Li Shimin

Chapter 143 Yea is the most stingy!

Chapter 143 Yea is the most stingy!

And this time, some of the Wang family's children also quickly recognized the reality, and looked at Li Xuan with eyes full of fear. As the first Wang family's child opened his mouth to beg for mercy, soon all the Wang's children who were still fighting against the enemy, They also quickly began to confess.

"My lord, this matter has nothing to do with me. I don't know about the snatching of the iron furnace. I was just called to watch the excitement!"

"Huh? Are you just watching the fun?"


"Watch the excitement and go away..."

"What about you?"

"I was also deceived by Wang Shen!"

"That means you are also involved, and you can be relieved by whipping you twice!"

"You bastard!"

"Huh? If you don't accept it, then give me a few more lashes..."

Seeing that fewer and fewer people were hanging around and being whipped together, Wang Shen rolled his eyes and quickly shouted: "I was also deceived!"

"Bah, you bastard, how dare you lie to me!"


"Who do you think Yeye is looking for today?"

"Yeah that poor vegetable garden!"

"Yeah, poor cucumber, it hasn't even grown up yet!"

"Yeah, my heart hurts..."

The more he said, the more miserable Li Xuan's expression became.

Whip after whip, Wang Shen gritted his teeth and screamed. The children of the Wang family looked at him, the corners of their eyes twitched, and their bodies trembled.

"Your Highness, this...Where is King Zhao's vegetable garden?"

On the side, Wang Gui also saw his eyelids twitching, and asked Li Chengqian curiously.

"Master built a vegetable garden with glass in Lijiazhuang, which can grow vegetables in winter!" Li Chengqian replied proudly.

"How is it possible to grow vegetables in winter?"

Wang Gui and Wang Hui were shocked, their faces full of disbelief.

"Why not?"

Li Chengqian sneered, "Now the cucumbers in Master's vegetable garden have grown several rounds, I wait for one a day, it tastes tender and sweet!"

At the same time, Cheng Chusi and the others in the back also nodded in agreement, and even opened their mouths, their faces full of intoxication.

Seeing this, Wang Gui and Wang Hui were surprised and suspicious, "However, how can we grow vegetables in such a severe winter?"

"Stupid, otherwise, why would Shao Fujian forge a large iron furnace?"

Li Chengqian looked at the mentally handicapped, which surprised Wang Gui and Wang Hui.

"Your Highness, do you mean that the iron stove can assist in growing vegetables?"

"As it is!"

Li Chengqian nodded slowly, looking at Wang Shen who was being beaten, with resentment on his face.

"It's hateful that the Wang family, Wang Shen, has made trouble twice. The first time he destroyed half of the vegetable seedlings in the vegetable garden of the Master. This time, he even snatched the iron stove used for the vegetable greenhouse in public!

This crime is even more serious than killing the whole family of the master and showing the knife to the widow! "

"Your Highness, forgive me, this evil person has made such a big mistake, we will definitely punish him severely!"

Wang Gui and Wang Hui hurriedly bowed their hands in fear.

At the same time, the gaze towards Li Xuan was even more profound!
With supernatural power, he is invincible in the world.

Now, being able to grow vegetables in winter again, this kind of merit and the great contribution of all people in the world, I am afraid that no one dares to provoke it easily!

At the same time, Wang Zijie and other Wang family disciples, who had also been whipped a few times, were also full of remorse, looking at Wang Shen with annoyed look in their eyes.

Can grow vegetables in winter, such a great sage!
This bastard Wang Shen dared to confuse them and made such a big mistake!
"Your Highness, the magic of the gods to grow vegetables in winter is really unimaginable. I wonder if we have this honor. Can you visit it?" Wang Gui said hastily.

"Exactly, Your Majesty, if this method is really passed on to the world, it will be comparable to the living saint Nong!"

Wang Hui's eyes flickered as well, and he said repeatedly.

"This matter, father and grandfather have their own arrangements!"

Li Chengqian glanced at the two of them, and replied quietly.

"As for visiting the glass greenhouse?"

