Chapter 17 is a boy
Taking advantage of the time when the shadow clone went out to buy groceries, Qian Ming started to associate with a hint of inspiration that had just sprouted in his mind.

"The ninja's release of ninjutsu is rooted in the cooperation of Chakra and 'yin'. Chakra's basic attributes are wind, fire, water, earth and mines. It is said that there are 12 nth power types of ninjutsu foundations.

But I think that the essence of ninjutsu can be compared to chakra as the "original embryo" on the assembly line, and "printing" is the processing procedure.

'Chakra' has been processed by 'India' for a limited number of times, and finally has the expected 'Skill' effect.

The shadow clone is very simple, extract the chakra, use the 'seal' to 'shape' the chakra, endow the 'thinking' copy, and impose the 'seal' constraint.

Of course, if you are very familiar with a certain ninjutsu, that is, you are proficient in the entire 'Chakra' processing process, then you can omit part of the 'inprint', which is Shaoyin ninjutsu, or Muji ninjutsu.
However, this cannot change the essence of ninjutsu is the use of 'India' on 'Chakra'. "

Qian Ming gently rubbed the edge of the table with his fingertips, and his thoughts were divergent associations.

According to his thinking, there are endless ninjutsu in the world, and it is impossible to master them all.

"Perhaps the study of 'Chakra' should not be addition, but subtraction.

Do subtraction and emptiness, get rid of the complicated appearance, and look for the more fundamental essence. "Qian Ming tapped the corner of the table.

After a while, the door lock turned, and it was the shadow clone who came back from shopping.

"Go cook." Qian Ming said casually.

Ninjutsu is used, and the natural things are used to the best of their ability.

The shadow clone walked into the kitchen expressionlessly, and then came back with a bowl of noodles.

As soon as the smoke exploded, the ninjutsu was lifted.

Qian Ming rubbed his temples. After the shadow clone was removed, all the experience of the clone would be fed back to him. To a certain extent, he also experienced the whole process of buying vegetables and cooking.

"It turned out to be lazy, but not completely lazy?" Qian Ming complained in his heart.

Pick up the bowl and settle the dinner.

He took out the Liuyun Cut again, found knife protection oil, gave the personal weapon a good spa treatment, and then put it on the knife holder.

Lying down on the tatami, Qianming looked up at the empty ceiling in a daze.

The body relaxes, and the thoughts flow freely.

Whether it is physical disability or the danger of war, these two urgent matters have been resolved by him.

After annihilating Sand Ninja and infiltrating the squadron, he found Tsunade with the sand sculpture with the words "Tsunade fears blood".

At that time, Tsunade was terribly silent, and told Qianming very depressedly:
"This is Konoha's top secret, anyone who leaks it will be charged with treason."

Qian Ming's answer was simple. We are all adults, and we all know the twists and turns.

He only asked for an operation, an operation that would solve the disability of his right eye and right hand.

Qianming believes that Konoha has this level of ability and medical treatment, but he was not able to enjoy it because of his lack of status.

Tsunade agreed, and things got easier after that.

Qianming completed the operation, and at the same time his "hero name" was raised in Muye Village.

This is also easy to understand. The greater Qianming's reputation, the more attention he attracts, and the more people discuss it, the more others will subconsciously ignore Tsunade's abnormal behavior in this incident.

"Fame is a double-edged sword. If you use it well, it will add wings to a tiger. If you don't use it well, you will ask for trouble."

Qian Ming thought in his heart that he was deeply aware of this, and he had already imagined the impact of the news after it was disseminated.

As a war hero, he should have more doubts and speculations, because he will accept more dangerous missions.

Unless he leaves Muye Village.

Qian Ming still has a deep understanding of his own strength. He knows that he can kill nearly a hundred people in one battle, of course it is his swordsmanship.But the slug, who is always restoring his strength and repairing his injuries, cannot be ignored.

Qianming is very clear about his position. His blade can cut up ninjas, but these ninjas can also perform weird and unpredictable ninjutsu.Which one is stronger and which one is weaker cannot be judged until one side falls down.

However, a three-gou jade writing sharing eye has already made Qianming fearless of most ninja illusions.

"Let's explore the 'singularity' involving 'traveling' again tonight." Qian Ming said in his heart.

Sit up and straighten out the messy hair, which has been stubbled after staying on the battlefield for a long time.

"It's ridiculous to think about it. Konoha's medical level is not as good as shaving before surgery. Sure enough, with Chakra, you can really do whatever you want."

Qian Ming complained, stood up and took out the twine from his pocket, tied it up as he walked, and tied up his back hair and sideburns.

Walking to the bathroom, he looked at the reflection in the mirror.

Sharingan is revealed, it is a red pupil with three round jade wheels.

"It's also gray humor. When the power is most needed, Sharingan didn't move at all. Instead, after a battle, Sharingan was upgraded by the way, and it went directly to Sangouyu."

Qian Ming smiled, the impermanence of fate always makes people dumbfounded.

Of course, this also has internal logic. The evolution of Sharingan requires high mental strength and excitement. It is understandable to suddenly upgrade Sharingan on the battlefield.

Qian Ming just went up two levels at once.

shook his head
The three hook jade rotates, and the psychological suggestion of "lucid dream" is planted in the heart by bouncing off the mirror.

"It's time to sleep." Qian Ming said with a relaxed face.

Changed into pajamas and moved out the bedding.

When the quilt is covered, the eyes are closed.

Qian Ming's spirit came to that abstract spiritual world again.

He found the "special point" very easily.

Qian Ming hovered around the singularity.Before returning to Konoha, he maintained a "lucid dream" every time he slept to prevent himself from straying into the singularity, which would cause "Uchiha Chiaki" to be in a coma for dozens of days.

Although now he has plans to explore, Qian Ming is still a little bit guilty, after all, this is the first time for him, who knows what he will experience and what accidents will happen.

"Perhaps. I have a better choice." Qian Ming suddenly remembered the shadow clone.

"I can project my spiritual imprint over there, like a shadow clone."

In the spiritual world, Qian Ming recalled the process of using the shadow clone technique.

Soon he had a mass of spirits.

In the world of Hokage, there is a soul, the body carries the soul, and the soul nurtures the spirit.A spirit without a soul is equivalent to water without a source.

Qian Ming blesses the "seal" for this group of spirits, just like a shadow clone, no shadow clone will attack the main body, this is the bondage of the seal, unless the main body approves of this matter.

This is like the underlying logic code of artificial intelligence, which is determined from the root.

It is also not ruled out that there are fools who treat the shadow clone as a real person and endow the shadow clone with "personality" and "human rights".
The processing of this small group of mental bodies was completed, and Qian Ming put it into the "singularity"

The "singularity" is like a black hole, devouring the spiritual body.

Qian Ming can only feel that the spiritual body is leading to the "unbelievable" realm by virtue of the slightest connection between the spirit and the soul.

Afterwards, the mental body became silent, and through the faint connection, Qian Ming heard a voice:
"It's born, it's a boy!"

(End of this chapter)

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