Li Shimin

Chapter 123 The Lively Li Family Village

Chapter 123 The Lively Li Family Village (Third Watch)
After half an hour.

Some passers-by passing by Qinrenfang saw a small door suddenly opened at the side door of King Lu's palace.

Immediately, two palace guards threw out a handsome young man covered in blood.

Thinking back to the voice they just heard, all the passers-by couldn't help but think of an unbearable picture in their minds.

However, soon, as a carriage stopped beside the young man, two servants came down and carried the young man into the carriage in a panic, all of them looked away reluctantly.

Since two years ago, in the past two years, in the city of Chang'an, such imaginative things have rarely happened.

In particular, it is a big melon between a prince and a son of a family!

However, what these people didn't know was that the carriage that had just left in a hurry from the gate of King Lu's Mansion had just left the room, and after passing through a few rooms, it was suddenly hit by a passing carriage and crashed into the ditch on the side of the road unexpectedly Inside.

The sewer ditch in Chang'an City was about ten feet wide and almost ten feet deep. The entire carriage rushed into it and broke directly in the middle.

As for the people in the carriage, they don't know.

However, the out-of-control carriage that hit the carriage turned pale with fright when it saw that it had hit the carriage of a rich family, and fled directly to the outside of Chang'an City without a trace.

As for these things that happened in Chang'an City, Li Xuan didn't know, and was still concentrating on tidying up his small courtyard.

In this era, the winter in Guanzhong was very cold.

The coldest can reach minus [-] degrees, and you can freeze your feet and hands when you go out!

Last winter, Li Xuan's feet were frozen once, and the soles of his feet were itchy for a whole month before getting better.

This year, Li Xuan will never make the mistakes of last year again.

Started getting ready early.

Therefore, when Li Shimin brought Empress Changsun, as well as Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, Li Jing, Qin Qiong and others, they came to Lijiazhuang.

I just saw a look of enthusiasm.

In such a cold weather, there are hundreds of old farmers, including many veterans, who are plowing the fields.

"Your Majesty, is this...?"

Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and others all looked at Li Shimin with doubts on their faces.

It's winter soon, and Lijiazhuang is plowing the land?

Seeing this, Li Shimin was startled, and then remembered what Li Wei reported to him yesterday.

Taishanghuang followed Sanlang's suggestion and summoned hundreds of veterans from the surrounding Zhuangzi to build a glass shed in Lijiazhuang.

"Don't be suspicious, these old farmers are plowing the land!"

Li Shimin said slowly.

"Really cultivated land?"

This time, Fang Xuanling couldn't bear it directly, and jumped out directly.

"Your Majesty, if you cultivate the fields in such weather, isn't it a waste of vitality in the land?"

"Dare to ask Your Majesty, but who ordered this matter?" Changsun Wuji asked Li Shimin, still retaining some sense.

"This matter is the order of the Supreme Emperor!"

I knew this was the case, Li Shimin explained slowly.

"You don't need to be too impatient, you will know the truth of this matter in a while!"

With that said, Li Shimin walked forward directly.

Behind him, Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji and others looked at each other, a trace of helplessness flashed in their eyes, and hurriedly followed.

Thinking that the Supreme Emperor was also here, they felt uncomfortable.

However, no matter how unwilling they were, after walking for a while, they followed behind Li Shimin and came to a small courtyard.

Just in time, I saw my boys in the courtyard, holding various objects in their hands, following a familiar figure, running around, very busy.

And in the middle of the courtyard, there was still an old figure standing, it was the one they least wanted to see, the Supreme Emperor Li Yuan.

"The child has met the emperor!" "The concubine has met the emperor!"

"My minister has seen the Supreme Emperor..."

Regardless of their curious faces, several people straightened up their expressions and hurried forward to salute.


For this group of accomplices who planned to kill his two sons, Li Yuan naturally didn't have any good looks.

