Chapter 227 What is hidden sand
"The first and second ninja world war?" Ye Cang didn't understand why Wang Ming suddenly mentioned these things.

But she still explained a thing or two:
"The first ninja war was the establishment of the five major ninja villages, the first ninja melee after the end of the Warring States period, and the second ninja war was the ninja melee caused by the rise of the rain country."

"Then what role will Sha Yin play in these wars?" Wang Ming asked.

As a reincarnation, most of his moral, ethical and legal principles on White Star basically do not apply to the world of reincarnation.

For example, in the second reincarnation of the Great World "Qin Dynasty Seven Kingdoms", although that world has internal power, mechanism beasts, and bed crossbows comparable to cannons, it cannot be changed. That world has an ancient feudal background, and the production method is the most Basic farming iron plow.

The Xinglong Kingdom will not push the Qin Kingdom into a modern society at once, which is completely inconsistent with the progress of production relations and the cultural background of the times.

Xinglong Kingdom is only helping Qin to complete the great unification.

In the same way, in this ninja world, Wang Ming will not ignore objective laws.

The only thing he cares about is: whether Sha Yin's actions are based on the interests of the lowest level people, and whether they are progressive.

This is the foundation of Xinglong Kingdom itself, the so-called different ways do not seek each other.

If Sha Yin is an invader, a warmonger, or a bandit, then Wang Ming has to consider his own position, which may affect Xinglong Kingdom's attitude towards Sha Yin's cooperation.

Are like-minded friends, or temporary collaborators driven by interests.

Facing Wang Ming's question, Ye Cang chose his words carefully before replying:

"Shayin's participation in the war is based on self-interest, which is the consensus of the vast majority of people.

Our country is a large desert, and the survival resources are extremely scarce, so we have a reason to fight. "

When Ye Cang said this, his expression was very firm and solemn, which was a sense of righteousness and awe in which "although I killed people, I did it for my own homeland".

However, Wang Ming already understood that Sha Yin was the invader.

He had a lot of thoughts, but his expression didn't change, because he didn't let Ye Cang see his true thoughts at all.

Ye Cang also thought that her student understood, but she didn't know where the real soul of the student in front of her came from.

Just when the seeds of incongruity were planted, Yanshi Qianming spoke:

"Why does our village have to plunder other countries' resources to survive?
No one wants to take the initiative to go to the battlefield, no one wants to be an aggressor who is reviled by others, even if they can call themselves "family and country righteousness", what they do is still an invasion.

Is this the high-sounding "My heart and my deeds are as clear as a mirror, and everything I do is justice"?
Is the embarrassment of Shayin limited by resources really only due to innate geographical and environmental factors? "

Yanshi Qianming went to the captured horse bandits and asked them how many people and how many acres of land they had in their families before they fell into bandits, what was the harvest, whether they had any surplus money every year, and how the family was ruined.
The horse bandits also talked about their past. Most of them had good property in their families, and the reason for their family fortunes was also due to natural disasters and man-made disasters.

"See, these most ordinary people can live well.

They are the people at the bottom of the Kingdom of Wind, and the food they produce is the cornerstone of supporting the entire Kingdom of Wind. If something goes wrong with them, how can there be no problem in the Kingdom of Wind?
If something goes wrong in the Kingdom of Wind, we ninjas will be pushed to the battlefield to plunder resources from other countries. "

Yanshi Qianming's words that were so profound and simple directly shocked Ye Cang's three views.

"What are you talking about?
Are you doubting the meaning of being Sand Yin? "Ye Cang frowned.

Ye Cang is a ninja, even if it is a high-level ninja who masters more powerful violence,
Her thinking is limited, and the education she has received since she was a child is for the village, and the village's line is correct.

Yanshi Qianming's words made Ye Cang feel a little creepy. It sounded reasonable and well-founded, but it pointed directly at the foundation of Sha Yin's village.

What is the purpose of Sha Yin's establishment?
What is the significance of such a huge military bloc?
Like opening a magic box, Ye Cang subconsciously did not dare to think deeply about the weirdness in it, otherwise he would completely overturn his three views.

"Qianming, it's a good thing for you to know how to think, but these things are too far away for you. What you have to do now is to be yourself."

Ye Cang reminded, faintly warning.

It is not only a warning to Yanshi Qianming, but also a warning from Ye Cang to himself.

However, Yanshi Qianming laughed and said:

"Everyone is born with his own mission."

The teacher-student pair seldom communicated with each other afterwards, but as an observer, Wang Ming had some thoughts:

".Sure enough, as a genius in this world, Yanshi Qianming has his own unique thinking. He may be the kind of 'son of destiny', 'protagonist of the era', just like the Qin Wangzheng, who brought changes to the world.

Shayin may not be a friend, but Yanshi Qianming is worth looking forward to. "

This is Wang Ming's judgment!
At this time, the three of them had their own thoughts, only the most innocent Juan couldn't understand what serious things the teacher and his companions were discussing.

The sudden mission is over, and the horse bandit who committed murder must be brought to justice.

After staying in Jiming Village for another half a month to confirm matters such as gold mine exploration and development.

Qian Ming and others returned to Shayin Village.

Ye Cang seemed preoccupied.

And Qianming also got a notice from Anbu:

"Qianming Xiaren, it's time for you to gather."

It was the physical transaction of the "Katyusha" war weapon. Qianming proposed to go and see it with Anbu, and Sandai Kazekage agreed to this.

Put on Anbu's clothes and put on a mask. He is not Anbu but he can also use this outfit.

Gathered with Anbu at night, led by Elder Chidai.

As the grandson's playmate and a junior with a promising future, Elder Chidai takes good care of Qianming.

The group of them went to the predetermined place.

The people who met them were also disguised so as not to reveal too many details, and they were all strong men just by looking at their physique.

"What we want." The trader said hoarsely, with a habit of clicking his tongue.

Chiyo indicated that Anbu would reveal the ninjutsu scroll.

The trader took out a stick from his arms.

"Don't overreact, this is a signal for me to contact my partner." The trader reminded.

Pulling the rope under the stick, a green tracer shot was fired into the night sky.

Chiyo and Anbu are on alert.

Then they and the others saw bright, penetrating rays of light piercing the night in the yellow sand all over the sky, engulfed by bursts of roaring.

This is one metal monster after another, and the huge and strong curves are daunting.

At the same time, one armored man after another jumped out of these metal monsters. These men were all fully armed and held steel guns, with the muzzles of the black holes pointing diagonally downward.

The ranks are neat and uniform, lined up in a row, and they all exude a brave and capable atmosphere.

(End of this chapter)

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