"Master doesn't like outsiders entering his glass greenhouses, but Grandpa Huang also built hundreds of glass greenhouses in Lijiazhuang. After a while, the vegetables in those greenhouses should be edible!

At that time, according to what the Master said, some people can go in to visit and pick vegetables! "

Hearing this, Wang Hui and Wang Gui were immediately excited.

Staring at Li Chengqian closely, his face was full of anticipation.

"Your Highness, this statement is serious. I don't know when those vegetables will be ripe, and when will I be able to enter?"

"I only heard about this incident when I was listening to my master chatting with the emperor's grandfather. As for when the vegetables will be ripe, I don't know!"

Li Chengqian turned his head and glanced at Wang Gui and Wang Hui with an inexplicable expression.

"However, I don't know whether the two of you can go in. After all, from the construction of Master's glass shed to the present, the Wang family has annoyed Master twice in a row. Even this time, they directly forced Master to smash into Wang's other courtyard."

Wang Gui and Wang Hui's faces darkened, and they hurriedly said: "Your Highness, but those are not the glass sheds of the Supreme Emperor?"

"But Grandpa Huang listens to Master most!" Li Chengqian laughed.


After hearing this, Wang Gui and Wang Hui paused, thought for a moment, looked at Wang Shen who was screaming, and quickly said, "Your Highness, I don't know what my Wang family can do to eliminate this person's anger!"

"I don't even know!"

Li Chengqian sighed softly and shook his head slowly.

And at this moment, Li Xuan just let out the suffocation in his heart.

Leaving behind Wang Shen, who was covered in blood, he walked over with a face full of comfort.

"Gao Ming, back to Li's Village!"


Li Chengqian nodded quickly.

"Cheng Chusi, bring the iron stove, I'll go!"

"Yes, Master!"

Cheng Chusi and Yuchi Baolin quickly took the iron stove, followed Li Xuan and went out.

"Li...His Royal Highness King Zhao!"

Wang Hui quickly saluted Li Xuan.

"Who are you?"

Li Xuan glanced at Wang Hui suspiciously, and then waved his hands again and again.

"Forget it, the name is not important, I don't know you, don't stop me, I have to go home! However, if you want to fight, you can come to Lijiazhuang to find me, but it's best not to make small moves behind your back , your family is the most stingy, be careful to beat you into a pulp!"

After finishing speaking, he took two golden hammers for beating drums and went out.


Being so ignored by Li Xuan, Wang Hui looked annoyed, but he didn't dare to get angry.

"Brother, don't be annoyed, this one is just so muddled!"

Wang Gui hurriedly advised.

Wang Hui looked anxious, "But, what about the glass greenhouse that can grow vegetables in winter?"

"Brother, this matter needs to be discussed in a long-term manner. Don't be in a hurry. Wait until tomorrow, when I go to the palace to meet His Majesty, and then I will talk about it!" Wang Gui said.

"This statement is reasonable, please leave this matter!"

Wang Hui was very polite.

"There is no need for a family to talk about two things, just leave this matter to my younger brother!"

Wang Gui quickly replied politely.

Hearing this, Wang Hui also nodded in satisfaction.

This is the advantage of their thousand-year-old families. Even today's saints must carefully consider them.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but look back at Wang Shen who was still hanging under the roof beam, a glint of sullenness flashed in his eyes.

"If that person's anger still persists, you can hand over this evil obstacle!"

"Brother can't!"

"However, growing vegetables in winter is too important. My Wang family must master this fairy art before the Cui, Lu, and Zheng families do!"

"Hey, who would have thought that after the overlord died, he could be resurrected again!"

"Huh? Wait..."

Suddenly, Wang Gui didn't know what to think of, and looked at Wang Hui firmly.


 The crown prince of the Tang Dynasty was often referred to as "Lang Jun" by people around him; while princes and kings sometimes called themselves "widows". This can be seen from the dialogue between Shunzong and Wang Shuwen when he was the prince. In "The Biography of Yongwanglin", Yongwang said: "The widow belongs to the emperor, and the emperor is friendly to him";

(End of this chapter)

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