Open a Timeline in the Ninja World

Chapter 47 Gentlemen, I like fighting!

Chapter 47 Gentlemen, I like fighting!

The white jade around the waist glows slightly, which is the disguise of Xianshuying's avatar.

Qian Ming has always carried such a "mobile power bank"

Immortal mode has the magic of feeling nature, and the perception ability is greatly improved, which is why Qian Ming can sense the enemies before they form a siege.

In addition to being a "mobile power bank", this white jade is also a "sensing radar".

"Then what are you going to do Qianming?" Qingyan asked, Qianming was the first to discover the enemy, and Qianming was also the first to decide to attack.

Qian Ming just asked Mukai Hisaku: "Old fox, what was your original plan before I found out?"

"If there is no discovery by this person, I will bring you to the ambush point, and let you discover the ambush of my Sand Ninja colleagues through pre-set methods, so as to facilitate our 'cooperation'." Hisaku Mukai said.

"What kind of cooperation is this? It's obviously dragging us into the water." Zhishui said angrily, his sense of this sand ninja can be said to be extremely bad.

"Boy, you don't know much." Mukai Hisaku's face was very thick, and he continued to say to Qian Ming: "I set up the detonation array before the ambush point, and my Sand Ninja colleagues didn't know about it. In the process of trying to encircle, the old man will detonate the talisman array, and then you Konoha ninjas can take them down in one fell swoop."

Mukai Hisashi spoke words of betrayal in an indifferent tone.

"I really don't know how someone like you can appear in sand ninja." Qingyan also shook his head, thinking that Mukai Hisaku simply didn't have his own beliefs.

"Haha, the world is so big, there will always be one or two people who are expected by everyone." Hisaku Mukai didn't care, "Everyone, please cooperate with me. I don't take any money for this batch of arms afterwards. It's an apology. If Konoha doesn't give up, Hisaku Willing to hide the stake for Konoha, and steal the secrets of Sha Hidden for Konoha."

"This" To be honest, at this moment Qingyan really has such a moment of heartbeat.

Mukai Hisaku, who can resell arms, obviously has a high status in Sakai. If he can develop into a spy spy, it will definitely be a credit to Konoha!
Zhishui noticed Qingyan's shaken expression, it was to find his mind.

For some reason, Shisui felt a little bit of sadness for Sand Shinobi, and he saw people who had no faith and no bottom line in just one mission.

"Old fox, don't say it so beautifully. You haven't killed him yet. We'll discuss how to deal with you after you finish killing him." Qian Ming opened his mouth and said "killer" when he opened and closed his mouth. This murderous look made the latter quiet for a moment.

"The old man understands."

Qian Ming's words also reminded Qingyan that all ammunition and spies are false, and the immediate enemy is imminent.

"Then we..." Qing Yan asked, and before he knew it, the team's right to speak had been transferred to Qian Ming.

"Wait for me for a while."

Qian Ming only said one word, and his figure quickly fled into the darkness, only the light of the knife illuminated the night.

After a while, there was a slight sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, and then Qian Ming returned from the darkness, blood dripping from the tip of Liu Yunqie's knife.

"Get rid of the three who want to encircle our rear first." Qian Ming's tone was flat, and three enemies had already died while talking and laughing.

It didn't even make any noise!

Qingyan suddenly felt that his throat was a little dry, as if something was lying across his neck.

"Now that the back road has been opened, we can advance or retreat next"

"So let Zhishui take Shi Li away first, he is not a ninja." Qian Ming said, turning his head:

"...and this guy."

Qianming opened his left eye, and Sangouyu's sharing wheel turned, and an illusion shot directly into the mind of the unsuspecting Mukai Hisaku.

After everything was arranged, Qianming asked these Uchiha tribesmen:

"My lords, I like to fight, so you are willing to follow me to kill the enemy."

The scarlet Sharingan glanced at the Uchihas, obviously everyone had Sharingan, but under Qianming's Sharingan gaze, everyone actually felt a sense of oppression being pricked by needles.

Finally, Qingyan couldn't bear it anymore, and said: "Okay! Just follow what Qianming said, and kill these sand ninjas who dare to ambush Uchiha!"

The four Uchihas yelled, and Qian Ming's mouth curled up, and he strode towards Sand Ninja's ambush.

According to the previous perception results: eight people in the direction of twelve o'clock, four people in the direction of eight o'clock, and five people in the direction of three o'clock

As for the three-person team that copied the back lane, Qian Ming had already dealt with it in advance. According to the principle of persimmon's soft pinching and breaking them one by one, they directly chose the four-person team in the eight o'clock direction.

Imagine how it would feel if five people with red eyes and murderous faces suddenly rushed towards you in the dark?
The four Sand Ninja felt it.

Five Uchihas, nine Sharingans, staring at Scarlet in the dark night, the next moment is blood like flowers blooming,

At the juncture of life and death, someone still resisted, and this time the Uchihas saw how Qianming killed the enemy with a blade.

With a slash of cold knife light, the metal broke when touched, and then cut to the body, blood splattered everywhere!
"What a sharp knife."

Qingyan commented in his heart that he would not dare to face the sword light if he consciously replaced it, so he could only use evasive means.

"Next!" Qian Ming swung his knife and pointed at the other five people who were in ambush.

After seeing the blood, the whole team was inspired!The five Uchihas are full of enthusiasm and fighting spirit!

The sand ninjas are still expecting their prey to enter the trap according to the original plan, but they don't know that the prey has already known their arrangement and is attacking them one by one.

This kind of information is not equal, and it is destined to be a hunt!

Shisui took Shi Li and Mukai Kusaku who performed the illusion, and followed Qian Mingqing's retreat route away from here.

In fact, Zhishui really wanted to stay and fight Qianming, not only to test his own strength, but also to see the demeanor of the seniors.

But his task was arranged by Qian Ming, to protect his incompetent companion Shi Li, and to guard the valuable sand ninja traitor Mukai Hisaku.

Although Zhishui is itchy, he still obeys Qianming's arrangement.

"Mr. Shi Li, can you still run? I think I still need to walk a certain distance to be safe." Zhishui asked Shi Li.

He still carries Mukai Hisaku on his back, but he is a ninja, and his physical strength is much better than that of ordinary people like Shi Li.

Although Shi Li was out of breath, he also knew that the situation was urgent, so he insisted:
"I'm fine, keep running, don't affect Qian Ming and the others."

Zhishui nodded, and the two ran towards the distance.


Shisui quickly pulled out a shuriken from the ninja bag and threw it quickly.

There was a clang, and a flying object was shot down in the darkness. Zhishui took a closer look, and it turned out to be Qianbenzhen.

"There are enemies!" Zhishui exclaimed, he was reminding Shi Li.

Shi Li quickly found the shelter and got up.

"Oh, I thought it would be Sand Shinobi's colleague, but I didn't expect it would be Konoha's ninja leading to Ikusaku."

In the darkness, a man wearing a black hood and a mask appeared.

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Black Fox, and Mukai Hisaku is a collaborator." A voice came out from under the mask of Black Fox.

Shisui's thoughts changed - Hisaku Mukai was a traitor of Sagan who sold arms by opportunism. This person claimed to be his partner, and also called Sagan as a "colleague".

So the sudden appearance of the enemy is a partner who cooperates with Hisaku Mukai to resell arms!
(End of this chapter)

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