Chapter 219 Give Her Face

"Then let's discuss what Ye Cang Shangnin will teach us tomorrow." Wang Ming said.

It is his mission to become an official Genin, so he is very active.

"There are obvious differences in strength between the three of us, but we have also completed the most basic ninja school education, so Hakura Jonin should not use strength as a measure of assessment in a rough manner.

She should have other assessment criteria, such as our teamwork, sense of tacit understanding, degree of obedience to orders, or mental endurance. "

This is Wang Ming's experience, he is a veteran, as if using his own previous experience in leading troops, he guessed that Ye Cang's assessment was nothing more than this.

"It makes sense." Qian Ming agreed.

"me too."

After being recognized, Wang Ming continued to use his strengths:

"So I estimate that Hakura Jonin's methods are nothing more than teamwork, physical training, willpower and obedience."

"Then how should we prepare?" Juan asked, she felt that her teammates were very good.

"Well, the best preparation is mental preparation. You must pass the assessment and become determined to endure." Wang Ming said.

This is the experience of professional soldiers. Both physical fitness and skills can be trained, and the most important thing is willpower.

Wang Ming thinks that ninjas are nothing more than that.

"I must become a ninja and change the world." Qian Ming said.

Wang Ming paid attention, Yan Shiqian's words reminded him of the King Qin who "unified Liuhe within the Qing Dynasty".

That king of Qin was also a young man with ambitions, and he was the "protagonist" of the second reincarnation of the great world.

"Perhaps, this Yanshi Qianming is also such a protagonist?" Wang Ming secretly remembered it in his heart.

Juan also replied: "My father is also a ninja, so I want to be a ninja like my father to protect everyone in the village, although it may not be as good as you."

"It's great to have such an ideal." Qian Ming said.

Wang Ming also agrees that with the most basic will, there is a key to passing the assessment, but he also said:

"However, we can still make some material preparations to slightly reduce the pressure of tomorrow's assessment."

As a veteran, Wang Ming didn't really know much about the methods of training recruits. He shared his experience with his teammates and suggested that they could bring some useful supplies tomorrow.

Here they are discussing how to prepare for tomorrow's assessment.

Not far away, Ye Cang, who didn't leave at all, was eavesdropping.

"These children are too sensible."

Ye Cang was a little depressed, Wang Ming had predicted all the assessments she had prepared.

"It seems that one or two are geniuses, if my teacher doesn't show some real materials, I'm afraid they will look down on me.

Without the teacher's dignity, it will be difficult to lead the team in the future! "

Ye Cang thought in his heart that she already planned to raise the difficulty of tomorrow's assessment to a higher level.

The next day
Yellow sand flying all over the sky, this is the landform environment of the Land of Winds.

Therefore, Shayin's training ground is not as overgrown with trees as Konoha's, but only sand and strange rocks.

In such an environment, the three of Qianming Wang Mingjuan arrived with big and small bags on their backs.

"Assessment requirements" Ye Cang said:

"I have a set of scrolls in my hand. As long as any one of you can get it, it will be considered that all of you have passed the examination. Otherwise, all of you will fail."

"Report!" Wang Ming asked.


"Is there a time and scope limit?"

"24 hours from now, at this training ground, any questions?"

"there is none left"

"Then the examination begins."

At the moment Ye Cang announced, the three of them didn't step forward to snatch it, but retreated a hundred meters quickly.

Remove the big and small bags on your body.

Ye Cang stepped forward and complained with a speechless expression:

"You three, after listening to me that the assessment time is within 24 hours, do you want to use these little tricks to cheat?"

Ye Cang formed a seal in his hand, and a huge anger appeared in his palm, and he shot the fireball at the three people's supply bags with an unceremonious gesture.

Juan was impatient, and wanted to rescue supplies, but was held back by Qian Ming.

They watched helplessly as Ye Cang set fire to the supplies they had prepared.

"There is no shortcut to becoming a ninja. Although your behavior of knowing how to prepare in advance is commendable, I will not allow these cleverness."

Ye Cang said sternly, and raised his chin in a particularly arrogant manner with his nostrils.

This mocking expression obviously wanted Qian Ming and the others to take the initiative to attack her.

"Teacher Ye Cang, your aggressive method is too clumsy." Qian Ming complained,

"Don't think about it, the three junior ninjas who just graduated from the ninja school are unlikely to grab something from a senior ninja. Unless the senior ninja is willing, it is impossible for the junior ninja to get something from you. "

Ye Cang almost lost his expression, pretending to be cold and mocking:

"Boy, do you think you see through everything? Let me tell you, whether you can become official ninjas is all determined by me. If you don't satisfy me, don't even think about graduating!"

