The big man is on the run

Chapter 9 Tremble, Mortals

Chapter 9 Tremble, Mortals

The sky and the earth are completely dark, black clouds are rolling in the sky, and above Zhongnan Mountain in the distance, it looks like a black dragon stretching thousands of miles.

And in this extremely dark environment, whenever the blue-purple electric snake flashes past, the raindrops will be reflected in a pale white color.

The wind blew, and the cold raindrops slapped Liu Yi's face.

He saw small puddles on the ground at the limit of his field of vision, suddenly blown away by the strong wind.

"Huangfu Li, Yang Xiu, you take Your Majesty and the two nobles away! I will take the rest of the soldiers and retreat on foot."

The sound could not be transmitted too far in the rainstorm, and Zhong Yao's loud cry when he reined in his horse was extraordinarily hard.

A mouthful of rainwater was poured by the strong wind, but at this moment, Zhong Yao didn't care about the manners of any aristocratic family.


When King Qin's army came, they didn't bring many horses. The main reason for this was that they were scattered when they left the city. If they brought too many horses, they would attract the attention of the Xiliang city defense forces.

But in any case, King Qin's army still has more than a dozen horses.

When they set off from Nanwu, Huangfu Li had already arranged horses for the emperor, Fu and Dong.

At this time, the elite guards escorted the emperor and the two nobles to go first. In the eyes of everyone, it was an extremely correct choice.

if not?To be captured by Li Jue and Guo Si who are like wolves and tigers?
Then in this rescue operation they organized, so many righteous men who were devoted to the Han Dynasty died, wouldn't they all die in vain?

——Why did Li Jue and Guo Si come so quickly?
In a hurry, it was too late to figure out the problem.

Liu Yi turned around and ordered: "Wang Yue, Xu Huang, follow me."

Old man Wang inserted his two-handed sword into the sword box on his back, Xu Huang also carried the big axe and got on the horse. Liu Yi felt a little more at ease with these two men with extraordinary force values ​​by his side.

Riding on a horse without stirrups, Liu Yi's feet, which had no place to rest, clamped the horse's belly and galloped eastward with the team in the rain.


Liu Yi suddenly stopped his horse and yelled, "You can't go!"

Huangfu Li was stunned when he heard the sound, and when he looked back, it was the emperor who had stopped where he was.

He rode his horse and turned back to the emperor, his words were almost crying.

"Your Majesty has a body of gold, don't fight for a moment!"

"It's not out of anger."

Liu Yi explained solemnly.

"If I leave, it doesn't matter whether it's Li Jue, Guo Si, or both. As long as I see that I'm not there, I will slaughter them to vent my anger. It is impossible to let those behind me go, and I will kill them at that time." life."

Hearing this, the surrounding soldiers of King Qin all looked moved and felt sorry for him.

"Your Majesty, if you break it, you must break it!" Huangfu Li said through gritted teeth.

Yang Xiu frowned slightly, Zhong Yao's so-called leading the rest of King Qin's army to retreat on foot was just using them as a living target to delay time.

If it is said that other people may not have thought of this, how could Zhong Yao and Yang Xiu, two smart people, not think of it?

Zhong Yao and Yang Xiu tacitly didn't say anything, but they had a plan to use these soldiers of King Qin to abandon their sons.

This made Yang Xiu lament, the Son of Heaven didn't know whether he was smart or stupid, but he voluntarily gave up letting these King Qin soldiers be his backs.

"No!" Liu Yi said in a hurry: "If we leave these people behind, we can really accomplish great things. The problem is, it's impossible to run away!"

Yang Xiu raised his head in astonishment, but saw the Son of Heaven waving a whip and pointing forward.

When the lightning flashed by, there were indeed scattered Xiliang scouts in the distance.

Obviously, even in such bad weather, the mobile search capabilities of the Xiliang Army still exceeded their imagination.

In other words, they had already been targeted by Xiliang's elite scouts.

It's not that the Xiliang Army opened the whole map and can see through the fog of war.

In front of tens of thousands of cavalry, given the terrain of the plains near Chang'an, it is impossible for them to escape.

As long as there are a few scouts standing in front, the Xiliang iron cavalry behind will come like bloodthirsty hungry wolves.

Unsurprisingly, the scouts of the Xiliang army spread out like several large nets, and they were arranged in layers and depths, even if they broke through one layer, it would be useless.

This kind of escape is just a subconscious choice in a panic.

"Furthermore, iron cavalry from Xiliang travels like wind, neither the two noblemen nor I know how to ride a horse.
"Do you think that at our speed, even if we can escape for a certain distance, there are scouts blocking the way in front, and the large cavalry behind will inevitably pursue if they lose the emperor. How can we escape?"

