Chapter 263 The Filthy Devil's Nest

The filthy, angry punch had a miraculous effect, and the thousand-handed devil among the filthy pillars was staggered.

"Second generation, fourth generation!" Sasuke responded.

The dirty water gate and the door are on the same level, and the high speed of the Flying Thunder God caster is exposed to the limit.

The blue and yellow two-color flashes are interlaced, and the distance is a thousand miles in an instant.

"Hashirama!" Uncle Madara still roared, driving Susano's burst of power to suppress the power of Uncle Hindera.

The giant thousand-handed monster wrestled with the blue tengu, and the two flying thunder gods climbed on top of the monster in the gap.

"Wooden Escape · Ranking Technique" put your hands together between the dirt pillars, and the wooden semicircular defensive wall rises.

"Mutually ride the detonating talisman technique!" The unclean soil gate cast a spell in response.

The continuous bombardment of detonating symbols produced a huge amount of flames and thick smoke.

In this smog, Mingzuo's figure rushed out.

The defensive wall was broken, and Hashirama clapped his hands again:
"Wood Escape · Wood Clone Technique"

One wooden clone after another split from him.

"Be careful, juniors, the power of the wooden avatar should not be underestimated, don't let it fall short!" Huitu Zhujian reminded.

But the wooden avatars were more ruthless than the other.

Naruto used multiple shadow clones to fight back, relying on the number of hundreds of shadow clones to suppress the Hashiragi clone.

The two sides fought fiercely above the head of the Thousand-Handed Monster. Because the two lines faced the enemy, there were inevitably omissions in the control of the Thousand-Handed Monster between the Dirty Pillars, which was seized by Dirty Ban.

The tengu giant pulled out the Susano blade, and with a single blow to Juheqie, he actually chopped off the monster in half!
The terrible Mutun monster collapsed, and Ming Zuo and his wife also managed to suppress Hashirama.

"Naruto." Sasuke yelled.

Naruto understood, and threw a wind-dun spiral shuriken towards the dirt pillar.

Hashirama's two-hand seal: "Psychic art fivefold Rashomon!"

The green-faced fang gates one after another were summoned by spirits to resist the powerful spiral shuriken.

However, the flying shuriken suddenly exploded into smoke and turned into Sasuke.

The purple Xu Zuo unfolded, held the eight-foot mirror to open the defense of Rashomon, and the ten-fist sword pierced through the body of the dirt column.

Feeling that the body is no longer fighting, there is a look of relief in the dirt column:
"I'm sorry for bothering you all this time."

The body of the filth collapsed under the sealing power of the Ten Fist Sword, and the terrifying enemy was finally defeated.

The dark chakra that was originally attached to the strengthened dirty soil column lost its attachment, and turned into a terrifying energy shock that knocked the two of Ming Zuo into the air.

But that doesn't matter anymore.

Their eyes have already looked at the magic castle behind the battlefield.

Under the leadership of Gaara, Wukage entered the former Sand Hidden Village and today's Demon Cave.

The road is dangerous, and it goes without saying that monsters stop him.

The most important thing is that because of all kinds of treacherous traps in the devil's lair, the five shadows were actually dismantled!

"Mizukage, please be careful next time," Tsunade reminded.

The two women in the five shadows are now a small team.

"I understand Hokage-sama." Terumi Mei showed cooperation.

Tsunade frowned, roughly determined a direction, and swung a strange fist towards the wall of the magic castle.

Powerful power poured out from Tsunade's fist, and even the thickest walls were smashed.

Going straight through the obstruction is the fastest route.

But Tsunade's face is very ugly, because the walls of the magic castle are a kind of twisted and weird flesh and blood under the corrosion of the dark chakra.

Or the thick red and dark tentacles, or the wet and slippery flesh wall covered with folds, such a visual impact makes Tsunade feel bad.

"What a disgusting thing." Tsunade said in disgust.

Tsunade shook the thick mucus stained on his fist, no matter how disgusting Tsunade was at this moment, he had to endure it.

"Hokage, let's look at me." Terumi Mei seemed to see Tsunade's discomfort.

hand seal
"Molten Escape · The Art of Dissolving Monsters"

A stream of acid was sprayed from Terumi Mei's mouth, corroding the barrier wall, and the efficiency was not much worse than Tsunade's iron fist.

Tsunade's face relaxed and said:
"Then I'll leave it to you, Mizukage."


The two moved on.

As it continued to go deeper, the environment of the devil's lair became more and more harsh. There was slippery slime under the feet, and dark red tentacles with malicious intentions ejected from the surrounding flesh walls from time to time.

Tsunade sniffed and found a different natural smell in the air.

"Shui Ying, there may be illusion-like gas here."

Tsunade reminded that as a medical ninja, she deployed the suppression wipes on the spot.

The two masked their faces and moved on.

On this road, Erying passed the ruins of the Fengying Building in Shayin Village, and after seeing the corroded mark of Shayin, he had mixed feelings for a while:

"The price we paid for this disaster was too heavy." Tsunade gritted his teeth.

Terumi Mei was silent, and Tsunade remembered that compared to Konoha and Fire Country, Terumi Mei, who was the first to have his home destroyed by monsters, seemed to be the worst one.

As an embarrassing comfort, Tsunade asked casually:
"The days when you escaped from the pursuit of monsters and left your homeland must have been very difficult, right?"

"... Nothing, the most tormenting time has passed." Terumi Mei responded.

The two moved on.

After a while, they actually heard the sound of fighting in front of them.

Two shadows stood on guard, and later found that two female members in Xiaopao were defending against a group of monsters.

As a wartime alliance force, Tsunade has no reason to ignore it.

Rescue and confirm the identity of the two as Xiao Nan and Payne?
In short, with the enemy at the front, the four of them cooperated well.

Successfully killed the monster.

"These enemies are getting more and more disgusting."

Looking at the indescribable and profane corpses of the monsters, Tsunade's face turned blue.

He turned his head and said to the huge team:
"No matter how grievances and grievances in the ninja world were before, in this magic cave, we are comrades-in-arms who rely on each other, how about it?"

Xiao Nan and the beast Dao Payne nodded in agreement.

In this way, the two formed a quadruple.

These four female ninjas each have special means, and their tactical abilities can complement each other, and they have saved themselves from danger several times along the way.

But even so, Tsunade gradually discovered that their team lost its direction.

The sky of the Devil's Nest is black, and the ground is also an irregular labyrinth composed of many fleshy walls.

Even though Tsunade and others could destroy the wall, they also discovered that the wall can be reborn and moved!
"Damn it, we can't find our way." Tsunade said feeling troubled.

"Then let's go in the direction where the resistance is the strongest." The animal Dao Payne suggested.

"As long as we get closer to the position of the Demon King, the attacks we suffer will definitely be stronger."

It's no shortage of good ideas.

But it also means that the team has to take greater risks.

Tsunade was still thinking about it, planning to use his own medical ninjutsu as a meat shield to rush to the front of the team.

"Leave the mission of the vanguard to me." The beast said Payne.

(End of this chapter)

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