Chapter 99: Lion Fangs
Qian Ming's power erupted, and sand and stones flew away for a while.

The root ninja resisted the momentum, and the alarm bell in his heart was irritated.

Qian Ming stepped forward, strengthening his body to explode at an astonishing speed.

A root ninja only felt a chill in his neck, and when he realized it, Liu Yunqie had already chopped off his head.

"Speedy Knife"

"Squad A! Three-person pincer tactics! Team B's ninjutsu strategy! Team C is ready!" shouted the root squad leader.

The root ninja broke out with extremely strong tactical literacy.

Seeing that all the weapons were cut to pieces by Qian Ming, a root ninja performed ninjutsu, turning his right hand into rock to obtain a strong defense, and hit him with a big rock fist!

At the same time, the ninjutsu-type ninja cooperates to cast Earth Dun·Huangquanma, and the ground instantly turns into a turbulent swamp, thereby restricting Qianming's high-speed movement ability.

Qian Ming held a big gun in his hand, and the flames were blazing. He swung the big gun and smashed it at the melee ninja.

The melee ninja's right arm was petrified, and he wanted to take this blow hard. He was confident that his ninjutsu was strong enough to withstand the spear!

He also did resist an attack strong enough to cut through metal.

But the corner of Qianming's mouth hooked:
"Secret Technique Blade Explosion"

The powerful chakra impact erupted from the tip of the gun, directly smashing the rock arm of the melee ninja, and then blowing up most of his body!
The No.2 dead man appeared, but Captain Genbu still hadn't lost his will to fight, or he had been trained by Danzo to become a cold-blooded killing machine.

"Water Dungeon is ready!"

The two ninjas completed the seal, and the ground that had been turned into a swamp instantly gushed out violent water.

"Water Escape·Big Storm Water Rush!"

A semicircular water cover rose from the ground, wrapping Qian Ming's location.

Qian Ming seemed to fall into the lake, even the flame on the weapon was suppressed by the abundant water!

This is a ninjutsu that changes the battle terrain, and it is also a control ninjutsu!
"Thunder Escape·Current Disturbance"

The root squad leader held the Thunder Dun in his hand, and slashed towards the water cover!

Melee containment, ninjutsu field control, ninjutsu combination, big move lore!

This is the fighting quality exhibited by root ninjas.

But Qian Ming laughed. Someone had used this trick on him half a month ago.

It's just that the waters created by Nagato are just accumulated water, and the waters created by root ninjas are "water covers"

Qian Ming couldn't take off, he was wrapped in the water cover.

"So what? Flow-cutting technique: cut everything!"

Even the "soft" water couldn't restrain Qianming's spear and blade, and he cut through the tough water cover.

Qian Ming took off, and the lightning strike struck, all of this was nothing more than repeating the battle decades ago.

"Thunderbolt, use it for me!" Qianming's spear charged thunder, and the Thunder Snake was in chaos.

"Flame!" Liu Yun cut to the flames!
The slashing strikes of thunder and fire were wielded by Qian Ming together, with the control ability blessed by the immortal mode, and the power of the two attributes was perfectly integrated.

A terrible roar erupted, and the five root ninjas were annihilated in the impact of power on the spot, leaving no bones left!
The only three remaining ninjas were also disheveled and bloodstained.

"Ahem, what kind of power this is." Captain Genbu murmured to himself, even though his emotions had been wiped out, he was in a daze at the moment.

"Is this still Qianming? How terrifying." Younu Zhiwei was equally dumbfounded.

And the explosion smoke rose, and Qian Ming appeared from it, and he said calmly:
"Those who stand in the way will not be pardoned."

He will not have a trace of regret or shame for disobeying Hokage's orders, he is such a steadfast person on his own path.

"Qianming, they are also Konoha's ninjas, even though you have different opinions, you can't do this!" Younv Zhiwei broke down.

