However, Dong Cheng's troops could no longer hold on, and lost many sections of the camp wall, and one of the Tushan Mountains. There were too many enemies. Instead, they did not take advantage of their condescending range, and were suppressed by the archers of Guo Si's troops. .

On the earth mountain, Dong Cheng, surrounded by his own soldiers, had a cold face, and he did not dodge or avoid the arrow feathers. He looked at the Guo Sijun outside the camp like a black and red ocean, but his heart was not as calm as the surface , somewhat uncertain.

"Damn it! Why doesn't that old boy Yang Ding support! What are Zhang Ji's three thousand cavalry doing?! Let the Baibo army come to die?" Dong Cheng said angrily as he supported the general.

Dong Cheng watched helplessly, as soon as the [-] infantry of Yang Feng's Baibo Army left the camp, half of them were mobilized by the [-] cavalry of Guo Si's army who had been waiting on the flank for a long time, and they rushed back to the camp.

However, this is just his sulking.

In fact, Dong Cheng knew very well that Zhu Jun's decision was right.

Yang Feng's attack by the Baibo army, who obeyed the command and was able to command, had already helped him. Yang Ding said that he was also under a lot of pressure. This was completely within Dong Cheng's expectations, and Yang Ding was such a virtue.

Beggar your neighbor, do nothing to help!
As for Zhang Ji, his three thousand cavalry is the winner, besides, Guo Bang is shrewd in fighting!
It seems that now it is three thousand cavalry against three thousand cavalry, and two thousand of Guo Bang's five thousand cavalry have dismounted and are ready to go into infantry battle.

But Dong Cheng could see clearly that as long as Zhang Ji dared to show his face, he would immediately become three thousand to five thousand!
However, so what?
Even if Zhu Jun made the most rational decision and used Dong Cheng's men and horses to rely on the camp to stick to it and wear down the vigor and strength of Guo Si's army, Dong Cheng was not happy!

Don't overestimate the awareness of the warlords, they have no awareness at all.

In troubled times, these soldiers are his lifeblood!

It is impossible to want to work hard and wait for Zhang Ji to harvest.

Dong Cheng gritted his teeth. At this time, the retreat of the whole army will directly lead to the collapse of the whole army, and he cannot directly order the withdrawal.

How about leading the enemy to Yang Ding?
Just as Dong Cheng was thinking about it, he suddenly heard cheers from the soldiers. He looked back and saw that five or six hundred soldiers from Zheng County had come out of the city to support them.

At the same time, after dawdling for a long time, Yang Ding on the side finally sent reinforcements to plunder the flanks of the Guo Si army's attacking infantry. General dropped the corpses all over the ground, and the arrows retreated.



The six rows of people kneeling in front of Guo Bang, a total of 58 people, bowed their heads deeply.

The attack is not good, and the marching method is to draw people's heads to kill. Whichever number is drawn, the person with that number will be unlucky.


"What's behind three?"

No one answered.

"Oh, I remembered, it was five."

"Yes, it's number five, then everyone on number five can come out, and the others can go back."

As if the people other than No. [-] were granted amnesty, only those whose serial number was No. [-] in the sixth platoon were left behind, and these very long subordinate corporal leaders were even a little happy that they could be promoted.

Guo Bang looked at the elders kneeling on the ground with great interest, and the six unlucky ones that were pulled out were like sifting chaff.

Guo Bang was actually not angry. All the goals of the first round of attack had been achieved, and the defenders' barracks had been pulled down. The thin city walls of Zheng County were no longer worth mentioning.Moreover, the distribution of defenders' troops, configuration of bows and crossbows, and the speed of reinforcements are all clear, and the next round will be the time to completely break the camp.

So Guo Si smiled happily.

"Tell me a joke."

The elders looked at Guo Bang blankly, not knowing what joke Guo Bang was going to tell them.

"Start with you, if it's funny, I'll save your life."

Only then did Shi Chang, who was pointed out, realize the meaning of Guo Bang's words, it was not Guo Bang telling them jokes, but they telling Guo Bang!

"General Guo, Guo Cheqi!"

"That's not the kind of joke I want to hear."

Guo Bang lifted the big gun in his hand lightly, and a bloody hole appeared between the man's eyebrows.


The corpse fell, and the rest remained silent.

"it's your turn."

The autumn wind swept by, and the soldier who was spotted was actually smelled of urine.

Another corpse fell.

Looking at the murderous Guo Bang, the third elder, who was not young, finally couldn't hold it anymore. He cried loudly, and stepped forward on his knees to hug the leg of Guo Bang's war horse.

"General Guo, I have been fighting with you for almost ten years. Please let me go because I have been with you for so many years. My mother is sick in bed at home!"

"I know."

Guo Bang looked at the familiar face in his impression and nodded.

"I am Chen from the Chenjia Village next door"

Before Lao Shi finished speaking, there was a hiss of air coming from the throat, and a big gun had already stopped in front of his neck, puncturing the windpipe.

"It's because you've been with me for so long that I'm willing to listen for a while. I didn't expect what you said was not funny."

Guo Si retracted the big gun and spoke seriously.

The remaining three superintendents looked at each other, and almost at the same time, they made up their minds and violently provoked.

His elbow and armpit changed, and the guards around Guo Si had no time to rescue him.

However, Guo Si was not in a hurry, and the big gun swept across, and the blood of the three Shichangpai was vomited out of the mouth.


Guo Si sighed helplessly, and the corners of his mouth were crooked, pulling out a creepy arc.

"Why is it so difficult to hear a joke?"

(End of this chapter)

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