Chapter 246 You Output, I Assist
"Naruto?" Sasuke was puzzled by Naruto's behavior at the moment.

"Things may be a bit complicated, and this guy named Tsukiyomi Chiaki is very funny." Naruto said.

"Anyway, cheer up Sasuke, an enemy far stronger than Kaguya Otsuki is coming." Naruto said in a deep voice.

Sasuke clutched his left arm in confusion, and at this moment a powerful and obscure chakra appeared.

"Qianming, so you are hiding here."

A deep and magnetic voice appeared, and in sync with it, there were monks in white clothes.

Cixian controlled by Yishi appears!
"Yes, it's this guy, Otsutsuki who has been lurking in the ninja world for thousands of years, everyone's public enemy, Ichishiki." Tsukiyomi Chiaki said.

Naruto faced Ichishiki, and his unusually serious expression made Sasuke realize that the problem was wrong.

"I have no intention of doing anything to you two, I just want to take my child away." Ci Xian said.

"What child, to put it bluntly, it's a container." Yuedu Qianming mocked directly.

Ci Xian snorted coldly: "You're really good at pretending, you actually outshine all of us, what an outstanding talent."

Sasuke was a little confused, but he still stood beside Naruto and looked at him.

Naruto explained: "The matter can probably be compared to the reincarnation of Sasuke who was coveted by Orochimaru back then.

The one-style man in front of him transformed the guy named Tsukiyomi Chiaki into a container suitable for his own reincarnation because of his injuries.

And Tsukiyomi Chiaki wanted to get rid of the identity of the container, so there was what happened next. "

Sasuke frowned, recalling his experience when he was young, he probably understood it, but he still asked:
"Then who is the enemy, Tsukiyomi Chiaki, one style, or both?"

"Of course it's the same thing. This guy is Otsutsuki from an alien. Otsutsuki is going to destroy this planet, and I'm just an unlucky guy who was transformed into a container." Tsukiyomi Chiaki said.

"Oh, attack Konoha guy." Sasuke questioned.

Yuedu Qianming spread his hands and said: "If you don't make things bigger, how can you gather your eyes and strength here? Now that you two are here, it is possible to have the power to defeat Yishi."

Mingzuo and the two looked at Cixian when they heard the words, Sasuke said:

"In other words, you are inducing us to deal with this guy who is not good for you?

Borrowing a knife to kill someone? "

Sasuke is full of distrust towards Tsukiyomi Chiaki, and he is also hostile towards Tsukiyomi and Chiaki.

And Cixian also exerted pressure at this moment, bursting out with a frightening Chakra and said to the two Minzuo:

"Are you two going to be my enemy?"

Tsukiyomi Chiaki also said: "I know that building trust is not that simple, but with a common enemy, we have a basis for cooperation.

Otherwise, look at that left arm of yours, I'm really worried that you guys won't be able to perform a single move, it was specially made for you.

Besides, apart from hurting Konoha's flowers and plants, have I ever killed anyone? "

"A guy with a high-sounding mouth really has nothing to be trusted." Sasuke said coldly.

Tsukiyomi Chiaki also sneered and said:

"Then let me just say it bluntly, I was lured out of this Datongmu Yishi, if he doesn't die, I won't be able to live.

But I have placed the marks of Flying Thunder God all over Konoha. As long as I think about it, Konoha is the battlefield between me and Yishi. You can calculate how many Konoha people will die in the battle between me and him, and what will Konoha be destroyed into? Sample?

If I am caught by Yishi, then I will definitely die. If you don’t help me beat Yishi, then you don’t even want to keep Konoha! "

As soon as Tsukiyomi Chiaki said this, Sasuke was instantly silenced.

He took a deep look at Tsukiyomi Chiaki, but he never thought that this person would bind himself to Konoha's life and death.

"Naruto?" Sasuke asked Naruto's opinion.

Naruto rubbed his fists, smiled and said: "This guy's reasons are too good, he came prepared, it seems that we can only attack this big tree first."

Saying that, Naruto entered the golden body mode, Sasuke silently picked up the knife, and looked at Cixian.

"Heh, it's really beautiful, Qianming, you are worthy of the container I chose."

Ci Xian said, a little bit of gnashing of teeth.

With a wave of Ci Xian's hand, he wanted to seize the opportunity and make a move directly.

Tsukiyomi Chiaki reminded: "This is the young name Viguna, the one-style ability to control the size of dead objects at will, and it can be scaled to a degree that is difficult to see with the naked eye. Pay attention."

The two of Ming Zuo were reminded, and with precautions, the hidden weapons big and small in the air were completely ineffective.

Ci Xian snorted coldly, and directly used physical skills to get close.

Tsukiyomi Chiaki reminded again: "You can't release ninjutsu on Yishi, he can absorb Chakra, but he can only consume his power with physical jutsu."

The two of Mingzuo learned that one used punches and the other used a knife, and they fought against Cixian with combined force.

"Come on, the two big brothers who use Jiuwei and Samsarayan, you are so cool!" Tsukiyomi Chiaki applauded and cheered for them.

"Qianming!!!" Cixian growled, with obvious resentment.

"What are you shouting for? Do you really think that the volume can increase the output?" Tsukiyomi Qianming clasped his ears and mocked.

Mingzuo and the two teamed up, and Tsukiyomi Chiaki's intelligence suppression method seemed to be more than capable.

Isshiki saw that he couldn't take back Chiaki Tsukiyomi for a while, and felt a little bit withdrawn.

Anyway, the wedge has already been engraved on Chiaki Tsukiyomi's body, no matter how struggling Chiaki Tsukiyomi struggles, as long as the wedge seal is not removed for a day, it will be a matter of time before it becomes a container.

So Yishi used physical skills to force Nazuto back, and with a swipe of his hand, he used Daikokuten to open the space channel.

However, at this time Tsukuyomi Chiaki also used Yishi's power to seal Yishi's Daikokuten.

After locking a retreat, Tsukiyomi Chiaki also showed pride:

"Tsk tsk, they all have the same ability, you can't escape."

"Qianming!!!" Ci Xian roared again.

However, the only ones who responded to him were the pincer attacks of the two Narutos.

In such a situation, Shishi had no choice but to release the power of Cixian, so that the body of this ninja monk could reveal the appearance characteristics of the Otsutsuki clan.

At the same time, the reformers trained by Yishi over the years showed up one by one, looking for a savior.

"This way is not going to work." Tsukiyomi Qianming held the lightsaber and faced these reformers.

The reformers looked at each other and shot at Tsukiyomi Chiaki together.

However, when Tsukiyomi Chiba opened his eyes, he saw all the important cores of the modified human body through his perspective.

The lightsaber poked and pierced these cores, causing the group of reformers to fall into a state of crazy runaway.

Tsukiyomi Chiaki put his hands together again and performed ninjutsu, and a transparent square body appeared.

"Although ninjutsu doesn't work for the Otsutsuki clan, it's enough for you reformers."

The sublimated blood of the wind, fire, and earth chakras was eliminated and released, annihilating all the out-of-control reformers into dust.

However, in another battle, Yishi, who had entered the second state, was so powerful that he was actually fighting against the two of Ming Zuo!
(End of this chapter)

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