"Okay, Wang Ming, you go, let Ye Cang Shangren see your strength." Qian Ming said.

Wang Ming nodded and drew his sword to fight Ye Cang.

Ye Cang just took out a handful of Kunai and fought with cold weapons.

After showing his strength, Wang Ming stepped back and Qian Ming stepped forward.

He has throwing skills with one hand, and Feng Dun with the other hand to compete with Ye Cang.

After he finishes playing a set and quits, roll up again.

After going back and forth like this several times, Ye Cang finally couldn't help it:

"Do you think that such an opportunistic way can get my approval? Little ghosts, do you treat ninjas as a joke and play tricks!"

Ye Cang reprimanded, and moved his hands fiercely, one after another fireballs rose from his hands and hit Qian Ming and the three of them.

As the three of them dodged, Qian Ming and Wang Ming complained in their hearts. They knew this process too well, and Ye Cang's assessment was almost meaningless to them.

She is the only normal ninja, the girl asked tremblingly:

"What should I do? Yekura Jonin is really angry."

"Don't panic, it's Yekura Jonin's test to make you feel scared. If you are really scared by her appearance, then you are in her favor." Qian Ming said.

"Oh, so that's the case." Juan suddenly realized that he was not too afraid of Ye Cang, so he summoned up his courage.

Seeing this, Ye Cang also had a headache, secretly thinking that Qianming and Wang Ming were too old, and they almost read her mind.

This made her assessment work very difficult.

At this time, Wang Ming also reminded in a low voice: "We are almost done. I guess Ye Cang Jonin has already agreed with our character and strength, but we are a little bit embarrassed. We will give each other a step down, so that she has a sense of participation. That's about it."

Wang Ming also understands the ways of the world. In his opinion, the next few rounds with Ye Cang will give Ye Cang face, and they will have a face. This test of ninja will be over.

However, there are always people who don't play cards according to the routine, and Qian Ming shouted at Ye Cang at this time:
"Ye Cang Jonin, just now Wang Ming told me that he wants to give you a little face, give you a step down, so that you can feel a little bit involved, and our Ninja assessment is almost enough."

As soon as Qian Ming said this, the scene suddenly fell silent.

Wang Ming looked at Qian Ming in disbelief, as if he was asking, "Fuck, don't make troubles!"

However, Qian Ming responded with an evil smile to Wang Ming.

Ye Cang exuded low air pressure, his face was gloomy, and finally he showed a blackened smile:

"Okay, very good, both of you are very good, ha ha."

"Ms. Yeye Yecang seems to be very wrong!?"

Look, Juan was so frightened that he couldn't speak fluently.

Ye Cang raised his hand to form a mudra, powerful chakra erupted from his body, and one fireball after another was formed like a rain of fire.

"Run!" Wang Ming shouted, and ran away.

One fireball after another pursued him relentlessly, often the moment Wang Ming left with his front foot, the ground with his back foot was blown out of a hole by the fireball.

This experience of running to death in the hail of bullets made Wang Ming vaguely recall the days in the military camp.

Wang Ming was quite embarrassed and found the bunker, shrunk in, and thought to himself:

"Yakura Jonin should just be angry, and won't really kill me, as long as her anger subsides."

However, just as Wang Ming had an idea, Ye Cang's figure appeared like a ghost, and she asked with a smile:
"It's you who said you want to give me face and give me a step down?"

Wang Ming was terrified, he only saw a pair of iron fists.

Immediately, gastric juice surged up, eyes turned white, and his face looked like a dead fish.

Juan and Qianming saw Wang Ming's tragedy.

Juan shivered like a little guinea pig:

"Qianqianqianming, are we going too far?"

"Too much? I also think that we are really too much." Qian Ming nodded.

Juan wanted to cry, but at this time Ye Cang, who had cleaned up Wang Ming, rushed over quickly.

A gust of wind blew by, and the tall shadow of Yecang covered the volume.

"You were also teased by them?" Ye Cang said with a smile and clenched his fists.

The "Me Me Me" volume was about to cry.

Hearing a sound, he covered his head and fell to the ground.

"You are left, Yanshi Qianming."

Ye Cang smiled, and she looked around.

"Qianming, where are you hiding? Do you want to save me too? Come out quickly, and I will have a good chat with you."

