Chapter 205 Hei Jue Is Trying To Save His Mother

Jiraiya is also watching Nagato here.

Hei Ze was also secretly observing Nagato.

"Very good, Nagato has begun to adapt to Madara's eyes, and started to use the power of Samsara's eyes." Heijue said with satisfaction.

Part of its plan is for Nagato to use the resurrection power of the eyes of reincarnation to resurrect Madara.

It's just that the factor of Qianming is added, which makes Heijue very upset:
"The reason why Nagato started to use the eyes of reincarnation is the result of Uchiha Chiaki's guidance. How the hell does that guy know everything!?"

This made Heijue extremely angry and frightened, and it even suspected that Qianming knew of his existence.

"The eyes were transplanted to Nagato, and Madara and I did it. How did Uchiha Chiaki know that Nagato has reincarnation eyes!?"

This is the most unacceptable for Heijue, and then he comforted himself:

"Uchiha Chiaki has no reason to know my existence, he induced Nagato to use reincarnation eyes to achieve his own purpose.

Perhaps Uchiha Chiaki knew some secrets through some means.

Hmm. This is the closest time to my mother's resurrection!

There is finally a second pair of reincarnation eyes in this world. I can be more careful and prepare more. If I can't kill Uchiha Chiaki once, then I will stay dormant for another thousand years! "

Heijue made up his mind, even if there was an enemy that Qianming couldn't figure out like this, it would stud it!
No way, the opportunity is too rare!

"Spread the news, build an alliance, let the whole ninja world deal with Qianming together!"

Heijue looked at the refuge village established by the Akatsuki organization, showing a sinister smile:
"Didn't Uchiha Chiaki want to use Akatsuki to achieve his goals? As long as Akatsuki is in crisis, he has no choice but to come forward. And destroying Akatsuki is also an opportunity to let Nagato fall into darkness and let the reincarnation eye be used by me!"

Heijue had an idea, and it started its own operation.

First of all, Heijue found Konoha-Genbu, the spy of Xiao's organization-Yaoshi Nonoyu.

"Konoha's progress is too slow, I have to urge them one or two."

Heijue secretly tampered with the information that Nonaiyu passed on to Genbu, exaggerated the connection between Akatsuki's organization and Qianming, and even more emphatically named Jiraiya Akatsuki's deeds.

The purpose is to attract Konoha's attention to Akatsuki.

"Konoha alone is not enough, Uchiha Chiaki possesses the power of kaleidoscope and Mutun as well as time and space ninjutsu at the same time, it is very difficult for the entire ninja world to have the power to deal with him.
By the way, didn't Bai definitely say that the root had been reincarnated with the dirty soil and revived the Thousand Hands?
The second generation of Hokage is not good enough to deal with Chiaki, but I can use that technique to try to revive Uchiha Madara!
There are also other great ninja villages such as Yanyin, so that their eyes are all aware of the connection between Akatsuki and Qianming! "

Heijue started his own operation!
country of earth

"Lei Ying, you are too arrogant! Do you really think that with such a small number of people, you can come and go freely in our Land of Earth?"

Among the overlapping rocks, hundreds of rock ninjas looked down at the surrounded cloud ninjas.

Among these cloud ninja surprise attack troops is the third Raikage, the leader of cloud hidden village.

Facing the siege of thousands of people, Lei Ying couldn't see that this was a well-prepared trap aimed at him.

Such a gesture is a determination to kill.

Heart sank, but Lei Ying said with a sinister smile:
"It was the old man who was careless for a while, but I still want to take the old man with mere rock ninja!"

Immediately, a terrifying thunder armor erupted from his body.

Iwanin's command is calm and calm. Even though they have prepared [-] ninjas against Raikage, and they are full of troops, hunting down a Kage is not destined to be an easy task.

They are ready for a fierce battle.

And Raikage has already informed his subordinates to take the opportunity to retreat when he and Iwanin confront each other head-on.

The third generation of Raikage is an image of five big and three rough, but he understands that the main goal of Iwanin is himself.

He absolutely couldn't escape, so he could only let his subordinates retreat to minimize losses as much as possible.

In other words, Raikage is ready to die in battle.

The sharp conflict between the needle tip and the wheat awn is on the verge of breaking out, but it is just at the moment of finishing.

Three generations of earth shadows descended from the sky.

"Tu Ying? Do you want to try the old man's Hell Spike too!" Lei Ying shouted, seeing Ohnoki as an enemy.

Tsuchikage also unexpectedly appeared on the Iwanin side, because there was no Tsuchikage in the original plan.

The conductor asked Tsuchikage for instructions in person, asking if the plan had changed.

Tuying raised his hand and pressed it impassively, signaling to be calm and not to be impatient.

He said to the conductor: "There is no need to entangle with Yunin now, we have more important goals."

The commander took orders, and faithfully carried out the orders of his family Tsuchikage, so that all the rock ninjas were on guard and did not fight.

Such a change was naturally noticed by Lei Ying, and he asked:
"Tuying, what are you doing!"

The earth shadow floated in the sky, overlooking Lei Ying and said:

"Raikage, Konoha has a second Uchiha Madara, there is no need to fight between us."

"The second Uchiha Madara?" Raikage was confused, he also knew the two heroes from the previous era.

Onogi sneered: "Hmph, your news is too late, go back and ask your cloud hidden intelligence team to check carefully, there is a guy named Uchiha Chiaki from Konoha.

Mizukage and Kirigakure have fallen into the hands of this young man. Compared to Uchiha Chiaki, you, Raikage, are nothing worth mentioning! "

Such a tone naturally provoked Lei Ying to curse and curse:
"Bastard Ohnoki."

But Lei Ying still listened to Tu Ying's words.Those who can become shadows will not be so bad in their xinxing.

"Uchiha Chiaki" Raikage chewed on the name.

He has been fighting with Iwanin recently, and he has indeed been negligent about other news, but Raikage knows that Kirigakure was repelled by Konoha in less than half a month and suffered heavy losses.

After thinking for a while, Lei Ying asked:
"So, in order to deal with that Uchiha Chiaki, you don't want to fight me anymore?"

This is what Raikage pays attention to, no matter what Uchiha Chiaki or the second Uchiha Madara, the most important thing for him now is to escape the siege of Iwanin first.

"You, Raikage, can leave, but your subordinates must stay." Ohnoki said.

"What do you mean?" Third Raikage scolded angrily.

Ohnoki said meaningfully:

"Raikage, you should know what I want. I will only temporarily detain your subordinates. Iwanin will not hurt them until you, Raikage, give me the answer I need.


Onoki put his hands together, and a Dust Escape Cube was born.

Whether it's war or peace, Onoki has made his position very clear.

Lei Ying's gloomy face showed a ferocious smile as he made a choice:

"Interesting, this young man from Konoha would actually make you, an old guy, so afraid.

It seems that I need to know about that Uchiha Chiaki.

Heh. You will take care of one or two of my subordinates. We can't let them lose a single hair! "

Onoki said silently, and raised his hand to signal Iwa Shinobi to release a passage.

Lei Ying's subordinates also expressed trust in their own family shadow. Yun Yin, a ninja village, is extremely aggressive externally, but internally it is extremely united and trustful.

The third generation of Raikage left, and Bai Jue, who was observing secretly, immediately contacted the avatar, and informed Bai Jue, who was lurking in Yunyin, to do Raikage's "mental preparation work".

 Thanks to all the stars for the reward
(End of this chapter)

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