The big man is on the run

Chapter 77 Why did the general rebel?

Chapter 77 Why did the general rebel?

On the Weinan Plain in early autumn, the wheat fields that have not been destroyed are golden yellow, as if they are inlaid with golden gems.If you look at it from a very high distance, the Weishui River meanders like a white jade belt, which is particularly delicate against the golden yellow on both sides.

In the distance, the high mountains of the remaining veins of the Qinling Mountains stand majestically, and the tributary rivers of the Wei River pass through the wheat fields, forming beautiful landscapes.

At this time, it was morning, and the rising sun slanted on the ground, coating the earth with a layer of light gold, creating a peaceful and peaceful scene.In the distance, a large bird flew high in the sky, making a crisp bird song.

On a towering ancient tree, a huge vulture took off from a branch, with its wings spread lightly overlooking the earth.Its sharp eyes are constantly patrolling, as if looking for something, but there is no target in its eyes, it is just looking for something.

Suddenly, its eyes lit up, as if it saw something that interested it, so it fluttered its wings and swept away to one side, and flew in another direction.

People, many people.

According to the experience of this vulture since its birth, as long as people get together, it can get a lot of "food".

Unexpectedly, after several weeks of patiently circling, no dead bodies appeared on the ground.

The colorful shed and silk tapes have temporarily built a platform, which is what Han Xin said in the past, "to ascend the altar to pay homage to the general".

The Marquis ceremony is both simple and grand.

The simplicity is due to the limitations of the environment and time constraints, and it is impossible to hold a more grand and magnificent scene on the scene.

It is grand because, according to the final agreement of the generals, Yang Ding will lead a thousand cavalry, and the rest of the generals will have a maximum of five hundred cavalry. The gathering of thousands of cavalry is really like a forest of spears and a sea of ​​iron armor, and the momentum is huge.

"Yang Feng, Marquis of Gaoliang Pavilion, step forward and accept the title!"

Yang Feng grinned with a grin. The Gaoliang Pavilion, that is the big pavilion guarding the Fenshui River Valley in the north of Baibo Valley!

Although Gaoliang Tinghou is a Tinghou, he is no less inferior to an ordinary township lord. Although he can't eat Shiyi now, Yang Feng is still happy in his heart.

If one day he returned to his hometown in fine clothes and showed off to the old brothers in Baibo Valley, just thinking about it would make Yang Feng feel so beautiful.

When he was facing the loess and his back was facing the sky in the river east, how could he, Yang Feng, know that he would have a day as a marquis?
I dare not even think about it in the most outrageous dreams!

Taking over Tinghou's seal and ribbon from the Son of Heaven with his own hands, Yang Feng looked at his missing little finger and didn't regret it at all, but felt that it was very profitable.

Follow the emperor, follow the wrong person!

Yang Ding in the audience saw Guan Nei Hou first, and then Ting Hou among the Lie Hou, stepping up to accept the emperor's reward on the high platform one by one, his heart that had been hanging on the high platform gradually relaxed, and he even had some expectations.

The anxiety before was real, and so is the expectation now.

But after all, Yang Ding still didn't know enough about Liu Yi's determination.

He took it for granted that in the past, he used to act on his own without harming the interests of the emperor, and this behavior can be forgiven.

At worst, the Son of Heaven has the most resentment in his heart, and he will not do anything to him.

After all, his soldiers and horses are not fake. Not only are there a thousand cavalry standing beside him, but there are also more than 3000 cavalry close to four thousand cavalry remaining at the foot of Huayin County not far away.

If the emperor wanted to kill him, wouldn't that be pushing his troops to Li Jue's side?
Originally, the official army was at a huge disadvantage on paper. If Yang Ding voted for Li Jue, there would be no need to fight at all. The official army's destruction would be a matter of minutes.

Moreover, no matter how you say it, don't say that there is no sufficient reason, if there is, if you do something to Yang Ding like this, the rest of the generals will be in danger, and they will worry about whether they are the next target of the emperor to kill the general and seize the army.

In this way, the team will definitely disperse.

So Yang Ding thought about it again and again, and still felt that the advantages of being granted the title outweighed the disadvantages.

"Zhang Ji, Marquis of Baishi Township, come up and accept the title!"

Zhang Ji, like Dong Cheng, originally had the title of Marquis of Ting, so he was promoted from Marquis of Ting to Marquis of Township. After Zhang Ji finished, it was Yang Ding's turn.

Yang Ding waited eagerly, but unfortunately, something seemed to go wrong on the stage, and Zhang Ji didn't complete the ceremony of conferring the Marquis for a while.

"what happened?"

Yang Ding frowned, and said to the lieutenant beside him, "Go and ask, what happened, do you need to skip Zhang Ji first?"

After a while, the lieutenant came back after inquiring clearly.

"General, Zhang Ji Fenghou's report is wrong."

"Do you want to go back and change?"

"No need." The lieutenant general was very firm on this point, "This subordinate asked clearly, as long as the secretary supervisor rewrites it."

"Secretary supervisor? Why haven't I heard of it?" Yang Ding was a little puzzled.

"It's probably newly built. I heard that there is one named Wang Can and another named Sima Zhi. It should be similar to Shizhao."

Yang Ding immediately nodded, since he didn't need to waste too much time, it would be very good, get it early and go back to the camp early.

On the other hand, Liu Yi, who deliberately dawdled on the stage and created an artificial delay, became a little anxious.

There is no other reason, until now, the soldiers and horses from Yang Ding's camp have not come!
Could it be that Li Xian and Wang Chang, together with the Seven Star Sword, are not enough to encourage Yang Wei?

If the evidence of Yang Ding's intention to rebel cannot be obtained under the watchful eyes of all the generals, even if Yang Ding decides to attack Duan Yao on his own initiative, can Liu Yi really come up with "unnecessary"?That's not to let the generals be separated from their virtues.

You know, no matter how much Yang Ding is beggar-thy-neighbor, he is also a hero who actually participated in the battle of Zheng County.And no matter how good Duan Yan was to the people, he did not send a single soldier to rescue them during the Zheng County Battle.

Zhang Ji's link didn't last long, just when Yang Ding came to the stage and Liu Yi wanted to do the same old trick again.

At this moment, the ground in the north shook, and a cavalry army came to move the ground!

"Could it be that Duan Yan came to attack?"

Liu Yi paused holding Yin Shou's hand, and said to Yang Ding: "General Yang, don't panic, I will definitely protect you!"

Yang Ding had already stretched out his hands, just hanging in mid-air in such an embarrassing manner, seeing the emperor leave in a hurry to send people to wait and see, but it was hard to step down, he could only wait for the emperor to come back.

Not long after, Liu Yi really turned around, but it was just a wink, and in an instant, more than a dozen soldiers rushed to the stage!
Wang Yue and Hu Che'er brought Habayashi Lang who had already arranged, and when they saw Liu Yi's eyes, they immediately became violent.

More than a dozen armored soldiers came to the stage from all directions, and within a short time of three or four breaths, they knocked Yang Ding and his accompanying guards down on the spot.

The people and horses of both sides in the audience suddenly became chaotic and tense, Yang Ding had [-] riders, while Liu Yi, Dong Cheng, Zhang Ji, and Yang Feng each brought [-] riders according to the agreement, a total of [-] riders.

"Why did the general rebel?"

(End of this chapter)

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