Ye Cang used an amiable smile and tone.

She found Qianming's footprints in the sand.

Follow the footprints to a strange rock.

"Oh, do you want to prepare a trap for me?" Ye Cang held the fireball to blow up the strange rock.

Sure enough, after the strange rock collapsed, Qian Ming's figure sprang out.

"Oh, is this a clone or your puppet? I'm sorry, the teacher accidentally saw through your carefully prepared little trick. You puppet masters use the Chakra puppet line, the teacher is very familiar with it."

Holding the fireball in one hand, Ye Cang blew up the pile of strange rocks again.

Sure enough, after the explosion of the strange rock pile, the running "Qianming" fell down like a puppet with a broken string.

Ye Cang came to the pile of strange rocks step by step, peeling away the broken stones one by one, revealing the unconscious Qian Ming.

"Did you get knocked out?" Ye Cang pressed Qianming's neck to feel his heartbeat, and at the same time opened his eyelids to see the changes in pupil size.

After confirming that Qianming was unconscious, Ye Cangdui's smiling face recovered, and she rubbed her cheeks, showing a tired expression.

"It's not easy to lead this year's students." Ye Cang complained.

Holding Qian Ming out, Ye Cang muttered helplessly:

"Although there were many surprises, the rhythm finally returned to my hands.

Well, tie up these three little guys first, then let them freeze for one night, and let them pass the test after knowing what the majesty of a teacher is. "

Ye Cang sighed, expressing that his students were really worried.

However, at this time, the sound of the mechanism clicking sounded.

Ye Cang was startled, looking at "Qian Ming" in his arms, his head rotated 360 degrees.

This is not at all the normal rotation of the human cervical spine. This is a human being, and this is clearly a puppet!
"But I've checked this guy's heartbeat!" Ye Cang was surprised.

At this time, the puppet also lifted its disguise and revealed its real face.

The puppet's limbs disintegrated, and at such a close distance, it opened the mechanism and transformed into a shackle, locking Ye Cang's waist, neck, back, hands, and legs.

Ye Cang also wanted to explode chakra, if she was really trapped by the puppet and caught by the students, she would lose all face.

However, her skin covered by the puppet mechanism felt numb.

It was like a fine needle pierced into the skin, not only that, but this stimulation also affected the operation of Ye Cang Chakra.It actually made her unable to gather chakra, and even her muscles were slack and powerless!

"I heard that Konoha's Hyuga clan has the ability to see through the chakra movement of the meridians with white eyes, and then use a special soft fist to tap acupuncture points to block the opponent's chakra. I also studied a little bit and used it on my puppet. I named this trick: Bingji Hair Needle

May I ask Mr. Ye Cang how is his experience? "

Yanshi Qianming appeared with a smile on his face.

Ye Cang was eager to struggle, but found that he could not use any strength.

I saw Qian Ming walking in front of her easily, and took off the assessment scroll casually.

"How? Teacher Ye Cang, have we passed the assessment?" Qian Ming asked.

Ye Cang bit her lip, with an aggrieved look on her face, but the truth was right in front of her eyes. She had undergone several changes in her heart, and finally said with her head down in frustration:

"Okay, okay, it's you, can you untie the puppet mechanism?"

"En," Qian Ming did as he did.

However, after the puppet was untied and Ye Cang confirmed that her body had returned to normal, she punched Qianming Hammer.

"Hey, hey, Mr. Ye Cang, what are you doing? Are you trying to play tricks?" Qian Ming pretended to be surprised.

"Hmph, I'm not playing tricks." Ye Cang gritted his teeth with resentment on his face:
"Of course I admit that you passed my assessment and are an official ninja.

But now, as you, Yanshi Qianming's mentor Shangren, I want to initiate the second assessment content for you to comprehensively evaluate your ability.

Why not? "

While explaining, Ye Cang waved his fist, it was necessary to vent his anger.

While dodging flexibly, Qian Ming said with a smile: "Of course it's okay. The teacher's hard work is well-intentioned, and the students know it."

While he was dodging, Ye Cang also tried his best to show Qian Ming some majesty.

Grasping Qian Ming's flaw, Ye Cang grabbed his wrist and lifted him up.

"Let's feel the love from the teacher." Ye Cang smiled.

Qian Ming shook his head.

In the next moment, Qian Ming that Ye Cang captured was replaced by a puppet.
 Thanks to whirlpool_Masahiko for the reward

(End of this chapter)

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