Qian Ming was slightly moved by You Nv Zhiwei:
"I have a set of rules in my heart, whether I don't understand me or hate me, I can bear everything.

Until this world becomes my ideal country. "

"Younv Zhiwei, what reason are you still talking to him! He's already a traitor to Konoha! Do something to him!" shouted Captain Genbu.

Younu Zhiwei took a deep breath and said seriously, "In that case, I will fight you with all my strength."

"I can't ask for it." Qian Ming played a trick, and the two weapons ignited flames again.

Younv Zhiwei's face darkened, he was using the worms as a means, if the worms were to fight Qian Ming's flame swords and guns, it might not become a crunchy protein.

As Qian Ming walked step by step, the pressure on You Nu Zhi Wei increased little by little.

Suddenly, Qian Ming stopped in his tracks:

"Akatsuki is finally here."

In his perception, the chakras of Yahiko Nagato Konan and the others approached him at high speed at 500 meters.

"Oops, people from the Akatsuki organization are coming, retreat quickly!" Genbu Ninja also reacted.

Younu Zhiwei finally had a reason not to fight Qianming.

But Qian Ming said: "You can't let Zhiwei go away like this. If you lose to me, you still have a chance to survive. If it's someone else, it won't be so."

He then broke the barrier of the world line and projected the power of another "Thousand Ming":

Chiaki Zero Tail!

The mask belonging to Zero Tail covered Chiaki's face, and the dark chakra overflowed from his body.

"This ominous chakra!?" Zhiwei was horrified, only to feel that Qianming, who was wearing a mask in front of him, was extremely terrifying, and the alarm bells in his heart were agitated.

But Qian Ming, who had obtained the power of Zero Tail, did not give Zhiwei a chance to react at all, he only had five seconds to use it.

Dozens of dark chakra tentacles popped out, grabbing Root Ninja and Yume Zhiwei who wanted to escape.

Instilled with dark chakra, extreme negative emotions cholera these people's minds, making them delirious!
It's two seconds past.

Qianming attacked the root ninja at high speed, beheading the remaining root ninjas one after another.

That's four seconds past.

At the fifth second, Qian Ming grabbed You Nu Zhiwei's neck.

"Qian Ming, stop it, don't make any more mistakes cough cough" You Nu Zhiwei struggled in Qian Ming's grasp.

But only Qian Ming's smile responded to him:

"Zhiwei, get a good night's sleep, wake up, and we'll discuss this matter again."

Sangouyu's writing wheel eye pupil power exploded, and using dark chakra to disrupt consciousness, Younv Zhiwei fell into illusion for a moment, unable to recover.

At the end of five seconds, Zero Tail Chiaki's power disappeared.

Qian Ming put down Younu Zhiwei, and there were corpses all around.

Sharingan closed, he turned around and looked back, it was already the three elders of Xiao organization leading people here.

"Qianming, what have you noticed? Konoha and Hanzo are jointly targeting Akatsuki!"

Yahiko came over and hurriedly asked this question, with a trace of panic in his tone.

In his view, if the strongest Konoha and Hanzo join forces to kill "Akatsuki", Yahiko will feel that "Akatsuki" is in danger.

Qianming looked at the corpses of root ninjas all over the place, and Yahiko already knew the answer without him opening his mouth.

"How could this be?" Yahiko looked lost.

Qian Ming patted him on the shoulder and said:
"You are the leader, don't put on such a depressed look.

The immediate concern is that this place has been exposed.

You should evacuate here with Akatsuki's vital strength as soon as possible, for future calculation. "

"Qian Ming, are you alright?" Xiao Nan was still concerned about Qian Ming's status.

"It's okay, no big problem." Qian Ming patted the ashes on Xiaopao.

He likes this dress quite a lot, and it has a commemorative significance, so he didn't let it be damaged during the battle.

Nagato didn't speak, but he noticed that Qian Ming took off the blindfold instead of a blind eye, but a good eye.

(End of this chapter)

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