Chapter 3
"Isn't this Nima Chakra? And this white eye!

Is this really Otsutsuki Kaguya? "

When he saw the so-called "Goddess" with his own eyes, Chiaki Yagyu's heart was broken, and before he even had time to hold the weapon, he was blown away by that palm.

At the moment of death, Qian Ming felt the absolute pain and endless darkness, that kind of torment is difficult for those who have experienced it firsthand, it is dozens of times more painful than Ling Chi's flesh and blood.

Qian Ming didn't know when this "pain of death" stopped, but when he was conscious, he vaguely heard a voice in his ear:
"..the guy who's been in a coma for three months is responding."

Qian Ming wanted to open his eyes, but his eyelids were as heavy as lead. He wanted to say something, but his throat was as dry as a hot iron, and his ears were buzzing like a fan.

My mind was muddled like a paste, making it hard to think.

And there is another voice from the outside world:
". That Uchiha reacted? Let me see?

Well, indeed, the day before yesterday was the lowest value of his brain waves, I almost thought he was brain dead or in a vegetable state.

This is also a miracle.Arrange for further treatment. "


Qian Ming felt that his body was pushed away by "hula la", as if a tube was inserted into his body, and some liquid was injected into his body.

At the same time, he also felt a warm force.

"Is this the Palm Immortal Technique?" Qian Ming wondered in his heart.

This is a kind of medical ninjutsu, which has miraculous effects whether it promotes the healing of external injuries or the recovery of internal injuries.

But what's the matter?Are you back in the ninja world?
The muddle in his brain made Qian Ming unable to organize his thoughts for a while, but he did feel the recovery of his body, so he simply organized his thoughts little by little.

"Name? Gender? Age? Do you remember what you were doing before you passed out?"

"Uchiha Chiaki, male, 16, I remember that I was being promoted by the Chunin from the headquarters at that time, and was appointed as the small captain of the vanguard."

"Well, it seems that there is no problem with self-cognition and memory." The medical ninja nodded, taking notes in his hand.

Qian Ming was lying on the sickbed, and asked with a confused face:

"Can you tell me what happened?"

The medical ninja put down his notes and said seriously:
"Chonin, you fell into a coma three and a half months ago until today. After testing, during this period, your mental power level continued to fluctuate and slump, and at the lowest point, you were on the verge of brain death."

Qian Ming lowered his head and raised his right arm, still doing that simple "grasp" action.

The right hand was jerky and slow like a rusty machine.

The same is true of my right eye, which is still blind and in pain.

That's right, this is Ninja World, and now it's the third Ninja World War, and my name is "Uchiha Chiaki".

"Can you tell me what happened?" Qian Ming asked with lowered eyes, which made it difficult to see his flickering eyes.

The medical ninja simply didn't care about this, and said bluntly:
"In view of the scratches left by the Chunming Chunin who fought with the Sand Ninja, we suspect that the Sand Ninja used neurotoxins on their weapons. The incubation period of the toxin is so long that the medical ninja who cured you at the time came out. negligence.

And after you finish the treatment, the neurotoxin kicks in, causing you to be in a coma for a long time. "

Qian Ming heard the explanation, and subconsciously looked at his right hand.

Sand ninja, a group of ninjas who are good at using wind escape and poison ninja, are also one of Konoha's enemies at the moment.Qianming's right hand was disabled because of Sand Ninja's Poison Blade.

"My coma. Are those sand ninjas doing it too?" Qian Ming whispered, as if confirming the matter to the other party.

The medical ninja frowned and said:

"Although there is no definite evidence and no signs of poisoning have been found on you, this is the most doubtful possibility."

The medical ninja muttered: "...This may be a new type of toxin produced by the sand ninja."

"Then I... Will I still have a toxin attack and fall into a coma?" Qian Ming raised his head and asked.

The medical ninja saw fear and anxiety in his eyes, so he comforted him:
"Generally speaking, after the toxin invades the body, the human cells will produce corresponding 'antibodies'. If the body defeats the toxin, the body cells will leave a 'resistance memory', and it will be easier to immunize and recover when encountering the same toxin next time .”

Qian Ming tilted his head, and asked concisely: "Does that mean I'm cured?"

Out of professionalism, the medical ninja did not reply in the affirmative, but said vaguely:
"It seems that the situation is good, but it still needs to be observed. Well, you have been in a coma for too long, and you need a certain recovery time."

"That's right." Qian Ming sighed softly, leaning on the pillow as if relieved, staring at the ceiling for a while.

Seeing him like this, the medical ninja simply asked a few questions and left.

Five minutes after the medical ninja left, Qian Ming Huan's eyes suddenly became sharper.

Suddenly, as fast as lightning, he smashed a corner of the bedside wooden cabinet with his left hand, picked up a piece of wood and threw it!
Ordinary ninja training will require "throwing", but the throwing skills of the Uchiha clan are particularly fancy. Throwing dozens of shurikens at the same time in 360 degrees without dead ends is just a child's play.

Qian Ming also knows how to throw, within 50 meters, he can shoot even fast-moving birds in the sky.

But this time was different, what he held in his hand was not a shuriken made of fine steel, but a piece of wood with a slightly harder texture.

And his target is not flesh and blood that can be pierced by a sharp blade, but a steel bracket!
Wood chips stabbing steel is like an egg hitting a stone. At most, there will be a little noise when the collision occurs, and the stone and steel will be fine in the end.

But this common sense doesn't work here with Qian Ming!The wood chips he threw chipped the steel brackets!

The silvery white on the steel truncated surface is shining!
"what happened!"

The medical ninja heard the sound and pushed the door open.

Seeing this, Qian Ming scratched his hair, and said with a look of embarrassment:

"Sorry for not controlling my temper."

Medical ninjas can understand this situation. The wounded on the battlefield are one of the groups that are most likely to lose control of their emotions. It is understandable that a bad temper will cause destructive catharsis.

It's just that after the medical ninja ordered "Take care of your body", he quietly wrote ".There will be violent impulses" in a small notebook behind his back.

Qian Ming's expression was normal, until the medical ninja left, he couldn't help controlling his breathing, and said frantically in his heart:
"Yagyu Qianming is not a dream! Qianming Sword Master is real!"

Cutting steel with a piece of wood may sound unbelievable, but there is Chakra in this world, and the ability of ninjas to perform all kinds of wonderful ninjutsu and even destroy the world depends on the power of "Chakra".

It is not impossible to cut steel with wood chips, and even a kind of blood successor called "Wood Dun" even creates a huge wooden man with the power to change the terrain!
But what if the ninja has no chakra?That's just a little bit stronger and more agile than ordinary people. With such strength, it is difficult to cut steel with wood chips.

Qian Ming did it just now, but he didn't use Chakra!The sheer strength and skill he used.

Concentrating the whole body's strength into one point and bursting out, the wood chips have the power to cut steel!
This is one of the kendos mastered by the "Sword Master Qianming" named "Liu Sheng Qianming":

Chop iron!

(End of this chapter)

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