Chapter 19-Light

Chakra is not just the ninja's blue bar. The exhaustion of Chakra means that the ninja's spiritual and physical strength are exhausted in all aspects.

The more the ninja consumes the chakra in the body to a certain limit, the ninja's combat effectiveness will plummet.

"If Jianyueyan is used in actual combat, I can only swing 33 swords at most, and my physical strength will be exhausted. With that physical strength, why don't I just step up and hack people to death? The physical exertion is negligible compared to that. "Qianming complained.

Fire Escape·Jian Yueyan is not as good as his Shanlan technique.90.00% of the consumption of Shanlan Technique comes from the natural energy between heaven and earth.

"Forget it, if you don't overwhelm yourself with too many skills, maybe it will have a miraculous effect at some point? It's quite appropriate to use it as a pretense."

Qian Ming flicked the saber to dissipate the flames on Liuyun, and then sheathed the saber.

"It's a pity to recall the Shanlan technique, I'm not in the 'natural' state now, so I can't use this technique.

However, the sage mode of the ninja has not experienced the "fulfillment" of the body and spirit. They can directly use natural energy to mix spiritual energy and physical energy, and then directly possess special celestial chakra. "

Qian Ming started to think about it, he had thought about it a long time ago, and he has no time to think about it until now.

"Sage mode also uses natural characteristics, such as enhancing perception, improving ninjutsu Fan Wei, activating the body and strengthening the spirit.

Yin-sheng breathing method practiced to the "natural" state has the same effect.

The only difference is that the sage mode is time-sensitive, as long as the sage chakra is consumed, it will exit the sage mode and lose all characteristics.It is necessary to re-take the natural energy to refine the magic chakra.

However, the yin breathing method has no timeliness. As long as it is cultivated to the "natural" state, it will be a natural state in the future, and the power of heaven and earth can be used anytime and anywhere.

Perhaps the fairy model is just a kind of "borrowing", the essence is that man borrows power from nature, and when the borrowed power is exhausted, it must be borrowed again.

The yin breathing method is a kind of "assimilation", absorbing natural energy, accumulating body and spirit, so as to get close to nature and make oneself "natural", then there is no such thing as "strength is exhausted", unless all the power in the world Natural energy disappears. "

With a hammer, Qian Ming felt that he had found the key.

"Looking at it this way, the yin breathing method is superior to the immortal mode, and the improvement brought about by the breathing method is permanent.

It's just that the practice of breathing method takes a lot of time. "

In Qian Ming's mind, the benefits of the breathing method are obvious, but the problem is that it cannot achieve combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

"My living environment is not optimistic. Although I can kill more than 80 elite ninjas in a row, it is undeniable that there are too many strange things in this world, such as curses, seals, and soul-calling. It is easy to be killed if you are not careful. It is still the moment It is more reassuring to be able to grasp the power in your hands.”

As a person with ups and downs of luck, Qian Ming is very aware of the impermanence of fate.

Even if you become invincible in the world after 18 years of possessing magical skills, there will still be people who come here to attack you before you are three years old.

Even if you were born well, as long as a big nine tails falls from the sky, it doesn't make any sense to kill you.

Even if it is unparalleled in the world, there are still aliens who descended from the sky for no reason, and are wiped out with a single palm.

"It's time to try the possibility of transforming the yin breathing method into a fairy mode. This is a real combat power."

Qian Ming made up his mind, after this period of time, he might not be so free!
A cushion was taken from the house.Just sitting cross-legged like this, running the yin breathing method, absorbing natural energy, and extracting one's own physical energy and spiritual power at the same time.

Qian Ming is very familiar with these three powers. According to the flow of the fairy mode, the three of them should be mixed in a ratio of 1:1:1.

"I remember that the most dangerous part of this process is the natural energy runaway."

Qian Ming carefully combined the three.The amount he combines at one time is very small, accounting for about one percent of his own chakra, so even if there is an accident, he minimizes the loss as much as possible.

"Oh? It's unexpectedly simple and easy."

A ray of chakra with special properties was born in Qianming's body, which surprised him a little.

"Then continue."

Then came the second ray, and the third ray until the body could no longer be filled with celestial chakra!
"It's so simple. I didn't think it was a narrow escape, at least it would take a long time, right? That's it."

It's hard for Qian Ming to express how he feels in his heart, but the changes in himself are real and palpable.

"This 'natural'!"

He looked at his hands, and suddenly raised his palms as a front.

Nature · Take without a knife · Metal and stone are open
With a vertical palm chop, all the weeds ten meters away will be cut!

"Wu Dao" is a martial skill used when there is no sword in hand. Before entering the "natural" state, it is just an ordinary boxing martial art. Combined with skills such as wrapping and grabbing a sword, it can still have combat effectiveness when there is no sword in hand.

But after "Yagyu Chiaki" stepped into the realm of "nature", he took "nature" as his sword!

"Hahaha, immortal mode is a temporary 'natural' state, and I can also have the five-level force of the complete victory period!"

Qian Ming was overjoyed and raised his hand.

There was a "ping, ping, ping, ping, ping" sound in the room, it was Liu Yunche who flew up into the air and fell into Qian Ming's palm.

Nature · Take without sword · Raise troops

"With this skill, congratulate me as if I have been reborn!"

Mountain Arashi Technique·Cut of the Carp's Mouth·Pull the Clouds to See the Sun!

On this day, all the villagers in Konoha saw a piercing white light across the sky, splitting the clouds.
There is even a crack between the first generation second generation and the third generation on the Hokage Rock.
Qian Ming looked at all this:
"Should no one know that I did it, right? After all, the area covered by the knife light is so large, it will take a long time to check and question one by one before it's my turn, right?"

Qian Ming touched his chin, thinking that the problem might not be serious.

Although the strength of the force is soaring, I am overjoyed and can't hold back the itch for a while, but what's the problem?

"Those who think there is a problem, you can ask my knife."

Seeing the bewildered looks of the ninjas jumping onto the eaves, Qian Ming also pretended to put away the knife, imitating them jumping onto the eaves and looking around.

Such a big commotion did not end until dusk, and the ordinary ninjas and villagers were appeased to go home, but some people were active in the dark trying to investigate this unusual "white light".

The upper ninjas were mobilized, and the middle and lower ninjas discussed frequently in private.

At this time, Qian Ming had already finished his dinner, and while digesting, he summarized the gains and losses of the beginner's immortal mode.

"The improvement in combat power is obvious. In the state of immortal mode, I can kill that sand ninja infiltrating force with only three swords at most.

But the problem also came, under the full force.Immortal mode only allows me to swing a knife.

After this cut, all the magic chakras will be used up.

This consumption is not bad. "

Qian Ming shook his head with emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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