Open a Timeline in the Ninja World

Chapter 52 There is a little pain.....

Chapter 52
"Sharingan?!" the black fox exclaimed.

The anger and sadness in those single-gou jade writing wheels made the black fox's heart skip a beat.

"Stop scaring people, brat!" the black fox said sharply.

But the only answer he had was Zhishui's fierce blade.

The black fox drew out Kunai to fight, and the sharp blades of the two collided with each other, sparking sparks.

Turn on the Zhishui of Sharingan, the dynamic vision will rise to a higher level, the movement will be faster, and the power will be more ruthless!
The black fox hastily challenged, but was surprised by Sharingan again, and quickly lost in the duel of martial arts.

"Damn it, I'm going to lose my physical strength." The black fox was anxious.

He lost a lung and damaged a kidney.Such a high-intensity martial arts battle exhausted his physical strength at a high rate, and he was almost out of breath.

This is Zhishui's tactic. When he is furious, he will not forget the opponent's weakness.

"Damn it! This brat wants to suffocate me to death!" The black fox was also ruthless, using a knife in his stomach to free up his hand seal.

The sound of the machine amplifier came from the right chest of the black fox. The vacant right chest of the black fox had already been transformed into a puppet mechanism by him. At this moment, the seal was activated, and a sharp mechanism spear was shot directly from the right chest, piercing Zhishui's head!
"Go to hell, kid Konoha!" The black fox was vicious.

This was a sudden blow, and it was also what the black fox thought was the ultimate blow!
"Do you think such a small action can escape the insight of these eyes?" Zhi Shui said coldly, a pair of scarlet single Gouyu writing sharing eyes wheeled around.

Zhishui reached out and grabbed the mechanical spear, broke it, pulled it out, and stabbed the black fox's left chest!
"Die, you bastard!" Zhishui said harshly, this time he stabbed the heart.

The black fox's eyes went dark, his vitality dissipated quickly, he staggered back three steps, and finally couldn't get up again.

The moment the enemy died, Zhishui was in a trance.Sharingan dissipated, he hurried to Shi Li's side.

"Mr. Shi Li, are you okay?" Zhishui asked anxiously.

Shi Li, whose face is like gold paper, is as angry as a silk: ".Tell Qian Ming, please take care of Lizi."

"Mr. Shi Li." Sorrow welled up in his heart, and Zhishui saw with his own eyes the process of the loss of life of a person he was familiar with.

"There seems to be a battle here, are we a step late?"

Qianming's voice appeared, Shisui turned his head and saw him appearing with a group of Uchihas.

"Senior Qianming!" Zhishui seemed to have a backbone, "Mr. Shi Li is dying!"

Qianming and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, and the other Uchiha and the others saw Shi Li's life-and-death appearance, as well as unknown corpses and battle marks on the ground, and they roughly understood the cause and effect.

Qingyan sighed helplessly, there were no medical ninjas in their team.

"Let me take a look." Qian Ming said.

Shisui gave way, and then realized that Qian Ming was not a medical ninja either.

"Did Senior Qian Ming come to listen to Mr. Shi Li's last words?" Zhi Shui thought, the sense of powerlessness and self-blame became stronger.

"Shi Li, Shi Li? Are you still conscious?" Qian Ming asked, while checking his injuries.

"Is it Qian Ming? It looks like I'm going to take a step first, Lizi, please." Shi Li firmly grasped Qian Ming's hand like a flash of light.

"You take care of your wife yourself, let me see if you can still be saved." Qian Ming broke Shi Li's hand helplessly.

A green chakra emerged from Qianming's wrist, which surprised Shisui:

"Senior, you know healing ninjutsu!?"

Shisui's astonishment also attracted the attention of other Uchihas. They gathered around and saw the green chakra in Chiaki's hand.

"Is this Palm Immortal Technique?" Qingyan asked in surprise.

"It should be." Qian Ming said, he was not sure.

This medical ninjutsu was learned by Senju Chiaki, and he shared this ontology with him, so Qianming also understands medical knowledge and medical ninjutsu.It's just that I haven't had a chance to use it, and how effective it can be, Qian Ming can only say: let a dead horse be a living horse doctor.

"Shi Li, be clear, I know medical ninjutsu and can save you." Qian Ming said.He is more or less sure, the main points of medical ninjutsu are nothing more than precise chakra control, understanding of human body knowledge, and mastery of techniques.

Not to mention control power, Qian Ming can even control natural energy.

Therefore, he felt that there was a chance to cure Shi Li.

Shi Li, who was on the verge of life and death, saw the green light and heard Qian Ming's words. Since there was a possibility of being alive, he also burst out with a strong desire to survive.

"Be patient, this ninjutsu may be a little painful." Qian Ming reminded.

This is a small knowledge point of Senju Chiaki in the small class of Chieko's mother, that is, the Senju clan's medical ninjutsu will have a strong pain when used by other ninjas.

Qian Ming didn't know how intense the pain was, but it should be very painful, so Shi Li, an ordinary person, was mentally prepared.

"Please do your best." Shi Li resolutely said, he also wanted to live.

Qian Ming's hand with green chakra attached to Shi Li's wound

A powerful piercing scream penetrated the entire night.

"Isn't it possible?" Qian Ming was also a little confused, but the medical ninjutsu in his hands was still steady.

"Does it hurt?" Qian Ming asked.

Shi Li didn't reply.

Zhishui replied blankly: "Senior, Mr. Shi Li seems to have fainted."

This made Qian Ming speechless, can this medical ninjutsu really make people pass out?
The surrounding Uchiha also looked at Qianming in a strange way: This doesn't look like saving people.
Qian Ming coughed a few times, at least he could feel that Shi Li's wound was healing rapidly, which proved that this medical ninjutsu was effective.

half an hour passed
Shi Li, who had fainted, suddenly opened his eyes, and a mournful cry broke out.

The other Uchihas felt the same way, and Qingyan even said directly: "Qianming, if it really can't be cured, it's still."

"Nonsense!" Qian Ming retorted, "Didn't you hear that the more he shouted, the more angry he became?"

Indeed, Zhishui could hear that the screams were full of vitality, not like an injured person, but the sound was too miserable, which made Zhishui feel sorry for him.

"Qianming, Qianming is fine, I'm alive, I'm about to stop the surgery!" Shi Li gritted his teeth and said in a trembling voice.

"Alright then." Qian Ming saw that Shi Li was in so much pain, and moreover, most of his injuries had indeed healed, and the rest could be treated with normal methods.

"Oh, by the way, and your leg." Qian Ming remembered that Shi Li's leg was still injured.

"Qianming, bridge bean sack!" Shi Li hurriedly shouted,

But he was too late, Qian Ming's hand was already on Shi Li's injured leg.

Like boiling oil poured into cold water, all the Uchiha covered their ears at this moment.

"Qian Ming doesn't look like saving people, it's almost like killing people." Qing Yan said with a sigh of relief.

Although Qianmei's medical ninjutsu surprised him, but if he had a choice, he would never let Qianmei treat him.

"Stop barking, do you want to lame a leg in the future?"

Qian Ming was also disturbed by the noise, so he stared directly at Sharingan, and an illusion made Shi Li "mentally anesthetized".

(End of this chapter)

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