Therefore, he just nodded to Empress Changsun, then turned his head again, and looked worriedly at Li Xuan and Li Chengqian who were assembling a large iron stove.

"Didn't go in, it was crooked, alas, Cheng family bastard, you idiot, go a little higher!"

"Fang family beast, you didn't eat this morning, your hands are so weak, hold on tight, don't let them wobble!"

"There is also the Du family's evil beast, what are you running around..."

In an instant, Li Yuan scolded Cheng Chusi, Fang Yizhi and others inside and outside the house one by one.

Behind them, Cheng Zhijie, Fang Xuanling and the others could only lower their heads with embarrassment.

At the same time, I secretly regretted that I really shouldn't be here today!

Inside the house, seeing Li Shimin and a bunch of people crowding into his small courtyard, Li Xuan also saw it.

However, I was busy installing the iron stove, so I didn't go out to meet him.

Hearing old man Li's angry scolding with ulterior motives, Li Xuan just gloated in his eyes, and didn't take the initiative to go out to pay attention.

Let you have nothing to do all day, take this and that to my house!
A quarter of an hour later.

The installation of the two large iron furnaces in the house was completed.

"Li Xuan met His Majesty!"

Li Xuan saluted Li Shimin.


Seeing this, Li Shimin's face flashed with embarrassment, and he quickly apologized.

"Xuanba, why do you have to be so polite in front of Second Brother? Second Brother deliberately concealed his identity from you before, just to avoid these hypocrisy!"

"Besides, the second brother didn't expect that it was really you!"

As she said that, she seemed to realize something, and quickly pointed to Empress Changsun beside her, and introduced to Li Xuan: "Second brother has forgotten, you can't remember what happened before. This is your sister-in-law, Guanyin's maidservant!"

"Meet my sister-in-law!"

Li Xuan was startled, and hurriedly bowed to Empress Changsun.

"Sure enough, Saburo, I have really suffered for you these few years!"

This time, seeing Li Xuan who looked exactly the same as before, Empress Changsun was also full of astonishment.

However, fortunately, Li Shimin said in advance that it was acceptable.

As for Changsun Wuji and Fang Xuanling, they stared at Li Xuan, their eyes almost protruding.

"Xuanba, this is Changsun Wuji, Aye of Changsun Chong; this is Fang Xuanling, Aye of Fang Yizhi..."

Then, Li Shimin introduced them one by one.

To these people, Li Xuandu just bowed politely.

Anyway, he doesn't know any of these people well, and he won't have too many contacts in the future!

However, Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling and others faced Li Xuan with respect.

In their eyes, Li Xuan was not only the wife of their son, but also the god of war in the Tang Dynasty, and perhaps the most powerful prince!

After going through the tedious etiquette, Li Xuan could sit on the sofa peacefully and take a breath.

"I'm sorry, the house is small, so I can only wrong you for the time being!"

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Changsun Wuji and the others standing in a row could only look at Li Xuan, Li Yuan and the others sitting on the sofa, talking repeatedly.

"Dare to ask Saburo, when I came here, I saw many farmers in the village farming in the fields. I don't know why?"

Immediately, Fang Xuanling couldn't bear it anymore and asked.

"This matter is an order from the old man. I don't know what's wrong with Zhongshu's order?"

Before Li Xuan could explain, Li Yuan on the side asked suspiciously.

"The Supreme Emperor misunderstood, but I have never heard of farming in winter, so my heart is full of doubts!" ​​Fang Xuanling replied hastily.

"Hmph, this is because you are ignorant!"

Li Yuan snorted coldly, "I want to know what the old man is going to cultivate, so I asked you to wait for the bastards at home and take you to have a look!"


Hearing this, Fang Xuanling secretly glanced at Li Shimin and nodded quickly.


 March [-]th!

  Let's work hard and stay up late for one more chapter! !

  Yesterday, who said to give tickets? (*@ο@*)
  ~([email protected][email protected]=)?

  Ask for a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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