"It's better to deal with it calmly here, the worst result is that I will be taken back."

Huangfu Li had nothing to say, and Yang Xiu behind him sneezed, covering up the doubt in his eyes by bowing his head.

The emperor's various explanations are indeed quick thinking.

A normal person would run away immediately after listening to the command in a panic, how could he bother to analyze these things?

But Yang Xiu, a clever little ghost who is good at making up brains, always feels something is wrong
The emperor refused to leave. Could it be that he was afraid that his elder brother would go to Kanto alone, and the officials in Chang'an would be forced by Xiliang army leaders to support another emperor, and he would become a deposed emperor?
If you really think so, but you just say the opposite truth to buy people's hearts.

The emperor's scheming is truly unfathomable!
"His Majesty."

Huangfu Li wanted to say something more, but it was too late.

Not only did the emperor turn his horse's head and return to the pawn formation.

Thousands of Xiliang cavalry also appeared at the end of the field of vision with the sound of rumbling horseshoes.

They scattered into a half-moon shape and surrounded King Qin's army.

And almost at the same time, thousands of cavalry rushed out from the other side.

On the ground level, two black lines rolled like tides.

Both armies maintained restraint and did not attack, as if they had a tacit understanding.

In the rumbling thunder, with the help of the light of the lightning, Liu Yi could clearly see the flags of both sides.

On the left are two flags of "Li" and "Yang", and on the right are three flags of "Guo", "Yang" and "Dong".

Presumably it was Li Jue and Yang Feng of the Baibo Army who repelled the sneak attack of Guo Bang's coalition forces. After hearing the news of Nanwu's fall, the cavalry rushed to catch up.

And Guo Si, Yang Ding, and Dong Cheng over there were not far behind, and led their troops to catch up.

"Swords on the verge of breaking out" can't be called it.
Strictly speaking, Xiliang cavalry used to use swords and guns, except for a few officers, they did not carry swords, and all horses had bows, let alone crossbows.

Is this a bad joke?Liu Yi couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Seeing the encirclement of the army, the emperor actually laughed, but the hearts of the surrounding soldiers gradually settled down.

The team, which was on the verge of collapse under the might of the Xiliang iron cavalry, stabilized again.

The soldiers of King Qin's army surrounded the emperor and guarded him tightly.

And Zhong Yao, who had received some explanations, had nothing to say in the end, and could only sigh.

He knew that the emperor was right.

But now that Li Jue and Guo Si led an army to encircle them, their hope of breaking the situation was already very slim.

It could even be said that there is no hope.

The elite cavalry of the Xiliang Army on both sides galloped back and forth in the rain, shouting and drinking endlessly.

There were even bold cavalry pawns who brandished steel knives and charged twenty steps away from King Qin's army, and then used their superb riding skills to clamp the horse's belly and cut across the front.

This is showing off, but also intimidating!
This kind of approaching half cut is actually a conventional tactic of Xiliang cavalry, but it is very difficult for most armies in this era.


There are no stirrups and horseshoes in this era, and the elite Xiliang cavalry can only complete this operation purely by virtue of their skilled bow and horse control skills.

That is, after approaching the cavalry at close range and throwing arrow rain, the cavalry calmly cut back to the main formation. The core of this tactic is to use the arrow rain to effectively kill and wound the infantry formed in the formation. After several rounds of harassment, wait for the infantry formation to be exhausted. , and then besieged or charged.

"Your Majesty." Zhong Yao pleaded in a deep voice, "Rong Chen is going to negotiate with Li Jue and Guo Si."

Liu Yi nodded. When he realized that he could not forcefully break through, he already knew that the situation must be broken through negotiations.

It's hard to reason with someone with a knife.

Because he has a knife in his hand, he can be unreasonable, but you don't.

Zhong Yao rode his horse towards the two armies, however, he came back with resentment not long after.

"How?" Liu Yi's face was calm.

"They said that they will talk after they have discussed how to divide the emperor."

Huangfu Li was furious when he heard the words: "It's too much to deceive people!"

Qin Wangjun was also clamored by people, Li Jue and Guo Si's attitude seemed to treat them as random fish on the chopping board.

It's not a good feeling.

The Xiliang army on both sides became tighter and tighter, and the atmosphere of chill filled the small space.

As the Qin Wangjun who was surrounded inside, he seemed so weak and weak under the close pressure of thousands of troops.

It seems that as long as a charge is made, it will be crushed into powder.

In fact it is.

It is difficult for Liu Yi to describe his current visual senses.

Usually, hundreds of people are mixed together. From a personal perspective, it is a mess that fills the field of vision.

And if there are tens of thousands of people, it is even more boundless.

Tens of thousands of Xiliang cavalry were spread out on this unknown open space on the outskirts of Chang'an.

