Chapter 221 is called "Katyusha".
The ninja team was formally established, which was a good thing for Wang Ming.

According to his observation, whether it is Jonin Yekura, or his companion Qianming or Jumaki, they are all people with a personality that can get along with, which will facilitate his next actions.

He needs to fit into the world and understand the world.

"I don't know if Daoist Chen is going well or not. I'll talk to him about the harvest tomorrow." Wang Ming thought.

On the surface, he had a good conversation with the members of the seventh class.

It was agreed to meet at the Sand Hidden Mission Release Center tomorrow, and they would go back to their respective homes.

Yanshi Qianming was on his way home when he ran into Xie.

As a peer, Xie now also has to undergo the Ninja assessment.

"Qianming, I have officially become a genocide." Scorpion said.

They can be regarded as friends from childhood to adulthood, and they communicate with each other a lot.

"Qianming, I heard that the Puppet Research Center has recently harvested a batch of new design blueprints. I heard that it is very interesting. It is a military aircraft that is completely different from the puppet design concept. Do you want to go and have a look?" Scorpion invited.

To make the puppet master genius Scorpion so emphatic, it can be seen that those design drawings are not ordinary, Qian Ming also came to say with interest:
"Okay, let's go together."

Together, they head to the Puppet Research Center in Sand Hidden.

This is an important research institution of Sand Hidden Village. Xie is the grandson of the elder, so he can come in and out at will.Yanshi Qianming also obtained permission to enter and exit because of his genius.

In the Puppet Research Center, there is a special jonin named Hirata Saburo who is assigned to their two children as a "nanny".

"You two are here." Saburo and the two of them looked familiar.

"I heard that the research center has obtained a batch of special blueprints. We want to see them." Scorpion said proactively.

"You two little fellows are really welcome, that's the most recent important transaction of our Sha Yin." Saburo complained.

But who is called Xie is the grandson of the real power elder, and also a genius puppet master with Qian Ming, so Hirata Saburo agreed.

"Okay, all of you come with me." Saburo waved and led them to the depths of the research center.

Here, there are hundreds of old but experienced puppeteers with reading glasses studying the design drawings.

These old puppet masters may be too old to perform their tasks, but their skills and experience can still play an important role, which can be said to be the accumulation of the hidden sand puppet master system.

However, this old man who has been immersed in the puppet for decades is frowning at this moment, as if he is overcoming a major difficulty.

"After obtaining this batch of blueprints, these old masters can be said to have forgotten to eat and sleep for research." Hirata Saburo said with emotion.

Noticing the arrival of Qian Ming and others, an old man with gray sideburns and a strong Mediterranean hairstyle greeted immediately:

"It's Qianming and Xie. Come and have a look. You young people are quick-witted, and you might come up with some novel ideas."

Obviously, these elders recognized the talents of Qian Ming and Xie.

Naturally, Qian Ming and the others came to the old man's workbench and began to look at the drawings.

"This is part of the transmission, such a drawing, is this going to design a big guy?"

Xie is indeed a genius, and after a few glances, he can see something.

But it was precisely because of this that Xie was surprised. According to the scale, the volume of this transmission device far exceeded the applicable volume of conventional puppets.

According to Scorpion's estimate, it would take a super big guy to use such a device.

Qian Ming also saw something, but he also had a weird look on his face. After making some guesses, he asked:

"Can I see more drawings?"

"Of course." That's what the old man said, but in fact, this big guy has a total of [-] design drawings!

After spending a lot of time looking at more than 500 pictures, everyone imagined a "big thing" in their minds:

Supported by iron sheets and steel skeletons, the six-wheeled wheels move; the front compartment is equipped with a launch pivot and a control pivot of a disc and a cross bar; the rear compartment is equipped with a bracket, and the bracket is equipped with 36 charges and a long cylindrical flying explosive with a tail.

Qian Ming was mysterious and weird, and finally found a special name on a drawing:


"Where did you get these blueprints?" Yanshi Qianming asked.

The old man was silent for a while, and finally said: "This is a secret."

Qian Ming rolled his eyes, he probably knew where these items with different styles from the ninja world came from - reincarnation.

"This group of guys actually sold arms to Shayin? They really have an idea."

Qian Ming felt interesting.

At this time, the door of the research room opened again, and it was Sandai Kazekage and Chiyo Elder who came in.

Everyone paid their respects, and Feng Ying said straight to the point:

"How about the research, can you determine the actual combat effectiveness of this weapon?"

The elders in charge of the research looked at each other, and finally could only say:
"There are many technologies on the drawings that cannot be verified. It is best to ask the other party to provide the real thing."

Kazekage frowned slightly, and he looked at the elder Chiyo.

Kage is the leader of a village, but it doesn't mean that Kage knows everything. Obviously, he wants to ask the elder Chiyo for advice on the puppet organization.

"From my own experience, this transaction can be carried out." Chiyo said:
"The other party only asked us, Shayin, to provide ninjutsu materials as a transaction, but what I saw was that these blueprints might become a new development idea for our puppet masters."

This was Chiyo's opinion, but Kazekage said:

"If it's good for the village, it's okay, but it's not good if we use ninjutsu as a deal to counter the characteristics of our sand secret art through these ninjutsu materials.

There are trade-offs. "

"Don't worry, Kazekage-sama, it's just a few ninjutsu materials, I also have some personal possessions, those ninjutsu are of little significance to puppet masters, and they are not the mainstream ninjutsu of our sand hidden. At this time, they can be traded." Chiyo said .

The implication is to use their own family property to facilitate this transaction.

Fengying thought about it and thought it was feasible.

"Then please, Elder Chidai."

Now that the matter was settled, Feng Ying also noticed the two juniors here.

Fengying is naturally aware of those talented people in his village, and Qianming and Xie have long been remembered by him.

Seeing you here, Feng Yingzhan showed a warm demeanor and words, looking forward to the future of the two of them.

"Chiaki and Scorpion are both good children who I think can inherit the mantle of Sand Hidden Puppet Master." The same goes for Chiyo.

Obviously, compared to some Qianming, Yanshi Qianming's treatment in Shayin is simply not very good.
Qianming also responded to the high-level expectations of Sayin with high EQ, and then asked:

"Can I go and take part in the transaction? I also want to see what this big guy looks like in real life?"

"This is a very important transaction." Fengying emphasized, implying that "Qianming, you are still young, put away your curiosity, don't join in the fun."

"Then I recently developed a ninjutsu. Don't those guys want ninjutsu to trade? I can take out my new ninjutsu."

(End of this chapter)

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