Open a Timeline in the Ninja World

Chapter 39 Enough is enough

Chapter 39 Enough is enough
"A brave man, a priest, or a child. Senior Qian Ming asked me what kind of person I will be in the future."

Zhishui finished the whole story and raised his own confusion.

Minato was lost in thought, and after a while he smiled and said:

"Qian Minghui is a very good teacher. He must have high hopes for you before he told you this story."

Minato also taught students, so he naturally understood the teaching significance of this story.

Some students can only make up for their shortcomings with hard work, while some students need someone to point out the direction of life for them.

Namikaze Minato also has a genius student, he himself is a genius, he knows how important a correct path is to a genius.

This story was obviously prepared by Qianming specially for Zhishui. Out of the desire to remind the younger generation, Bo Fengshui said:
"Maybe you are worried that you will become an incompetent brave, a foolish priest, or an ignorant child in the future.

But there are many teachers and friends around you, you may wish to seek answers and strength from them when necessary. "

"Then Minato-senpai, what would be your choice?" Shisui asked, he had heard of Namikaze Minato's reputation, and there was even a voice that he would be the Fourth Hokage.

"Of course it's the brave man who protects everyone." Minato answered cleanly, showing a confident smile.

"Then isn't Senior Minato worried about the limit of his ability?" Shisui asked.

"Then ask others for advice." Minato spoke without any hesitation. He obviously had a clear understanding of his future.

This simply encouraged Zhishui, and for a while the "worried" mentality of being in a dead end faded away.

"I seem to understand what the future should be like." Zhishui said.

"It's good to have a sense." Namikaze Minato is also happy for Shisui, he is not a small-hearted person, as long as he doesn't touch his "reverse scale", Minato is very kind to all Konoha people.

"Who will win, Minato-senpai or Qianming-senpai?" Shisui said suddenly.

"Of course it's me," Minato Namikaze almost blurted out, "Slightly lost."

Zhishui listened to half a sentence, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

Seeing this, Minato didn't dare to explain, because he always felt guilty of cheating a child.

With an embarrassing smile, Minato changed the subject and said:
"Don't pay attention to these things, anyway, Qianming and I are not enemies."

With the "Three Sunbirds" story, Qianming has a deeper influence in Minato's heart, and the character of the storyteller who will point out the way forward for the younger generation is probably not that bad.

Minato felt that he and Chiaki had no other standpoint conflicts other than the issue of "bringing soil" which had not yet been resolved, so he had no proper reason to be hostile to Chiaki.

Zhishui was obviously relieved to get this promise, and asked at the same time:

"The 'Facing the Legend' that Senior Qian Ming mentioned."

"This is something related to ninja missions." Minato's tone suddenly became solemn.

Zhi Shui gave a serious expression: "I understand, senior."

It is a rule that ninjas must abide by not to inquire about the specific tasks of other ninjas in the same village.

Since it was confirmed that there was no conflict between Qianming and Minato, Shisui left without asking any further questions.

Namikaze Minato watched Shisui leave, and withdrew his kind expression little by little.

"Legend. Kaleidoscope Sharingan"

He murmured these two words. Although it was only a day, it was enough for Minato to investigate something.

Kaleidoscope Sharingan, before Qian Ming proposed, Namikaze Minato even only heard some rumors from his teacher.

"Trapping Obito is a person from the Uchiha family? Uchiha Madara?"

This is not difficult to think of people. After all, there are only a few people who know the existence of "Kaleidoscopic Sharingan". With the word "Legend", it is natural to think of Uchiha Madara, who is the most famous and side by side with the first Hokage.

But here comes the question again, isn't Madara dead?In Konoha's secret file, it is the Second Hokage who restrains the dead body!
"What kind of existence will it be?" Minato said solemnly.

He also suspected that Qianming was cheating him, but emotionally he hoped that Obito was still alive.

Taking a deep breath, he was waiting for Qian Ming's reply.

As for Qian Ming himself?

He goes home and washes up before going to bed. Ah no, it's time to speed up Qianshouqianming.

As for the small movements between Shisui and Minato, Qian Ming noticed it and didn't care, even Shisui secretly picked up a piece of kunai fragment, he didn't care.

The ninja world is not a three-body star. There is a gap between people's hearts here. Only by the external behavior of a person can one judge whether a person is good or bad.Qian Ming felt that he had never done anything to offend Zhishui, so Zhishui naturally had no reason to be against him.

The spirit hovers around the singularity, and time starts to accelerate, with a 1:120 lapse ratio, that is, "Uchiha Chiaki" experiences one day, and "Senju Chiaki" experiences 4 months.

But Qian understands that half a day has to do things and practice, and only half a day can speed up the passage of time.That is to say, after two days, "Thousand Hands and Thousand Lights" can speed up by four months.

Up to now, it has been six months since the birth of "Thousand Hands and Thousand Brightness".

——Warring States Period——

"Master Qianming, say, ah—" a girl from the Qianshou tribe held a piece of rice ball with her chopsticks and said expectantly.

Qianshou Qianshen ignored it, even though he had a big appetite and needed to eat, he resolutely refused to eat the girl's cheap food.

Don't you just want to see him act cute?Oh, woman.

"What should I do, Young Master Qianming doesn't seem to like me feeding him." The girl looked distressed.

"Is it because Master Qianming doesn't like dry rice balls?" another girl guessed.

They are students who learn medical ninjutsu from Zhihuizi Senju, because Zhihuizi will come to the class every time Chihuizi has a class, so after two months, these girls think they are familiar with the young master.

"For a baby, it should be eating liquid food, right? Rice balls are really not suitable." The No.3 girl echoed.

At this moment, with Qianshou Qianming as the center, five girls are sitting around.

"But I see that Master Qianming is growing up very fast. My one-year-old younger brother seems not to be as old as Master Qianming." The No.4 girl put forward her opinion.

"That's right, it's so amazing. Master Qian Ming was only this old a month ago."

The No.5 girl circled her hands to show Qianju Qianming's physique a month ago.

"Yes, yes, I also think that Young Master Qian Ming grows up really fast." The other girls thought so.

"And every time Teacher Zhihuizi starts a class, Master Qianming will be in the teacher's arms. That perspective seems to be that Master Qianming is reading the teacher's lesson plans." Another suspicious point was discovered by the girls.

"No way? Is Qianming reading a book? I thought he was just getting close to Teacher Zhihuizi." Another girl expressed disbelief.

"How can it be impossible? I have seen other babies at this age are noisy, but Master Qianming is very quiet and looks very sensible. Maybe he can really understand knowledge." A girl retorted.

"It's probably impossible to understand. Master Qianming doesn't even know how to read. He should be interested in those patterns and characters." Another girl started from a practical point of view.

"Why is it impossible? I think Master Qianming is smart and can understand!" The girl insisted on her opinion.

"Impossible, the baby is illiterate."

"Master Qianming can understand!"

"Baby can't read!"

"Master Qianming can understand!"


"I can understand!"

"Ya Kamaxi—, you stinky bitches!"

Qianju Qianming really couldn't bear it anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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