Li Shimin

Chapter 118 yesterday's cause, today's fruit

Chapter 118 yesterday's cause, today's fruit

As he said that, Li Shimin noticed that Li Chengqian, who was still standing in the corner with a face full of embarrassment, stared at him.

"What are you still doing here, you bastard?"

"Ah?...Aye, I'm leaving now, baby!"

Li Chengqian was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly bowed to leave, and walked quickly to the East Palace.

What happened today really shocked his little heart.

In particular, the wife who seemed to be not a few years older than him turned out to be his third uncle Wei Wang, the God of War of the Tang Dynasty, Li Xuanba, who had passed away more than ten years earlier!
As for Chenxi Palace, after returning with Li You, Concubine Yinde asked about the affairs in Lijiazhuang with a gloomy face.

However, after hearing that the early dead Wei Wang Li Xuanba, especially the Supreme Emperor, also got involved, they stopped talking immediately.

Li You was even not allowed to seek revenge.

However, even if Concubine Yinde didn't tell her, Li You wouldn't go out of her way to get a beating.

At the same time, Chang'an City is not peaceful tonight.

In the afternoon, two consecutive teams of black and iron-armored imperial guards ran out of Chang'an City aggressively, and did not rush back until evening, just before the curfew.

Therefore, although the curfew has been imposed outside those neighborhoods for a long time, the taverns and even the teahouses in each neighborhood are still full of gossiping people.

But in Ganlu Hall, Li Shimin was still full of excitement and told the story of the afternoon with Empress Changsun. He talked about how brave Li Xuanba was when he was a child, and how eloquent he was!


Early the next morning.

Before Li Chengqian got up, he was knocked on the door outside.

"Who, started knocking on the door this early in the morning?"

Li Chengqian felt sore all over, opened his eyes vigorously, and asked the maid who was standing by.

"Your Highness, wait a moment, this servant will go and have a look!"

The maid stood up in panic, bowed to Li Chengqian, and opened the door quickly.


This, as soon as he opened a small gap, he was shocked when he saw the person outside the door.

Hastily opened the entire hall door wide, and directly knelt on the ground.

"Slaves see the Supreme Emperor!"

Call ~
At the same time, a gust of cool wind blew in directly, making Li Chengqian, who was still lying on the bed, shiver all over.

However, after hearing the maid's voice, he didn't care about the cold, and sat up with a bang.

Seeing the face of the person outside the door, his face changed drastically.


Said, also looked outside the house.

It was gray and the sky was still dark.

Li Yuan stood outside the door and glanced into the hall. With his hands behind his back, he walked in with confidence.

However, looking at Li Chengqian who was still under the covers, his face was full of disgust.

"Aren't you going to Lijiazhuang to study today? Why don't you get up?"

"Grandpa Huang, why did you come so early? It's not even dawn yet!"

The old man was standing in front of the bed, Li Chengqian didn't dare to delay, he quickly got up from the bed, and was dressed and washed by the maid at the side.

"Hmph, the palace gate has been open for almost a quarter of an hour, is it still early? The old man waited for a long time before running over. I didn't expect you to be so tired!"

After Li Chengqian finished cleaning up, Li Yuan sat up directly from the sofa beside him and went out.

"Quicker for the old man, the old man has to go to Lijiazhuang!"

"Yes, Grandpa Huang!"

After hearing this, Li Chengqian didn't dare to delay, took a piece of pancake from the palace, and quickly followed Li Yuan to Li's Village.

After leaving the palace, seeing the emptiness outside the palace gate, Li Chengqian said cautiously.

"Grandfather, and Cheng Chusi and the others!"

"These bastards are going too?"

Li Yuan was startled.

"Exactly, they are all masters too... No, they are third uncle's disciples!"

"Hmph, what kind of bastard did Xuan Ba ​​accept?"

Li Yuan snorted coldly, and urged the coachman to go to Li's Village.

Seeing this, Li Chengqian sighed secretly in his heart, hoping that Cheng Chusi's idiots would run to Lijiazhuang by themselves if they couldn't wait for him.

