Open a Timeline in the Ninja World

Chapter 35 Brave, Priest, and Child

Chapter 35 Brave, Priest, and Child

"Senior, the world with sunbirds is wrong." Shishui seemed impatient.

"Oh? Really?" Qian Ming didn't rush to speak, and just listened to Zhishui's point of view.

"Small selfishness is selfishness, big selfishness is evil. Sunbirds are just villains who have no strength and can't understand the weak. Even if there is no sunbird, the world can still function normally. The weak will gather together to use their own light and warmth Brighten the new world." Zhishui's tone seemed impassioned.

Qian Ming nodded and said:
"Perhaps, according to the answer you said, I provide an ending:

A brave man named Yi appeared among the human beings. He was the strongest human being. With the help of everyone, he overcame many obstacles and created a divine bow and three divine arrows.

Yi climbed up the highest mountain with the magic weapon, drew his bow and set an arrow, and shot two sunbirds to death.

The only remaining sunbird begged Yi to forgive his life, and Yi also asked the sunbird to rise at six o'clock in the morning and set at six o'clock in the evening every day.

So far, the world has normal day and night.

Zhishui, are you satisfied with this ending? "

"Satisfied." Zhishui nodded, and explained his understanding:
"The weak are capable of defeating the powerful, and the strong are bound by appropriate rules. That's the right world."

But at this time Qianming said again:

"But it is normal for the weak to be powerless against the strong. Before Yi appeared, people had to succumb to the heat of the sunbird."

Zhishui was taken aback for a moment, then said:

"Hope will always come, Yi will always appear, I believe in this."

Qian Ming nodded: "Believe in hope is a good thing."

Then he asked again: "Then have you thought about another possibility?


Sunbird understood people's survival needs, and took the initiative to curb his enthusiasm. "

"Understood? Didn't you say, senior, that Sunbird only pursues its own freedom, and you also said, 'Do you remember how much bread you have eaten'?" Zhishui asked puzzled.

Qian Ming smiled and said: "That's your stereotype. People are always lazy, and put a single label on things for the convenience of their own understanding. I only said that the sunbird will pursue freedom, and I did not deny that the sunbird also has other temperaments. ah."

"What is this?" Zhishui said speechlessly, "Then what else would Sunbird like?"

"This is also the goal that people in that world are looking for. They regard the sunbirds as gods, pray for their mercy, and find their favorite sacrifices. They only hope that the sunbirds will listen to their hearts." Qian Ming said.

"Then did they find it? What else does Sunbird like?" Zhishui asked curiously.

"People are looking for it, and they use precious food, drinking water, and seeds to sacrifice to the sunbird. But those are only things that people think are precious. The sunbird regards it as dross and never responds to people's sacrifices." Qian Ming said.

"So Sunbird is a villain, and never listens to people's wishes." Zhishui said unhappy.

Qian Ming just continued:

"So, the priest who presided over the sacrifice, the leader of the people, finally did something taboo—he sacrificed human life."

Zhishui suddenly widened his eyes:

"How can this be! How can it kill other people's lives!"

"Yes, life is the most precious thing, but more important than this is the survival of the tribe. If one person's life can be sacrificed in exchange for Sunbird's mercy, more people can survive.

Zhishui is your word, what do you do.Sacrifice one to save the many.Or let the majority suffer together. " Qian Ming asked.

"This, this, this..." Zhishui was at a loss for words, and then suddenly said:
"Why do you get caught up in this choice, the sunbirds should be the ones who are wrong, and people should fight against them instead of trying to please them!"

Qian Ming shook his head with a smile and said:
"Before Yi appeared, no one knew that it was possible to resist the Sunbird, because people simply couldn't get close to the heat of the Sunbird. As time passed, they could only pray for mercy."

"How can this be?" Zhishui looked frustrated.

"Don't forget the understanding I just said, and the hope you just said." Qian Ming mentioned.

"Then is there a turning point?" Zhishui asked expectantly.

"Yes, I hope this kind of thing is a ray of light that suddenly appeared in the dead darkness." Qian Ming said:
"Among the people appeared a child whose voice was as clear as a spring, as light as the wind, and as hot as a bonfire.

This is the child's interpretation of life.

That kind of singing makes even the sunbirds stay for it.

They folded their wings chasing freedom, restrained their heat, just to get close to that child and listen to his singing. "

Shishui's eyes widened a little bit, obviously feeling incredible.

Sunbird's whitewashing was too sudden.

"It's not impossible.

Understanding, as long as a moment, a medium, the understanding between people can be established. "Qian Ming pointed out.

"Then, did people come to an understanding with the sun bird and live a happy life?" Zhishui asked, the turning point of the story made him feel unimaginable, but there was some truth behind it.

"Yes, people saw that Sunbird was willing to stop for that child and gather enthusiasm for him. They were ecstatic, thinking that this was a treasure bestowed on them by God." Qian Ming laughed.

"So people chose this child as a sacrifice.

kill, and sacrifice his flesh to the Sunbird"

Qian Ming's smile showed more evil humor.

Zhishui's little face that was about to smile froze, and he froze.

"Why?!" Zhishui couldn't understand at all, his face collapsed.

"Yeah——, why is that?" Qian Ming touched his chin and continued:

"People only saw the closeness of Sunbird to the child, but they didn't realize that the child's singing played a role. They still sacrificed the child's flesh and blood to Sunbird according to the traditional custom."

"Why is there such a reason! Obviously reaching an 'understanding' is just around the corner!" Zhishui couldn't accept it at all.

"Because of ignorance and short-sightedness!" Qian Ming shouted: "People think that cheap singing cannot be a precious thing to please the gods.

And that child will not realize the preciousness of his singing, he will only obey the 'arrangement' of the adults."

"How could this be?" Zhishui murmured, looking frustrated.

Qian Ming poured himself a cup of hot water to moisten his throat, and after Zhishui digested his emotions, he asked:
"Shishui, do you know why I told you this story?"

"Why? Senior." Zhishui raised his head, looking bewildered.

Qianming smiled and said: "Because you are Uchiha Shisui, a rare genius, an important existence that can guide others in the future."

"Me? An important existence?" Zhi Shui half understood.

"Yes, based on your talent, you must be someone who can decide the lives and deaths of thousands of people in the future. You are a genius, so you need this story." Qian Ming said.

"Genius." For the first time, Zhishui felt that the word genius could be so heavy.

Qian Ming asked solemnly:
"Is your future the fearless warrior who brings hope, or is it that ignorant priest, or that ignorant child who is carrying the treasure?"

(End of this chapter)

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