Open a Timeline in the Ninja World

Chapter 57 Let's go, take office at the root!

Chapter 57 Let's go, take office at the root!

"These are Sharingan collected by Shimura Danzo."

Bai Jueqianming picked up a bottle placed in the secret room, which contained a pair of three-gou jade writing sharing eyes soaked in light yellow liquid.

The owner of Sharingan was killed by his compatriots on the night of genocide more than ten years ago, but his eyes are still preserved to this day.The scarlet hollow eyes seemed to speak of the resentment of that night.

"Danzo, what a high-sounding and incompetent person." Bai Jueqianming commented.

These eyes are one of Danzo's gains after the entire Uchiha clan was slaughtered as a pusher.

Bai Jue Qianming will not push or step on ambitious ambitious people, because it is also an uneasy element that wants to turn the ninja world upside down.

There is a point or two in the saying that those who want to achieve big things don't care about small details, but Danzo has no vision, no strength, and no means. This is what Bai Jueqianming took as a warning.

"The relic of Uchiha's undead, I hope that the time when the main body is in can avoid this tragedy." Bai Jueqianming thought.

Opening the bottle, Bai Jueqianming took off his eyes and replaced them with this pair of Sharingan.

"Yes, that's the feeling." Bai Jueqian carefully comprehended the power of Sharingan.

Its body is a collection of white organizations, all of which are extremely accommodating to Sharingan.

And with the experience of the "Uchiha Chiaki" on the body, Bai Jueqian is very familiar with using the power of Sharingan, and can completely achieve "plug and play".

"You guys, don't you know that this is Lord Danzo's secret room? Why are you guarding here?"

"Who are you? Password number?" This is Bai Jue's voice, the question and answer words that Bai Jue Qianming set up for them in advance.

"Heh - who am I? I'm the root detachment leader!"

There was a sound from outside, the corner of Bai Jueqianming's mouth curled up, and the Sharingan in his pupils moved freely.

"It turns out that the root detachment leader, I'm here to count the relics of Danzo-sama."

It opened the door, and besides the four guards disguised as Baijue, there was also a tall man wearing an Anbu mask, the so-called detachment leader.

The leader of the "you" branch was about to speak, but suddenly looked directly at a pair of scarlet three-gou jade writing sharing eyes.

Illusion activates, mind control.

"What's your name? What's your position? What's your job? Who do you have contact with? What kind of cronies do you have?" Bai Jueqianming asked.

The detachment leader who fell into the control of illusion only felt that the person talking to him in front of him was his trustworthy Danzo-sama, so he naturally answered everything:

"I am from Fukaya Sekai, the captain of the Anbu No. [-] Squadron, the Genbu No. [-] Detachment captain, the highest responsible person of the base here, and my daily work is responsible for the management of the base and surrounding areas."

The people from Shengujie were talking, and Bai Jueqianming was listening.After he finished answering, Bai Jueqianming put his hand on the other's shoulder in satisfaction, and said:

"Very well, from now on, I am from the Fukaya world."

The muddle-headed spirit of the people from the deep valley couldn't understand its words at all, and Bai Jueqianming absorbed the chakra of the opponent, and imitated himself into the appearance of the people from the deep valley, which was exactly the same as the chakra.

After he completely replaced the people from the deep valley realm, Bai Jueqianming straightened his mask and said with a smile:

"Little ones, let's go, let's take office at the root!"

It's a pity that Bai Jue doesn't understand Bai Jue Qianming's stalk.

With a higher level of identity, Bai Jueqianming was even more unimpeded. He summoned all the root ninjas in this base and said:

"I think everyone has already discovered that the curse mark under our tongue has disappeared."

Immediately, Ninja Ji hurriedly asked: "The leader is Danzo-sama."

"Presumptuous! How dare you talk about that lord!" Bai Jueqianming reprimanded, and the latter remained silent for a moment.

After gaining his reputation, Bai Jueqianming said in a sad tone:
"It was the remnants of the Uchiha who colluded with the terrorist organization Akatsuki. While the adults were going to the Five Kages meeting, they despicably and brutally assassinated the adults. The adults fought bloody battles to eradicate these two malignant tumors in one fell swoop.

But he was besieged and defeated, and died with hatred.”

As soon as these words came out, all the root ninjas were fried, and the discussions were at a loss.

Bai Jueqianming stomped his feet and secretly used the Immortal Mode to take advantage of it. The whole venue was like a thunderstorm.


All the ninjas were buzzing, and their eyes were on the tall figure on the stage.

"Please listen to me, gentlemen." Bai Jueqianming cleared his throat and started his performance.

"Your Majesty has not been halfway into his post, but the middle way collapsed, and today there is chaos, and the leaves are weary, this is the autumn of life and death.

However, the ambition of the adults is not complete, we are the dark roots in the ground, for the lushness of the leaves.The current situation is difficult, and it is sincerely appropriate to appoint talents and promote talents, to promote the virtues of adults, and to magnify the spirit of morale.

Although I am not talented, I would like to follow the will of my lord to lead you through the difficulties of water and fire! "

Bai Jueqianming's sentences are sincere, affectionate, and sincere.As soon as he finished speaking, "Bai Juetuo" who had been arranged in advance shouted in the crowd:

"Master detachment leader can lead us to find a new path!"

"I choose the detachment leader, he is the one everyone expects!"

"Master who is not the detachment leader can't take us through the difficulties!"

Starting with these words, others followed suit.

In fact, these root ninjas have no choice. When Danzo is dead, they seem to have lost their backbone and don't know the meaning of their life.

This is the root, an armed violent organization created by Danzo himself, who worships Danzo himself extremely and believes in Danzo himself.

And now that there is a person with a suitable status who is willing to lead them, the root ninjas can only follow blindly.

Seeing the unanimous approval below, Bai Jueqianming knew that it was safe. He stretched out his hand to signal silence, and said solemnly:
"It is a great honor to be trusted by all of you. I have taken on a heavy responsibility, but I also have a few arrangements to share with you."

"One is the current situation in the ninja world: Master is dead, the Akatsuki organization has launched a war, and the remaining four major powers have reached a consensus that they will form a ninja coalition to attack the Akatsuki organization. This is due to our contribution from the roots."

Listening to the root ninjas, they didn't know that such a big change had taken place in the ninja world for a while.

"Secondly, it is the current situation in Konoha: the adult is dead, the position of Hokage is vacant, and the fifth generation's eye injury has not healed, the elders are eager to find a new Hokage candidate, and our root vote is indispensable."

The root ninjas nodded frequently, feeling that what the detachment leader said was clear.

"The third is the current situation at the root: the adult is dead, the root is leaderless, and the forces are scattered. We should actively contact other detachment leaders, reorganize the root, and establish a representative spokesperson. Only in this way can we have the status to compete with outsiders and ensure that our root should have right."

Bai Jue Qianming asked: "Do you have any opinions?"

The root ninjas looked left and right, thought for a while, and felt that the detachment leader's words caught the pain point and hit the bottom line.

"My lord has a good opinion, just do what you say!" Genbu ninjas said in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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