After half an hour.

It was already bright, and Li Chengqian brought Li Yuan to the outside of Li Xuanyuan.

From a distance, I could see that there were two imperial guards standing guard outside the courtyard.

Seeing Li Yuan and Li Chengqian approaching, the two guards hurriedly saluted.

"See the Supreme Emperor, join His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

"Is Xuanba at home?"

Li Yuan nodded slightly, then asked.

The two imperial guards were taken aback for a moment, and then looked at the main room with embarrassment.

Seeing this, Li Yuan looked cold, "What is the old man asking you?"

"Grandpa Huang, don't embarrass them, Third Uncle probably hasn't woken up yet!"

On the side, Li Chengqian said quickly.


Li Yuan was startled, turned his head and glanced at the two guards beside him, and then looked up at the sun which had already risen in mid-air.

"It's almost morning sun, and Xuan Ba ​​hasn't gotten up yet?"


Li Chengqian also nodded with a weird face, and Li Xuan was also the laziest one he had ever seen!
"The old man doesn't believe it!"

Li Yuan snorted coldly, then pushed open the courtyard door and walked in.

"Xuan Ba, Xuan Ba, are you at home?..."

"Who is it, the early morning wake-up call!"

After a few times, there was an obviously agitated voice coming from inside the house.

Then, come over for a while, followed by a creak.

The main house door was opened.

Li Xuan, who showed a sleepy face, looked at Li Yuan and Li Chengqian, who were standing in the courtyard with strange expressions, and couldn't help being startled.

Immediately, he sighed helplessly.

The cause of yesterday, the fruit of today.

Unexpectedly, after exposing himself to this person yesterday, he would suffer such a bitter fruit early this morning.

"How long is it, why are you here so early?"


Li Yuan was stunned, and looked at the sun in the sky with some self-doubt, confirming that it was early in the morning!
"The sun is already so high, why haven't you gotten up yet? You're even more tired than Gao Ming!"

"Early in the morning is a good time to have sweet dreams. You are getting older and sleep less. It is normal to not understand the comfort of sleeping in the early morning!"

Li Xuan grumbled helplessly, no matter what he said, Li Yuan, whose beard was trembling with anger, turned around and walked into the room, ready to wash up.

Then, when he thought of something, he shouted directly: "Gao Ming, since you are the first to come, go to the fire, steam a steamed bun, make a rice soup, and make some breakfast!"

"Yes, third uncle!"

Li Chengqian quickly replied.

Immediately, he stood up and walked to the kitchen next door.

During these days, Li Chengqian also followed Li Xuan and learned to cook.

"What third uncle? Who is your third uncle, call me Master!"

Inside the house, Li Xuan shouted.

"Yes, Master!"

Li Chengqian quickly changed his words.


Hearing this, Li Xuan began to work on his own.

After washing up, he started to swing the two big hammers again, moving his bones freely.

And Li Yuan stared at Li Xuan for a while, then went into the kitchen, stared at Li Chengqian who was cooking for a while, and muttered a few words in a low voice.

"The gentleman is far away from the kitchen. I never thought that the majestic prince of the Tang Dynasty would come into the kitchen to cook..."

Then, he shook his head helplessly and walked out.

"Xuanba, do you need to water the vegetables in the vegetable garden in the morning? I am a little worried and want to go and have a look!"

"No need to water, just once a day!"

Li Xuan replied, "If you want to see it yourself, as long as you don't mess with the vegetables or step on the vegetable seedlings!"

"You can rest assured about this, the old man is not the two evil animals yesterday!"

Li Yuan snorted coldly, and walked towards the glass shed with his hands behind his back.

And around the glass shed, there is also a circle of imperial guards standing, guarding the whole glass shed to death!


 Thanks to Fengrenkun Chicago boss for the huge reward, chicken legs can be added tomorrow!

  I just finished coding, and after thinking about it, I still don’t know the timing.

  Today, there is a high probability that there will be no update!

(End of this chapter)

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