Li Shimin

Chapter 107 What an evil beast!

Chapter 107 What an evil beast! (ask for the first order)


When he came to the door of the glass shed, Li Xuan's face changed slightly.

The bolt of the small iron door is actually open?

This door bolt, he remembered that he would definitely close it every day!
"Master, what's the matter?"

Behind, Li Chongyi and Li Chengqian also noticed something was wrong, and they looked nervous.

Li Xuan, on the other hand, had already opened the iron gate, and walked in with a full face of guard.

When you look at it, you can see that the shallot vegetable garden is a mess, and the rest of the entire vegetable garden also has obvious traces of human abuse.

Not only eating indiscriminately, but also trampling indiscriminately!
Immediately, Li Xuan's eyes turned red and his heart was bleeding.

"I'm sorry, who did it?"

As he spoke, he looked around, and Li Xuan's eyes couldn't help but stare closely at the two Zhengxiang Li Yuanchang and Li You who were sleeping in the corner.

Even, the mouth still babbles from time to time.

The more you look at it, the more anger grows in your heart.

"Naughty animal! How dare you ruin my vegetable garden like this..."

In the end, I couldn't hold back anymore and just kicked over.

Li Yuanchang and Li You, who were sleeping soundly, suddenly felt dizzy.

Immediately, the whole person's mind froze, and his whole body was in severe pain.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Li Xuan with angry eyes. Combined with the positions of the two of them, he didn't understand that his two dignified princes were beaten up in this small mountain village!
Was beaten?


"It's a terrible death to spoil the vegetable garden like this!"

At this moment, Cheng Chusi and Li Chongyi, who followed in, also discovered that the vegetable garden that they had carefully cared for for many days had been so ruined, they were all full of anger, and walked towards Li Yuanchang and Li You aggressively , and cursed with a dirty face.

"Whose evil beast are you waiting for, to spoil your master's vegetable garden?"

"Dog bastard, are you getting impatient..."

This time, these two people had been kicked by Li Xuan with disheveled hair. Although they looked familiar, Li Chongyi and the others did not recognize them.

After all, they are very familiar with the playboys in Chang'an City.

"You bastard, you insult me ​​like this?"

Seeing Li Chongyi and the others coming over, Li Yuanchang and Li You came to their senses, but they gained confidence, stood up directly, and stared at Li Xuan and Li Chongyi.

"Do you want to rebel?"

"Especially you, the dog Dingxi, who beat the prince for no reason. If you don't give me an explanation today, I will surely slaughter you and the entire Li Family Village. Even if Li Xiaogong, the king of Hejian County, comes, I can't stop me!"

"King Lu!"

"King Yan?"

As for Li Chongyi and Cheng Chusi who saw the real faces of the two little thieves, they were all taken aback, and their faces were full of shock.

The anger in my heart dissipated immediately.

It turns out that these are two bastards!
Now it's a big deal!
Thinking about it, several people quickly looked at Li Chengqian behind him.

No matter what, the master beat the current prince and prince, it is a crime of treason.

Only Li Chengqian can save Master!
As for how Li Yuanchang and Li You were injured, they didn't care.Anyway, they are all bastards, even if they are beaten to death, not only will they not be sad, but they can dance happily to cheer up.

"Uncle Lu, Li You, why are you two here?"

Li Chengqian glared at Li Yuanchang and Li You with an angry expression on his face, and at the same time had a headache.

"Also, why do you want to spoil Master's vegetable garden like this? Do you know how much effort Master and I have spent on this vegetable garden?"

"His Royal Highness, are you trying to favor this person?"

Li Yuanchang glanced at Li Chengqian angrily, and said angrily: "What is a mere vegetable garden, even if such a whole vegetable garden is not as important as a single hair of my king, if the vegetable garden is destroyed, I will just pay compensation.

However, this person is so bold that he dared to beat me and Li You, he deserves death.Even if this king is dissatisfied, hehe, the entire Li Family Village will be punished..."

