The big man is on the run

Chapter 90 Welcome to the court?Yuan Shao's 3 Stooges

Chapter 90 Welcome to the court?Yuan Shao's Three Stooges (subscribe every day)

Yecheng, the residence of Yuan Shao.

At this moment Yuan Shao was sitting in the study, holding a scroll of silk scriptures, and carefully read them.

"Master, the people who have been sent to invite have returned. Except for the Ju Supervisor Army, the other three have arrived. The Ju Supervisor Army is estimated to arrive in half a moment. May I ask the Lord to continue to wait? Or should we start now?" An attendant asked softly, but his eyes were slightly raised and kept looking out.

"Since we are here, let the three gentlemen come in first, and let the maids bring the food and drink. There is no need to rush the Jujian army, I will talk to them first." Yuan Shao waved his hand with a smile, signaling to the attendants to be calm, I am not in a hurry.


Not long after, the attendant ushered the three of them in, and when they met a thin man's eyes, they exchanged subtle glances.

Yuan Shao put down the silk book in his hand, looked up and saw three figures standing outside the door, they were the three counselors of his Yuzhou faction, to be precise, the Yingchuan faction, Xin Ping, Guo Tu, and Xun Chen.

"My subordinates see the lord!" The three of them bowed and saluted at the same time, with their hands in front of them.

"You don't need to be too polite, come in quickly." Yuan Shao waved the silk book in his hand and said with a smile.

For the scholars, he has always been this virtuous and corporal attitude, not to mention that these three are all counselors of the Yuzhou faction in his hometown.

Yuan Shao is a native of Runan, and the Yuan family in Runan has a Zhong surname in the world. In the current administrative division, Yuzhou has jurisdiction over Yingchuan County and Runan County, a total of 2 counties, Liang Guo, Pei Guo, Chen Guo, and Lu Guo. Both Sichuan and Runan are the largest counties in the world, and they are also the places where the gentry around Luoyang are most powerful. Before the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the population of Yingchuan was more than 4, and the population of Runan was more than 40 million.

Having said so much, I want to point out that Yuan Shao has factions under his command.

This is not surprising, where there are people, there are hills, and it is strange that there are no factions fighting each other and fighting against each other.

There are two main factions under Yuan Shao, which are divided into Jizhou faction and Yuzhou faction according to the rural areas.

The Jizhou faction was Yuan Shao who took over Han Fu's foundation. Most of the people who supported him before and after he took over Jizhou were local powerful gentry. Yuan Shao's soldiers, horses and generals were basically from Jizhou.

For example, the so-called "Hebei Four Court Columns" by later generations of military commanders Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Zhang He, and Gao Lan.

Of course, there is also Qu Yi, who is actually the most able to fight. This Hebei general who is in charge of his own affairs is currently in Yijing and Gongsun Zan who is retreating to Youzhou.

The civil servants of the Jizhou School include Shenpei, Tian Feng, and Jushou.

In comparison, Chun Yuqiong is the only military general of the Yuzhou faction, and his ability is really worrying.As for civil servants, there were many, including Guo Tu, Xin Ping, Xin Pi, Xun Chen, Xu You and others.

Back to the present moment, after Xin Ping, Guo Tu, and Xun Chen finished saluting, Yuan Shao gave some instructions to the attendants around him, and the attendants retreated in response.

Several people were seated in order, and the pretty maids had already served food, dried fruits, and drinks like butterflies, and there was almost no room on the table.

After the maid left, Yuan Shao handed the silk book in his hand to Guo Tu, who was in front of him who was thin and thin: "Gongze, this is the silk book from the east side of the river, take a look."

The other two, Xin Ping and Xun Chen, were not dissatisfied with Yuan Shao's actions. They waited for Guo Tu, who was the best at guessing Yuan Shao's intentions, to interpret the meaning of the lord first.

"Here!" Guo Tu quickly took the silk scroll.

After opening the silk book, Guo Tu carefully looked at the contents of the silk book, with a look of surprise on his face, and then looked at Yuan Shao.

"Gongze, what's the matter? How do you feel after reading the silk script?" Yuan Shao asked with a smile, secretly guessing Guo Tu's reaction in his heart.

This is Yuan Shao's maneuvering strategy. To strike a balance between the Jizhou faction and the Yuzhou faction, of course one must first figure out how the two parties' attitudes towards the same thing are.

"My lord, the Guanzhong side is indeed a bit strange. The silk letter returned by the spies said that the Wangyi of East Tianhe County and Zhang Yang of Hanoi County are closely related, and the soldiers of the two counties have merged several times. I don't know what happened. "Guo Tu frowned, and it was an explanation to the two people on the side.

"Oh? What does Gongze think is the reason? Why don't you tell me?"

Yuan Shao pretended to be puzzled and said, but he was holding another scroll of silk in his sleeve under the table.

