Li Shimin

Chapter 105 Is that a house made of glass?

Chapter 105 Is that a house made of glass?

"Uncle Lu Wang, have you been looking for Hejian County King in the past few days?"

On the carriage, Li You asked curiously.

"The King of Yan doesn't need to delve too much into this matter. What we need to consider now is how to lure that hermit out of the Li Family Manor!"

Li Yuanchang smiled lightly, but showed great respect for Li You.

With a kid like Li You around, even if that kid from the Wang family misses, after he is discovered, he can throw out that kid Li You as a top bag.

If everything goes well, with Yin Hongzhi as an old man, even if he is given a share, he can resist Li Xiaogong's counterattack, and even prevent the Wang family from secretly repenting.

However, Li Yuanchang, who was considerate in every aspect, neglected that the current crown prince Li Chengqian is the disciple of that strange man!

Li You, who had just been named the King of Yan, had never been so respected before.

Therefore, Li Yuanchang's perfunctory was directly ignored, and his face was serious.

"Is Uncle Lu worrying too much? I'm a prince, how can I be compared to the king of Hejian County? As long as I wait to make a move, I will definitely bring that strange man out of Lijiazhuang!"

As he spoke, Li You was full of pride.

Afterwards, he opened the curtain of the car with interest and looked out.

"The breeze is just right, how comfortable would it be if you could gallop wildly?"

"I'm waiting for this trip, but it's done in secret, it's absolutely impossible!"

Li Yuanchang quickly persuaded.

"Uncle Lu, relax, I have my own measure!" Li You nodded with regret.

Seeing this, Li Yuanchang stopped talking.

Sitting in the carriage.

After continuing to walk for a while, as the carriage shook slightly, a voice came from outside.

"Your Majesty, we're here!"

Hearing this, Li Yuanchang quickly got out of the carriage.

Looking up, they saw that they had come to a dense forest at some time.

Not far away is Lijiazhuang.

"Uncle Wang, shall we drill into the woods?"

On the contrary, it was Li You, who was full of interest.

"This nobleman said that it is true. In this forest, there is a secret trail that can directly lead to the back mountain of Lijiazhuang. This place is just outside the guard range of Lijiazhuang's guards, so the two noblemen must not make any noise.

After a while, the two nobles went in, walked down the path, and saw a small courtyard with chicken pens and pig pens, which was the courtyard of the hermit. "

Next to it, a middle-aged man with the appearance of a servant explained in detail.

"Where is Wang Shen?"

However, Li Yuanchang was not moved. He looked around and frowned slightly.

"Back to your lord, my master has been stared at by several other people these days, it is really inconvenient to come out, please forgive me."

The middle-aged servant replied neither humble nor overbearing.

"Uncle Wang, let's go in quickly!"

On the side, Li Yuanchang wanted to say something more, but Li You couldn't wait and urged him repeatedly.

"If so, then it will be as King Yan wishes!"

Li Yuanchang glanced at Li You and nodded slowly.

Immediately, following the instructions of the middle-aged servant, he followed the path and walked in.

After walking a certain distance, Li Yuanchang and Li You realized that this is really an extremely hidden path.

Fortunately, the two of them are small in stature, if it were the guards, it would be really difficult for them to walk.

"Where are people walking this trail? Why is it so difficult to walk? There are so many jujube thorns. If this king is stabbed, Wang Shen must pay the price!"

Holding the knife unloaded from the bodyguard, he gently pushed aside the wild jujube branches above his head, and Li Yuanchang led Li You carefully through.However, he was still full of anger.

"What Uncle Wang said is very reasonable. The children of those aristocratic families have no fun!"

Li You also looked disgusted.

I thought that the mountain trails would be so exciting.

Unexpectedly, they are all densely packed jujube thorn trees.

After such a short while, his clothes were all torn and tattered.

After going back, the concubine mother might scold him so much!

Just as they were talking, their eyes suddenly lit up.

Not far below, a small house suddenly appeared, and not far away, there was an exquisite chicken pen and pig pen juxtaposed.

Although they had never seen chicken and pig pens before, so many chickens and pigs crowded together must be the legendary chicken and pig pens.

"Uncle Lu, this is the courtyard of the hermit!"

After looking at it for a while, a trace of disappointment flashed in Li You's eyes. There were only three small houses, which were far from what he had imagined.

"It should be!"

Li Yuanchang was still very happy in his eyes, then he turned his head and looked around, frowning slightly.

"The two small houses next to it should be the workshop of this expert!"

As he spoke, a trace of curiosity flashed in his eyes.

"Come on, I'll take a look first, what's it like in that expert's workshop?"


After saying that, the two of them had enough rest for this meeting, so they got up and prepared to go down.

However, before the visitor took two steps, he was startled.

In that small workshop, there are still craftsmen coming in and out.

Looking at each other involuntarily, Li Yuanchang thought for a moment.

"In that case, let's go to that strange man's house first. Now, that strange man should be eating at home. The chimney in the kitchen is still smoking!"


Although he was extremely passionate in his heart, Li You was still a nine-year-old child, he was exhausted already, and Li Yuanchang could go wherever he wanted.

However, when the two were about to start going down again, the smoke in the chimney below dissipated slowly.

The two couldn't help but their eyelids twitched, subconsciously feeling a little ominous.

Sure enough, after a few breaths.

A somewhat familiar roar came from the kitchen, and they could hear it clearly from such a distance.

"Master, Gao Ming, the food is ready, it's time to serve!"

It's Cheng Chusi!

Hearing this, both of them frowned slightly.

Immediately, both of them looked strange.

Cheng Chusi, a bastard, is actually cooking, and the Cheng family is cooking, how is this possible?

Just as he was thinking, a group of people had already walked out of the main room.

Li Chongyi?Chang Sun Chong?And Fang Yizhi?Brother Prince?There is also a young man, who should be the hermit?

Wait, Prince Li Chengqian?

Suddenly, Li Yuanchang frowned, feeling like he had something to forget.


But, after thinking about it for a while, I still couldn't think of anything.

Instead, I smelled a strong aroma of rice, and my stomach was very hungry.

"Uncle Lu, you can bring something to eat, I'm already very hungry."

Li You hugged his stomach and looked at the small courtyard below with a greedy face.

"This king didn't bring any food!"

Li Yuanchang also had a bitter face, eyes full of irritability.

"Uncle Lu Wang, why don't we go find some food too?" Li You was eager to try.

"In this Li Family Manor, apart from the householder, there are Li Xiaogong's bodyguards. As long as the two of us show up, we will definitely be caught!"

On weekdays, Li Yuanchang was also an extremely extravagant king of Lu, so he never suffered from such hunger.

Therefore, even though he sensibly rejected Li You's suggestion, he still couldn't help it, raised his head, and drifted around.

It's not that he can't bear it, but that the damn rice smell is too tempting, he has never smelled such a strange smell of rice.


Suddenly, Li Yuanchang saw a small room with dazzling lights in a field not far away.

A small room in a field?
Thinking about it, Li Yuanchang couldn't help squinting his eyes slightly, looking over curiously, and then his face changed slightly.

"Li You, do you see that house is made of glass?"

Li You was taken aback for a moment, and quickly looked over.

"A house made of glass?"


ps: It's over! !I changed the lord to the king, but found that the dozens of chapters on the shelves have been locked, and it can't be done.Therefore, when you see the lord calling later, please be patient for a while, the king will be restored after chapter 140!
 It's over! !

(End of this chapter)

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