Open a Timeline in the Ninja World

Chapter 86 Don't Be Evil

Chapter 86 Don't Be Evil
"Since you don't have a tail, do you count as my younger brother?" Shouhe asked.

It turned out that Shouhe was not happy when he was young.

"No, why should I be your younger brother." Tailed Beast Qianming refused.

Kyuubi heard the dislike in his friend's tone, so he said to Shouhe very loyally:
"Don't bully Qian Ming, the number of tails is not important."

This made Shouhe even more unhappy and wronged:

"You have so many tails, of course you don't care."

"That's not something I can decide, it's the old man Liudao's decision." Kyuubi said.

It felt a tail of envy for itself, and couldn't help being a little proud.

This made Shouhe even more aggrieved and frustrated.I feel like a child my parents don't love.

The other tailed beasts also communicated with each other, with curiosity about the world and joy of new life in their voices.

After an unknown amount of time, an old man appeared among the tailed beasts.

"Grandfather Six Paths," the tailed beasts said in unison.

Yuyi nodded kindly, looked at the tailed beasts as if they were looking at their own children, and then he found that a "cub" seemed to be missing.

"Where's Qianming?" Yuyi shouted.

"I'm here." Tailed Beast Qianming got up from the nine-tailed orange hair.

"Why are you on the head of Nine Lamas?" Yuyi asked.

"Nine Lama's hair is very warm and comfortable." Qian Ming replied.

Little Kyuubi was also a little shy and embarrassed.

Yu Yi also couldn't help laughing when he heard the words.

At this time, it was Shouhe's turn to complain about his grievances: "Grandpa Liudao, why don't I have many tails, and I don't have any hair that people like?"

Yuyi patiently said in a coaxing tone: "But Shuhe, you have a beautiful violet pattern, this is your unique place."

"My pattern?" Shouhe heard his words and observed his body.

"Does it look good?" Shouhe asked the other tailed beasts, especially Qianming the tailed beast.

"Very good, unique texture." Tailed Beast Qianming coaxed.

The other tailed beasts also recognized the same, their minds were still very simple, and the feeling that Shuzuru needed others' approval.

Shuhe was also satisfied, showing an embarrassed smile foolishly.

Seeing the harmony between the tailed beasts, Yuyi nodded slightly, and his expression turned serious, it was time to talk about business:

"Come around, kids, I have something to say."

The tailed beasts are also curious, including the tailed beast Qianming.Except for Otsutsuki Kaguya, Hagoromo is the strongest existence that "Chiaki" has seen in the ninja world.

Tailed Beast Qianming was also very curious about what Sage of the Six Paths would say.

Yui spoke:

"Children, you are the division of Ten Tails, and Ten Tails is the enemy of this world. If Ten Tails revives, this world will be destroyed."

"Grandfather Liu Dao wants us to prevent the resurrection of Ten Tails?" Two-tailed cat asked again. As a cat, its intelligence is obviously good.

Yuromo nodded and continued: "Your existence is to contain the consciousness of Ten Tails, and the chakra of Ten Tails is scattered in your body, it is extremely greedy, violent and extreme, and it is a force that will bring disaster.

So children, when you come to this world, you must restrain your strength and don't bring too much harm to this world. "

"Is this the advice of Grandpa Liudao? We will keep it in mind." Jiuwei said, the little fox looked serious.

"So are we, Grandpa Liudao." The other tailed beasts also replied in the same way.

"Okay, you are all very kind children." Yuyi was very pleased, and then looked at someone.

"Me too, I have no interest in destroying or something. I want to explore this world." Tailed Beast Qianming assured.

With the assurance of all the tail beasts, Yuyi continued:
"In the days to come, you may meet many, many ninjas, who may be friendly to you or malicious to you.

You may not understand now, but first remember these words:

If someone is friendly to you, you can get close to him, and you can even entrust your strength to them.

When the minds of the ninja and the tailed beast are connected, you become one, and together you will strangle the greedy and evil nature of the ten tails and make your chakra harmless.

But if you have malicious people towards you, you should remember to stay away from them, they will hurt you, their evil chakra will pollute your kind nature, and will induce ten-tailed malice and bring disasters.

This is the mission I entrusted to you. "

Yui said solemnly.

"Grandpa Liudao, can we meet more people after we go out?" Wuwei Mu Wang asked. It has a head like a dolphin and limbs like a horse.

"Why would they hurt us? None of us would want to hurt them," said the eight-tailed ox ghost.

Yuyi sighed and said:
"Gap, the gap between people's hearts is always there.

Differences between individuals will lead to various barriers, which is unavoidable.

Children, you will always encounter people or things that you feel uncomfortable with.So I hope you can be patient and strong, and look forward to the future with kindness.

You are the guardians of this world. I will seal the monster in your body. Promise me: No matter what happens in the future, stick to what I said, okay? "

The tailed beasts looked at each other, they felt that the Sage of the Six Paths was talking about a very heavy thing, but they were just born, and their thoughts were very simple, so they just agreed:
"Yes, we will abide by the words of Grandpa Liudao." x10
This is the natural kindness of tailed beasts.

Tailed Beast Chiaki also agrees, but it knows that in the next 1000 years, ninjas will continue to drive or capture Tailed Beasts.

Either the power of the Dreadtail Beast, or the power of the Covettail Beast.

In the future, Tailed Beasts are destined to be hated by most ninjas.

This could also be the future of Chiaki the Tailed Beast.

".I am the same kind as the tailed beast. Although I have a humanoid appearance, I am destined not to go the same way as the ninja. Perhaps the only thing I can rely on is my tailed beast brother besides myself."

Tailed Beast Qianming thought, at this moment he already has his own future plans.

It is impossible to avoid the world without human society. Since its birth, it has come to do things. Human society is so interesting, everyone is talented, and they speak nicely. Tailed beast Qianming likes contact with human beings.

Tailed Beast Qianming has a lot of careful thoughts, and this was also noticed by Yuyi.

For Yuyi, "Tailed Beast Qianming" was an accident, but since Tailed Beast Qianming was born, Yuyi has no plans to "return to the furnace" because he is really dying and has no energy left.

So Yuyi can only say to Tailed Beast Qianming, "Qianming."

"Oh? Master Liu Dao, do you have any orders?" Tailed Beast Qianming asked.

"You are different from other tailed beasts." Yuyi said, "Maybe not as powerful as other tailed beasts, but I can see that you are more intelligent.

Since you have come to this world, don't do evil, and do good with all your heart. "

Chiaki the Tailed Beast was not surprised to see a little bit of the truth, but it would be strange if Yuyi really had no doubts, this is a ruthless person who can seal his mother Otsutsuki Kaguya under the "Mother's Kindness and Son's Filial Piety".

Simply because Qianming Tailed Beast didn't intend to destroy the world, he agreed:
"I will keep Master Liu Dao's words in my heart."

(End of this chapter)

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