"This" Guo Tu hesitated.

"Gongze, what's not to say between you and me? Let's be blunt, why bother?" Yuan Shao said pretending to be displeased.

"Well, since the lord said so, then the subordinates will say it directly. The subordinates are worried that Wang Yi of Hedong County and Zhang Yang of Hanoi County will unite together and join forces with the two thieves Baibo and Heishan to jointly resist the lord from entering Bingzhou." Guo Tu expressed his worries.

Yuan Shao frowned, he never thought that Guo Tu would give him such an answer.

In fact, he received the follow-up battle report in Guanzhong, the official army Zheng County victory, Guo Si was defeated and died afterward, these news have been confirmed by his spies.

The news of Hedong County was brought back by another spies who went to Dang County.

It stands to reason that these two news are mutually confirmed. It is precisely because of the victory of the army in Zheng County that Hedong and Hanoi gave up their wait-and-see attitude and sent supplies and personnel to the army.

But Guo Tu's brain circuit turned to another direction. The Black Mountain Army and Yuan Shao were incompatible enemies, and so was the Baibo Army. This was the main reason why Yuan Shao was unable to intervene in Bingzhou.

Although Yuan Shao had already guessed that Wang Yi and Zhang Yang might do something, but he still felt uncomfortable when he heard Guo Tu's unimagined possibility.

"This, you should also look at it."

Yuan Shao took out another volume of silk scroll from his sleeve, this time Xin Ping, Guo Tu and Xun Chen got together to read it.

"The officers and soldiers actually won? I'm afraid Li Jue won't be able to sit still!"

Xun Chen's first reaction was so accurate that he almost blurted it out.

"Yes, but now we still don't know whether Li Jue and the official army are fighting. Hedong is not our territory. The speed of getting news is too slow. We need to continue to wait and see." Xin Ping nodded.

"If Li Jue has already won, does the news from Hedong mean that the imperial court has escaped across the Yellow River to Hedong?"

After hearing Guo Tu's words, Yuan Shao suddenly said, "Say, if this is the case, do you want to welcome the emperor to Yecheng?"

Guo Tu was taken aback when he heard the words, and hurriedly dissuaded him: "Master, absolutely not!"

"Why? If we don't welcome the emperor, other princes, such as my virtuous brother Meng De, welcome the emperor, how should we deal with ourselves then?" Yuan Shao frowned slightly.

"Now that Cao Cao has just finished the fierce battle with Lu Bu, Yanzhou, his hometown, has rebelled and surrendered again, and Liu Bei in Xuzhou, Liu Biao in Jingzhou, and Yuan Shu in Huainan are by his side. He definitely has no such ability."

"So what, what if Liu Biao and others welcome the emperor? It's time to attack me, a 'national thief', in a legitimate way?"

Yuan Shao's eyes widened, obviously he couldn't bear it any longer.

Guo Tu was at a loss for words when he heard the words. He was naturally aware of Yuan Shao's temper. When it came to the matter of "fame" that he cared most about, if Yuan Shao really took the lead, the consequences would be disastrous.

"My lord, calm down, calm down! The national thief and so on, that is Li Jue's intention, not the emperor's original intention." Guo Tu quickly persuaded.

"My lord, calm down!" The other two also said in unison.

Hearing this, Yuan Shao took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his chest, and calmed down for a long time before calming down.

Yuan Shu in Huainan didn't care about the fact that the imperial court declared Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu to be national thieves. They were ready to proclaim themselves emperor in place of Han, but Yuan Shao in Hebei was really disgusted.

Originally, his so-called "General Chariot" was self-proclaimed, well, now even the General Chariot is gone, and he has been accused of being a "national thief". What has become of his act of righteousness?Thieves?

"Keep talking!" Yuan Shao shouted coldly.

"Yes, my lord!"

The three of them responded, looked at each other, and then Guo Tu began to talk.

"My subordinates believe that the most important thing now is not to attack Hedong, nor to welcome the imperial court, but to find out the situation in Guanzhong first. If the imperial court is really defeated and flees to Hedong, Wang Yi and Zhang Yang are responding. It will not be too late for the lord to send a large army to attack Bingzhou. If the court is captured by Li Jue and returned to Chang'an, these things will naturally be impossible to talk about. So the most important thing for us now is to find out the situation of the court." Guo Tu said in a deep voice, his face serious .

What Guo Tu said is nonsense.

But nonsense also depends on the occasion, and some nonsense is said to cater to the heart.

It is because I don't want to do anything that I have to find a bunch of nonsense as excuses and reasons.

"Well, what Gong Ze said is reasonable, what about you two? Is there any good way?" Yuan Shao frowned.

"My lord, the most important thing for us now is to investigate the situation of the imperial court, but we can't delay on the other side. It depends on Cao Cao's movements. In this way, we can prepare in advance and take preventive measures." Xin commented.

