Chapter 10 Enemy Attack
Shimura Yanhuo looked at Qianming's expression with critical eyes.

There was no trace of decadence and pain, only calm and calm.

This made Shimura Yanhuo feel unwilling, curled his lips, and said:
"It's a mission notification. You are now the leader of the third patrol team in the rear. You are responsible for security patrols around the rear. You will report tomorrow."

Qian Ming is a Chunin, and the Chunin is already regarded as the middle management of the ninja system, with a certain combat power and command authority.

Shadow is the supreme leader of the ninja, and Jōnin is the mainstay, with decision-making power, which is the foundation of a ninja village.

Shimura Yanhuo is very jealous of Uchiha Chiaki, even if the name of genius is gone, but Chiaki became a chunin at the age of 16, which is already a very young chunin. A normal ninja has to survive until the age of 20 or [-], and pass the difficult chunin Examination can only be promoted.

Shimura Yanhuo himself was promoted to Chunin at the age of 23.

As for Jonin, it has to be both talented and talented, recognized by Hokage, and have a certain network of popularity to become a Jonin.Shimura Yanhuo is consciously hopeless, but Uchiha Chiaki is backed by the Uchiha clan. If he improves rapidly during the ninja "golden period" between the ages of 16 and 30, he is definitely expected to become a Jonin before the age of 40.

So he is jealous.

The dark thoughts are hidden in people's hearts, but they are still noticed by Qian Ming.

As "Yagyu Chiaki", he saw too many people, and he knew what Shimura Yanhuo was thinking like a candle.It's really boring to argue with this kind of person, just treat it as a talking air.

"The leader of the patrol team? Well, I see." Qian Ming replied.

Being a team leader is just a team leader, as long as it is done properly, it will not affect his cultivation.

That is, "fishing at work".

After agreeing, Qianming left, his expression was as calm as a cold pool from the beginning to the end, which made Shimura Yanhuo very unhappy, and shouted at Qianming's back:
"Have you run out of medicine?"

He was referring to the antibiotics, the medicines used to fight the infection that Qian Ming lost his right eye.

Qian Ming stopped.

Shimura Yanhuo suddenly felt the cold wind blowing up, causing goosebumps.

Murderous, he wants to kill me!
Shimura Yanhuo was surprised and delighted, Uchiha Chiaki finally broke the defense!
At the same time, his brain was running fast, worried that Qianming would kill him in retaliation, Shimura Yanhuo even thought about how to deal with Qianming's crippled right eye and right hand!


Liu Yun cut out the sheath, and a white streak appeared in the dark night.

Qianming swung his knife to weave the net, and chopped off the shuriken that was shooting out of the dark.


Shimura Yanhuo screamed, and three shurikens appeared on his arms!

The sharp blade pierced the blood vessel, and Shimura Yanhuo's arm was filled with blood in an instant!
Yanhuo was very confused, Qianming obviously drew his sword, but his arm was injured by the shuriken.

The forest was suddenly noisy, like the noise made by a group of wild boars running and trampling.

This group of noisy things rushed out of the cover of the bushes, and in the twilight of the starry night, it could be seen that it was a figure. They wore helmets on their heads and had hourglass-shaped patterns on their foreheads.
Shimura Yanhuo reacted!
This is the enemy!

"The sand ninja is here! There is an enemy attack! The enemy attack! The enemy attack!"

Shimura Yanhuo let out a strange cry, and fled towards the camp in a panic.

The sand ninjas who sprang out were fierce and restrained, and their eyes were full of brilliance.

Seeing that a Konoha ninja was alarmed and fled, a sand ninja simply slashed at another Konoha ninja with a knife.

This Konoha ninja may be blind in his right eye and is a wounded person!

His knife is fast and accurate. As a member of Sand Ninja's infiltration squadron behind enemy lines, he was selected out of thousands of choices!

Qianming also took the knife

Iron chopping technique: one cut and two falls!
As soon as the light of the knife appeared, there was only a clang of metal clashing, and then the sharp blade cut through the flesh.

The blood vibrated, and the scarlet hot blood spilled from Liu Yunqie.

There are two sections with blades and a corpse divided into two.

The scene was silent for a while, and even the sand ninjas who were tasked with the task were distracted by the splendor of this knife.

Qian Ming raised his head and glanced at the shadowy minions in the darkness.

"There are twenty of them that can be seen. They may not be able to beat them and slip away."

Taking advantage of the moment when Sand Shinobu lost his mind, Qianming ran straight away with his strong and powerful thighs.

After a while, the sand ninjas reacted and hurried to catch up.

When Qian Ming ran back to the camp, the camp was already chaotic.

Many people came out of the residence, or asked what happened?Perhaps wondering why the enemy is suddenly imminent?Or ask the number of enemy positions.
All in all, the chatter is a sign of chaos.

"It's Sand Shinobi!" Qianming let out a big shout, attracting everyone's attention.

He pointed to the direction with one hand:

"They are in this direction, and there are more than 20 people just as far as I can see!"

His words are undoubtedly a bright light in the darkness, pointing the flustered Konoha Ninja in the right direction.

The middle ninjas began to spontaneously organize martial law for the lower ninjas, while the upper ninjas stood in groups, and the Konoha ninjas burst out with their due qualities.

Surrounded by a crowd of jounin, Tsunade hurried over.

"Arrange the protection of the wounded and organize the combatants to meet the enemy."

"Konoha Sannin" appeared, and Konoha Ninja, who was already suspicious and nervous, suddenly had a backbone.

Qianming was led to Tsunade, and Tsunade made a long story short and asked:

"The reporter is you, Uchiha Chiaki, the discovery process, the approximate number and strength of the enemy."

Qian Ming really didn't know the exact number and strength of the enemy. He couldn't evaluate the one who was killed by him with a knife, and he was weaker than him anyway.

Just when he organized the appropriate language, there was a loud voice in front of him:
"Not 20 people! The enemy has hundreds of people! They are rushing over!"

Qian Ming heard it, and sighed in his heart that it was indeed the right choice to slip away.But Tsunade in front of him had a slightly gloomy expression.

As the commander of the medical logistics in the rear, she knew exactly how many combatants and wounded there were in the rear, as well as her own situation.

If hundreds of sand ninjas are all elites, then there will be no Konoha ninjas in the entire rear.
"Contact the enemy and fight!" Tsunade said heroically.

The reputation of "Konoha Sannin" and the wounded behind him inspired Konoha Ninja's fearless courage.

As for Qianming, he observed from a distance, and he could already predict that the Konoha ninjas would not be able to defeat the hundreds of sand ninjas who came in surprise.

In the past ten days of activities in the rear, Qianming also roughly figured out the situation of Konoha's personnel.

There are more than 400 wounded people alone, and more than 100 medical personnel. These groups have worrying combat power and are protected.

As for Konoha ninjas with combat effectiveness, Qian Ming estimated that there were only about 100 people, and they were responsible for daily tasks such as carrying and patrolling. It was a one-sided situation to really fight against the elite troops.

In short, Qian Ming is not optimistic about the situation on his side.

"Uchiha Chiaki, what are you still doing here? Go up!"

Seeing Qianming watching from a distance, a senior ninja shouted angrily.

Qian Ming glanced at the Jōnin, but ignored him.

"All fighting ninja cover, we have to evacuate here."

Tsunade suddenly ordered, she also saw that the battle situation was unfavorable, and made the correct order.

Besides, she closed her eyes, brought her index finger to her mouth and bit it open.

With the blood as a pact, and seals in his hands, Tsunade channeled a huge slug!

(End of this chapter)

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