Chapter 67
"Mr. Wenhe, we meet again."

After arranging for Duan Shao, who was the proton, to enter the Habayashi Guard, Liu Yi held Jia Xu's hand with a smile.

Really shake hands and say goodbye.

If it weren't for the fact that there were so many guards sent by the emperor to guard him, Jia Xu would have been moved to tears for fear of him running away.

Jia Xu could only smile wryly: "It seems that the sinful minister and His Majesty are indeed destined, and after going around, they returned to His Majesty."

"you do not say!"

The reluctant Jia Xu finally fell into the hands of Liu Yi.

But the so-called one moment and another moment, Liu Yi today, his situation is completely different from two months ago, even so, out of respect for this poisonous man, Liu Yi still intends to give Jia Xu a chance to perform.

Liu Yi, who was wearing an old sable fur with dim fur, held Jia Xu's skinny hand tightly, and pulled him into a seat, um, that is, a large hu bed (Maza).

"Mr. Wen He has come here this time, is he in a desperate situation? Oh no, there is Zhang Ji."

"Your Majesty, don't make fun of me." Jia Xu failed to pull his hand, and said dryly: "Your Majesty is very powerful, and it is too late for the criminal minister to sincerely serve, but I have always worried that I am the sinner who caused the disaster in Chang'an. Now I am grateful to Your Majesty for not giving up. For His Majesty, lead the horse, drop the pedal, tie the ring and tie the grass to atone for the sin."

"Well, that's not necessary. For a resourceful person like Mr. Wen He, how can I be willing to let you be a pawn leading the horse? Once the guilty minister is called, stop mentioning it again."

"Your Majesty." Jia Xu's words now are a little more sincere, "I really want to serve you."

"Don't you hate Duan Yan for selling you?"

"In troubled times, it is a great kindness to be able to take him in. Besides, General Duan has always been afraid of my influence in the army. I am afraid that I will use tricks to seize his military power. Now it is easy to get together and part. It's easy to see each other as a courtier."

What Jia Xu said was beautiful, what is easy to get together and easy to leave, what is to be a minister in the same palace, as if flattering Liu Yi will definitely defeat Li Jue without leaving a trace, but there is still a bit of ridicule in the words.

is it possible?


Is it possible?
Analysis on paper strength is really not great.

Liu Yi didn't seem to understand Jia Xu's meaning, but said with a smile.

"Well, it seems that there is really no way out for Mr. Wen He to say these words. I happen to be in urgent need of resourceful people, and I happen to encounter a problem. I need Mr. Wen He's help as a staff officer."

Liu Yi was not afraid of Jia Xu leaking the secret, nor was he afraid of him running away. There were a lot of people around him watching at any time, so Jia Xu had nowhere to run.

Jia Xu wanted to decline, but seeing Liu Yi's smile on his lips and his unwavering eyes, he swallowed the words of his refusal suddenly.

"Your Majesty would like to ask how to defeat Li Jue?"

"Do not."

For the first time, Jia Xu, who always looked confident, looked a little stunned and surprised.

Liu Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Jia Xu, the poisonous man, always likes to be wise and protect his own life. Everyone in the world says that it's fake Wenhe, but it's really chaotic martial arts. I think this kind of troubled times is the real chessboard for Mr. Wenhe to control the world."

"I would like to ask Mr. Wenhe, after defeating Li Jue, how to take care of the world step by step."

Jia Xu, who was originally indifferent, frowned, he was secretly shocked that the emperor didn't pay attention to Li Jue, who was strong and strong, but asked him what happened after defeating Li Jue!
This shows what?
This shows that the emperor did not even regard Li Jue as an enemy.

Does the emperor really have a winning strategy?

Jia Xu's heart trembled slightly, and he suddenly felt a little excited at this moment.

Yes, it's just excitement. You may not believe it when you say it, but no one has ever asked him how to calm down the world.

Those who come to him for advice will only ask him how to defeat the enemy in front of him, how to expand his territory and soldiers, but no one has asked him how to pacify the world.

But why would a person like Jia Xu never think about how to calm down the world step by step?
"Civil and chaotic martial arts", is it true that Jia Xu is really willing to stick this label on his body for the rest of his life?

It's not that I haven't met a bright master who is willing to do his best!
"Your Majesty really wants to hear?"

"Mr. Wenhe, please speak, I will listen with all my ears." Liu Yi said seriously.

Forced to this point, Jia Xu has some really hard-to-reach words, but she has to say them half-heartedly.

Jia Xu's expression became solemn and solemn, he straightened his clothes, pondered for a moment and then spoke.

"Since Dong Zhuo's rebellion, there have been many heroes in the world, and countless people have crossed states and counties. However, for the imperial court, it is necessary to distinguish between friends and enemies."

"The so-called enemies are first-class national thieves, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, and their vassals such as Cao Cao and Sun Ce, as His Majesty said in the banquet."

"The so-called friends, first of all, are those who are headed by the four surnamed Zhou Mu, at least nominally accepting the imperial court's command, and are willing to provide material assistance to the imperial court within their ability, such as Xuzhou Mu Liu Bei, Yangzhou Mu Liu Yao, Liu Biao, Mu of Jingzhou, and Liu Zhang, Mu of Yizhou."

"What Mr. Wen He said is true." Liu Yi nodded slightly when he heard it, "No matter what the four state herds surnamed Liu think about, regardless of their deeds, they still listen to the imperial edict. source of legitimacy of power."

Seeing that the Son of Heaven was young and intelligent, Jia Xu could instantly understand why he had to say the surname of Liu Zhou Mu first, and he also sighed slightly in his heart, this Son of Heaven was really far superior to Heng, and more spiritual than others.

"Further down, there are Chen Wang Liuchong, Hanoi Zhangyang, and Hedong Wangyi. These three forces around Luoyang can also be won by the court after defeating Li Jue's control of Guanzhong."

"Besides, the enemy of an enemy is a friend." Jia Xu continued to analyze, "For example, Gongsun Zan, although he committed the crime of attacking and killing Liu Yu, the shepherd of Youzhou, but he can compete with Yuan Shao in the northern Hebei area, so it is very important for him to fight against Yuan Shao. It can also be classified as a friend. And Lu Bu is in the same situation, although his character is not good, but his behavior is still a loyal minister of the Han Dynasty."

"As for other corners, those who rely on the shape of mountains and rivers to win and stick to one side, such as Zhanglu in Hanzhong, Gongsundu in Liaodong, Ma Teng and Han Sui in Longxi, Shixie in Jiaozhou, Yanbaihu Wang Lang in Yangzhou, are neither enemies nor friends at the moment. Whether they will be enemies or friends in the future will be determined by their actions."

The resourceful people in the world really have great wisdom.

When it comes to this kind of overall view that involves the whole world, none of Liu Yi's counselors and literati can see the whole world like Jia Xu.

While talking and laughing, the situation in the world was clearly placed in front of Liu Yi's eyes. Liu Yi looked at Jia Xu who had started to practice Taoism, and gave orders directly.

"Old Wang, bring me the map."

Wang Yue nodded, went out of the account, and quickly brought a pair of precious maps of the thirteen prefectures of the Han Dynasty.

After analyzing the princes in various places, Jia Xu rubbed the map slightly, and continued to talk about the specific steps.

 There are three updates from Monday to Wednesday~ Please actively follow up.

(End of this chapter)

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