"Oh? Why is that?" Yuan Shao asked curiously.

"Returning to my lord, assuming that the imperial court was defeated and did not go to Hedong, but escaped from Taolinsai to Luoyang, and really took refuge in Cao Cao, then it must be beneficial to Cao Cao. After all, Cao Cao slaughtered Xuzhou and killed the famous scholar Bian in Yanzhou. Let it be that Yanzhou welcomes Lv Bu, so what we have to do now is to figure out Cao Cao's movements before making plans." Xin Ping said that he was more pragmatic.

Yuan Shao looked at Xun Chen and said, "You Ruo, what's your suggestion?"

Xun Chen pondered for a moment, then spoke.

"My lord, my subordinates feel that the lord should not be too anxious. As the surname of Zhong in the world, the lord dares to be the first in the world. His prestige in the hearts of the scholars in the world is not comparable to that of Cao Mengde. In other words, in fact, the lord There is no need for a court."

Yuan Shao stared at Xun Chen stubbornly, and suddenly burst out laughing.

Finally someone spoke his mind!
He didn't want to serve the imperial court!

"Hahahaha, not bad! I, Yuan Benchu, am the first in the world, why should I put a shackle around my neck?"

After roughly understanding Yuan Shao's thoughts, Guo Tu added.

"My lord is not comparable to Cao Mengde. Besides, my lord, don't forget that if you really welcome the imperial court back to Yecheng. The powerful gentry in Jizhou may not necessarily recognize you as your lord."

After hearing Guo Tu's words, Yuan Shao's complexion changed.

Guo Tu continued: "The safest way is to try it out first. If the imperial court is really defeated and does not go to Hedong but to Luoyang to connect with Cao Cao, then we naturally have to make plans. It is not too late to take action. But if it is not the case, we will wait and see what happens, and see what the outcome of the struggle between the imperial court and Li Jue is, then we can take corresponding countermeasures."

"Hehe, okay, since you all feel that you can wait and see the changes, then we will act according to this plan. Now let's rest and recuperate, and wait and see the changes." Yuan Shao laughed.

"My lord is wise!" Everyone said in unison.

"Everyone, eat something first, and wait for the Supervisor Ju."

Looking at the three counselors in front of him, Yuan Shao sat on a chair and fell into deep thought for a moment. No matter what, the Yuzhou faction in his hometown is still easy to use!

These people can help themselves, and they will not be alone in Jizhou.

Still the same sentence, Yuan Benchu, who is the first in the world, does not need to find himself a grandfather who rides on his neck to limit himself.

From the moment he adopted Yuan Cheng and recognized Yuan as his grandfather, Yuan Shao had no shortage of fame and righteousness. On the contrary, the arrival of the imperial court would bring him infinite hidden dangers, because the imperial court had a great deal of affection for the local faction in Jizhou. strong attraction.

Yuan Shao was thinking in his heart, and there was a trace of greed in his eyes.

He received a letter from Yuan Shu, the younger brother who always looked down on him.

Yuan Shu stated in the letter that he planned to proclaim himself emperor next year or the year after next.

Yuan Shao was very uncomfortable in his heart. He had worked hard all his life for the Yuan family in Runan, but in the end he was robbed of everything by this younger brother who had his eyes above the top. It is strange that he felt comfortable, even if it was only in name.

It's not that he didn't think about becoming emperor, but he didn't have enough power to control everything in his hands, and these Jizhou scholars would not support him rashly proclaiming emperor.

"Hmph! Yuan Shu, wait and see, I'll see how you fight with me." Yuan Shao snorted coldly, thinking to himself.

Yuan Shao's heart was full of resentment towards Yuan Shu.

"By the way, Gongze, you go on a mission to the south, and I will leave it to you to find out if there is any contact between the imperial court and Cao Cao." Yuan Shao suddenly said to Guo Tu.

Guo Tu heard the words and nodded in response.

"Don't worry, my lord, I will figure this out as soon as possible." Guo Tu responded.

"Well, if there is any sign that the court has contacted Cao Cao, then send the news back immediately." Yuan Shao ordered.


"In addition, pay more attention to Liu Biao's actions. The news between him and the court must be sent back as soon as possible. Don't begrudge money." Yuan Shao continued to order.


After Yuan Shao explained these things, his back that had been tense began to relax slowly.

The reason why Yuan Shao has not made a complete decision is because he has to wait for the most important and capable counselor of the Jizhou faction, Ju Shou, to arrive and hear what his opinion is.

"Hehe, brother, Cao Cao, Liu Biao, just wait, you will soon become dust in the history books, and when the doomed Gongsun Zan is wiped out, I will make this world surrender at my feet from now on, and I will be the one It is destiny to become the most powerful force in the world." A sneer appeared on the corner of Yuan Shao's mouth.

 Thank you for the support of the big love Jinmu little angel!
(End of this chapter)

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