Open a Timeline in the Ninja World

Chapter 70 The 5th generation is too long, I only fight for the day and night

Chapter 70 Five generations are too long, I only seize the day
Bai Jue Qianming is still waiting for the opportunity, and the body Qianming has already arrived around the Kingdom of Rain.

Younu Zhiwei looked up and saw the black clouds.

He frowned slightly, he didn't like too humid weather, especially in rainy days, the raindrops would wet the insect's wings.

"This is for you." Qian Ming handed over the poncho and bamboo hat.

Younv Zhiwei took it, and just as he finished dressing it, it started to rain.

"Do you have any ideas on how to operate in this country?" Qian Ming asked.

"Since the end of the Second Ninja World War, none of the ninja villages will ignore this small country that has 'half gods'." Zhiwei Younv said:

"Konoha has a 'hidden stake' in this country, we just need to contact them."

Qian Ming nodded to show that he had no objection.

The two continued on until they met a group of people carrying boxes and rucksacks.

Those people noticed that the two of Qian Ming were panicked, and they lowered their heads and walked away from the plague god.

"These are all refugees." Qian Ming saw it, and said with emotion: "I'm still worried about being displaced."

"War is such a monster that devours everything." Younu Zhiwei said.

Qian Ming chuckled, You Nu Zhi looked sideways.

"War is a continuation of politics.

The progress of an era is like a tower of building blocks. If a building block is stacked incorrectly, the tower base will be unstable until there is no more piles on the tower base.

Before the end of an era, there will be a war that symbolizes all mistakes, pushed to the pedestal, and restarted, so as to enter the next era. "Qian Ming said softly, telling his understanding of the war.

In his blue star hometown, the root cause of the war: land annexation, economic crisis, colonial plunder
Younvzhi was silent for a while, then nodded slightly:

"It's a novel point of view, and it makes sense. Then Qianming, what do you think is the 'mistake' that led to war in our era?"

"Benefits, interests, or interests." Qian Ming said:

"The land of fire is very rich in products, so the land of fire is very stable. But other countries have more or less production problems:

The desert of the land of wind, the high mountains of the land of thunder, the isolated island of the land of water, the barren land of the land of earth

Once they suffer from natural and man-made disasters, they will divert their own problems by invading other countries and plundering resources. "

"So our war is just. Konoha Ninja's nature is peace-loving, and the war we wage is to protect our own wealth." Zhiwei Younv commented.

Qian Ming laughed again, and continued:
"In addition to material problems, there are also spiritual problems, which I call the 'chain of suspicion'.

We can use empathy to speculate on the psychology of the enemy country: how can others sleep soundly on the side of the couch.

The five major nations in the ninja world, all of them have survival instincts like "human beings". Humans will feel uneasy when facing more powerful predators, and they will worry that the existence of animals will endanger their own survival.That's why people feel at ease after they sharpen their weapons, set up traps, and kill animals.

For the other four kingdoms, Konoha is the animal.Hehe, for these countries, the strong Konoha is the original sin.The four major powers will launch a "hunt" against Konoha every once in a while, even if they can't kill Konoha, they must break its teeth and claws to wear down its strength, so as to ensure their own peace of mind. "

"Um. Yes. Yes." Younv Zhiwei couldn't find a reason to refute for a while:

"Being strong can also be the original sin? Then according to Qian Ming, wouldn't the war be endless?"

"Qianming, are you pessimistic about this world?" Younu Zhiwei couldn't help asking, frowning.

"Not really," Qian Ming's smile remained:

"The strong are those who still love the world after recognizing the cruel truth of the world.

There are still many things worthy of my pursuit in this world, and I am working tirelessly for it. "

"The strong are the ones who still love the world after recognizing the cruelty of the world." Younu Zhiwei repeated what Qian Ming said, and suddenly untied his frowning brows. He also smiled and asked:
"Then Qianming, what is your favorite pursuit?"

Qian Ming turned his face sideways and said, "How about becoming Hokage?"

"Ah?" You Nu Zhi was taken aback for a moment, and then said:
"Is it really Hokage?"

The dream of many Konoha ninjas when they were young was Hokage, but when they grew up, they realized that they were really far away from this dream.

"Why not? I want to use my hands to transform this world, and let this world witness my will." Qian Ming said, he looked up and saw the indissoluble dark clouds in the sky.

Younu Zhiwei listened, Qian Ming's voice was so calm, as if she was talking about something that would not be changed by external forces.

"Then do you have a solution to the war?"

At this time, Qianming showed a wicked smile: "I will tell everyone the day I become Hokage."

Younv Zhiwei's expression froze, unable to laugh or cry:
"Are you actually planning to sell it?"

Qian Ming just smiled without saying a word.

Younv Zhiwei said helplessly:
"Although it's a bit unbelievable, I actually think that you, a guy with a powerful and unconstrained thinking, might really be able to do this.

But before you are far from Hokage, there are still many competitors, such as Oshemaru-sama and Namikaze Minato.

Are you going to run for the Fifth Hokage? "

Younv Zhiwei joked.

"No, the Five Dynasties are too long, I only seize the day and night. The challenge is only meaningful because it is a difficult challenge." Qian was obviously confident.

He is like this, he has to toss the world all over before giving up.

Yuuzhi smiled, only thinking that Konoha would be extremely lively in the future.

"... Enter the town in front, we will contact the hidden stake and start our mission."

Younv Zhiwei saw the hazy outline of the town in the distance under the rain.

Qian Ming nodded, and the two continued on their way.

The cities in the Land of Rain are covered in long-term rain, damp water vapor, splashing water, and iron towers and steel water pipes for drainage.The feasting and mapping reminded Qianming of the "cyberpunk" in Blue Star's hometown.

The two entered a wine shop, Younv Zhiwei contacted the secret pile, and Qian Ming ordered a bowl of boiling ginger soup to dispel dampness, and a plate of dried fish.

He just ate hot soup and spicy dishes, listening to the discussions of the people around him.

Qian Ming understands what he has seen and heard on the journey, and the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of passers-by are also the fun of life for him.

".Three of you, have you thought about it clearly? We Xiao are not some unscrupulous organization that accepts insurance and pays for it. We are an organization with ideals and capabilities that changes this country and brings peace to this crying land. "

It seems that Qian Ming heard some bad news inadvertently.

From the corner of his eye, he noticed a corner of the wine house:
There were three men and one woman, all young people, and one of them was talking eagerly to the other three.

And the expressions of the three of them seemed to move intentionally, but also hesitated, as if they were indecisive.

(End of this chapter)

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