Before Li Yuanchang finished speaking, he was kicked out by Li Xuan again.

This time, more ruthless.

The whole face, facing the ground directly, scratched a large area on the ground.

Originally, after learning that he was beating up two princes, Li Xuan was shocked.

Unexpectedly, these two little beasts were so arrogant, Li Xuan couldn't bear it anymore.

"Naughty beast, the vegetable garden is not as good as a single hair of yours?"

"My master really told you today that your humble life is not enough to compensate me for one vegetable seedling!"

As he said that, Li Xuan kicked Li You, who was already sluggish, and screamed twice. Li You directly smashed Li Yuanchang, who had just got up, to the ground again.

"Wait a minute, master!"

"Master, calm down!"

Li Chengqian and Li Chongyi, who came back to their senses, turned pale and quickly stopped in front of Li Xuan.

Although Li Yuanchang and Li You, no matter how stupid they are on weekdays, they are both Princes of the Tang Dynasty with respected status.

Anyone who is injured, someone will die because of it, and like Li Xuan, it is really His Majesty who will not forgive him!
"Madman! Dog bastard..."

"Li Chongyi, Cheng Chusi, you bastards, how dare you watch this person humiliate and beat us like this, are you afraid that His Majesty will commit crimes?"

Li Yuanchang bared his teeth, with blood on his face, and said viciously.

"It's so stubborn, you beast!"

Seeing this, anger welled up in Li Xuan's heart again.

With a slight flick of both hands, Cheng Chusi and the others were thrown aside.

Afterwards, under the horrified gazes of Li Yuanchang and Li You, Li Xuan grabbed one with each hand and walked out.

"My master is going to teach these two bastards a lesson today, so you water my vegetable garden well!"

After all, Li Xuan directly took Li Yuanchang and Li You back to the courtyard regardless of Li Yuanchang and Li You who were constantly struggling and cursing.

In the vegetable garden, Li Chongyi and Li Chengqian couldn't help but look at each other with horror on their faces.

They have never encountered such a thing.

"Li Chongyi, hurry back to the city and report this matter to His Majesty and King Hejian!
Cheng Chusi, Yuchi Baolin, Cousin, Fang Yizhi, Du Gou, you come with me, look at the master, you can't let the master beat Lu Wang and Li You anymore, otherwise this matter will be more difficult to end! "

Li Chengqian said anxiously.

Now, it is already difficult to end!
Li Chongyi and the others all had wry smiles on their faces.

Immediately, several people rushed out of the vegetable garden and ran outside.

And this time, Li Xuan had already carried Li Yuanchang and Li You back to the side room in the small courtyard, and found four hemp ropes.

Then, he stepped on one with one foot, and held the other tightly tied with hemp rope in the other hand.

By the time Li Chengqian and the others arrived, Li Xuan had already tied up Li Yuanchang (refer to the rope application art).

"Asshole, this king is the fifth prince of the current dynasty, you treat me like this, are you really going to rebel?"

"Damn villager, dog bastard, this king tells you that you are finished, and everyone in the Li Family Village is finished! When the guards of this king's mansion arrive, they will cut you into pieces!"

Li Yuanchang and Li You, who had been cursing angrily, saw Cheng Chusi and the others arriving, and they cursed even more vigorously.

"Cheng Chusi, Yuchi Baolin, what are you waiting for, why don't you take this person down quickly?"

"Wait and watch this king get beaten, and you will become accomplices too!"


Hearing this, Cheng Chusi, Li Chengqian and the others immediately looked at the furious Li Xuan, begging.

"Go away, my master will beat these two evil beasts to death today!"

As he said that, Li Xuan picked up another hemp rope in his hands, carried Li Yuanchang and Li You who were still cursing, and walked out.

Come to the big tree in front of the gate.

On a branch, there is one hanging!
Afterwards, after looking around, Li Xuan nodded in satisfaction. After reading so many tutorials in his previous life, he finally used them this time!
It's just a pity that it was used on two little beasts!

(End of this chapter)

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