The swords and guns are unsheathed, and the flags cover the sky.

Even the horse under Liu Yi's crotch shook its head uneasily in fright, and the raindrops accumulated on the horse's temples shot at Yang Xiu on the left.

Liu Yi looked at the Xiliang cavalry approaching like a black tsunami, and quickly thought of a way to break the situation in his mind.

Let me think, let me think, I will definitely come up with a solution.

At this moment, in the Guo Bang coalition army on the right, a general on horseback leaped out of the crowd with a big spear.

His voice was like a bell, and the sound waves echoed in the wilderness deafeningly.

"Li Yeji! You fucking want to harm the emperor, and I want to be escorted by the king today!"

Hearing Guo Si call out his insulting nickname in person, Li Jue was furious.

Li Jue rode his horse and raised his whip, and also rode out alone with three sabers.

Li Jue was originally a rascal in Beidi County. After joining the army, he saw that the officials he had contacted had a sign, but he didn't have one. He always felt a little unhappy. So he arrested a certain gentleman and gave himself a sign, the word "Children".

However, "zhi" is pronounced like "pheasant", which means pheasant.
How could Guo Si, a rough old man who was born as a horse thief, know the elegant meaning of "childish"?
Just like a pheasant crowing.

In the past, the two had a close relationship and were the only good friends.

Li Jue and Guo Si set off together under Niu Fu's command and defeated Zhu Jun, Xu Rong, Lu Bu and other famous generals in the world.

When the two belong to the typical poor and lowly, they can shout "I'm rich and noble", but when they are really rich, they will love and kill each other to the death.

"Horse thief! You have hundreds of officials in your mother's hands, and you want to grab the emperor from me. You are really not a son of man!"

"Baby, I'm your grandfather (father)!"

"The grass on my grandfather's grave is three feet high, so it's not bad luck for you to shrink your eggs?"

Guo Si was stupid, but after all he was a man who dared to single out Lu Bu. He took a few steps forward with his gun in hand, and Li Jue quickly retreated in fright.

Li Jue found out that Guo Bang was just scaring him into laughing at a distance, and suddenly felt a little ashamed, and it was useless to stay, so he planned to return to the battle with his whip.

As for what to do next after returning to the formation, these two military leaders and scoundrels have a clear understanding.

Of course, kill these hundreds of Qin Wangjun infantry first!
As for the emperor, whoever grabs it will belong to him.

"Your Majesty, I'm going to protect you!" In the unbearable silence, Xu Huang said in a muffled voice.

"Gong Ming."

"I believe that with your bravery, you have horses and armor, and you can kill thousands of horses." Liu Yi turned his horse's head slightly, and replied sincerely: "But if you say a thousand things and ten thousand things, today's matter, no matter it is You, Xu Gongming, are still these soldiers of King Qin’s army. You all fell into this desperate situation to save me from being imprisoned, how could I leave you and go alone?”

"Your Majesty, the kindness of women!" Yang Xiu finally couldn't hold back, and sighed.

Zhong Yao and Huangfu Li are also silent, and they are very grateful for His Majesty's benevolence.

In fact, even if they knew that they couldn't escape, they would run away. It was human desire to survive, but the Son of Heaven forcibly overcome this great terror, which is enough to be called extremely strong in mind.

After a while, Huangfu Li seemed to have thought of something, and said hastily: "Your Majesty, change clothes with me, and I will stay!"

"Yes, Your Majesty can change his clothes and look for opportunities to escape."

Liu Yi put the pocket on the side of the horse on his head, looked at the tens of thousands of cavalry in front of him, and said with his head raised.

"Not only will I not leave, but I will go to meet these two domineering generals."

Yang Xiu hesitated for a moment and said, "Your Majesty can't go!"

"If I don't go, are you watching everyone let me fish you?" Liu Yi asked calmly.

Could it be that His Majesty was frightened crazy?
A ridiculous idea suddenly came to Yang Xiu's mind, but when he saw the slightly trembling shoulders of the Son of Heaven, he suddenly felt relieved.

On the contrary, I have some admiration.

If you do something that others dare not do, even if you are very afraid, then you are a hero.

However, what Yang Xiu didn't know was that Liu Yi's trembling was not because of the cold or fright.

It's because he finally thought of a way to break the situation.

A method that can make Li Jue and Guo Si retreat obediently, so that everyone can live.

Liu Yi remembered that Li Jue was very superstitious and Guo Si was very naive.

And now he happens to have a method that can show miracles in the eyes of people of this era.

After quickly going through the plan in his mind, Liu Yi became more and more confident.

Liu Yi is convinced that as long as nothing goes wrong, no one in this era can see through how he artificially created miracles.

Tremble, mortals.

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(End of this chapter)

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