Li Shimin

Chapter 151

Chapter 151


The next day, a piece of news spread in the residences of the major families, dignitaries, and officials in Chang'an City, which directly shocked all the dignitaries and officials of the aristocratic families, and they couldn't sit still anymore.

Over the past few days, the Supreme Emperor Li Yuan has been running to Lijiazhuang. He actually built a lot of glass houses with glass in Lijiazhuang. Moreover, the inside of these glass houses is as warm as summer, and they are full of vegetables, just like a fairyland.

The most important thing is that the vegetables inside have grown up and can be picked and eaten.

"Old man Cheng, are all the news from Chang'an City true?"

After the early court, some generals who were familiar with Cheng Zhijie directly surrounded Cheng Zhijie's big mouth.

"what news?"

"Is it the matter of the Supreme Emperor planting vegetables in winter?"

"Moreover, it's still in a house made entirely of glass sheds, and it's very warm inside..."

"Old man Cheng, why aren't you surprised at all?"

After talking for a long time, these veterans suddenly realized that Cheng Zhijie, who was always the most easily excited, had a calm expression on his face.

"Why should you be surprised?"

"That's a vegetable grown in winter. According to legend, these vegetables are grown by means of immortals. After eating, they can enhance the kung fu on the bed, and women who eat them can beautify their skin!"

An old man with an extremely wretched appearance was drooling while talking excitedly.

"The old man eats it every day, why didn't he find those effects? Could it be that the old man has supernatural powers, and the effects of those vegetables have no effect on the old man?"

After finishing speaking in a low voice, Cheng Zhijie lowered his head and looked around, his face full of complacency, making all the old men around want to smash the stinky face in front of him.

"Bah, you old bastard, how can you have such an old face to say this, there are only eighteen wives in my husband's family, and there is only one in your family..."

"Huh? Old man Cheng, you said you have eaten it?"

"Naturally, this old man stepped on dog shit, that bastard Cheng Chusi had the opportunity to be like the prince, and he joined the master of Li Family Manor, so he naturally had the opportunity to bring back some vegetables! "

"I see!"

After listening, everyone looked at Cheng Zhijie with disdain.

"Tsk, why does the old man need that naughty son to bring to the old man, the old man is hungry, so go directly to the backyard of the house and pick some at random, and eat it!"

As he spoke, Cheng Zhijie raised his head with a proud expression on his face.

"However, what you all said is very reasonable. The vegetables grown in the glass greenhouse are really crispy, tender and sweet!"


"You old man also grows vegetables in your backyard?"

"How is it possible, are you an old man trying to deceive this old man?"

All the veterans were full of doubts.

"Hmph, you old bastards don't believe it!"

Cheng Zhijie said: "The old man, Hejian County King, Da Heitan and others have built glass greenhouses. If you want to eat vegetables, you can grow them yourself. Why do you need to eat other people's homes?"

"It's true, didn't you just lie to me?"

"You old man, when did this old man deceive you?"

Pooh!When did you pass by once, old man?
In everyone's mind, they spat hard at Cheng Zhijie, who had never been shameless before him.

Immediately, he directly set up Cheng Zhijie and hurried to Cheng's mansion.

A quarter of an hour later.

A group of generals looked shocked at the whole glass house in front of them.

"You old man is really willing, a piece of glass is the usual money, how much does such a big glass house cost?"

However, these are a group of generals with a big heart. After a long while of surprise, they opened the small door on the side and got in.


In an instant, all the generals stared at the neat vegetable gardens in front of them.

"Old man Cheng, is this true?"


Cheng Zhijie sneered, picked a cucumber more than a foot long, stroked it with his hand, put it directly into his mouth, and began to bite.

"Can you really eat it?"

Seeing this, a group of veterans couldn't bear it any longer, and each of them put a stick in their mouths and began to bite.

"Old man, these are winter vegetables!"

Seeing that this group of veterans were also eating cucumbers, Cheng Zhijie was naturally distressed.

"It's winter vegetables, I know!"

"So sweet!"

"I didn't expect that someone could actually grow vegetables in winter!"

Seeing a group of veterans wreaking havoc in his vegetable garden, Cheng Zhijie looked remorseful.

I'm really delusional, why would you show off the glass greenhouse to these old thieves?

After suffering for a full half an hour, Cheng Zhijie sent the group of veterans out of the house with a sad face.Immediately, he quickly ran back into the glass greenhouse, looking at the vegetables that were obviously missing a lot, feeling extremely heartbroken.


At the same time, outside the Liangyi Hall, a group of ministers were already standing.

When the time was almost up, Li Shimin opened his mouth and let these ministers in.

"I have seen His Majesty!"

"Why don't you all do business in the government office, why do you all come to Liangyi Hall?"

After performing the etiquette, Li Shimin asked quietly.

"Return to Your Majesty, I will report a happy event to you!"

An old veteran said tremblingly to Li Shimin, cupping his hands.


Li Shimin showed curiosity, "I don't know what happened to make Mr. Xiao so excited?"

"Your Majesty, I have heard that the Supreme Emperor planted vegetables in a glass building in Lijiazhuang in the south of the city?"

"There is such a thing!"

Li Shimin nodded slowly.

"Your Majesty, is there really such a fairy method?"

After listening, all the ministers in the hall were full of surprises.

"Everyone come with me!"

After speaking, Li Shimin got up directly and went to the imperial garden.

Behind them, a group of ministers looked at each other and hurriedly followed.

A group of ministers followed Li Shimin to the imperial garden.

Suddenly, everyone was surprised.

In front of them was a house made of glass.

"Your Majesty, could it be that this glass room is..."

Xiao Yu asked with a happy face.


After finishing speaking, Li Shimin opened the side door of the glass shed, "Everyone can go in and have a look!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Immediately, all the ministers followed Li Shimin with happy faces and walked inside.

As for some officials who couldn't get in, after seeing the small walls on both sides of the shed, they quickly climbed up.

Seeing the scene inside through the glass, I was shocked.

In the large space inside, there are plants growing vegetables, which look fresh and delicious!

The expressions on the faces of the ministers wandering around in the greenhouse were even more shocking.

These are all vegetables grown in winter?

"This is the blessing of my Tang Dynasty!"

"Lucky for the community..."

"My Tang Dynasty also came out with a peasant saint..."

The ministers wandered around the one-acre vegetable garden for an hour before they walked out under Li Shimin's urging with a full face of reluctance.

However, fortunately, Li Shimin informed that there are more than 200 glass sheds of the Supreme Emperor outside the city.After a few days, some ministers will be allowed to go to watch and pick.

Now, these ministers are all overjoyed.

Immediately, some ministers bid farewell to their colleagues in a hasty look and ran to the mansion.

Afterwards, the servants of the noble mansions rode horses with letters tightly nestled in their arms and galloped out of the city.

As for Wang Gui, Wang Hui and others, although their faces were full of depression, there was nothing they could do!

 The plot is a bit confused. I came back after finishing the discount in the afternoon and have been staying until now~~~
  Water~~~Water~~~It's still water!

(End of this chapter)

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